Hello Debibrown
I started this topic last year and began the Pro-1000. About 1 week ago I visited my clinic and had another blood draw. I was disappointed that my AST & Alt had gone up some. My Amylase actually came down about 23 u/l. They did not do another viral count as that is expensive to do and I'm going through the VA.
As far as my AST & ALT goes I was surprised to find that anyone that has had HCV will usually show an Elevated level that can be as much as 5 times the upper normal amount and still be considered slightly above normal. My AST was 143 and my ALT was 160. So I'm well within the 5 times category.
I did the Pro-1000 for three weeks. Since then I have been doing a 3-4 drop maintenance dose everyday. My schedule with work etc. does not allow me to do the Pro-1000 full time as I can not seem to keep from getting the nasty symptoms that force me into the bathroom in a hurry.
I will visit my Dr. tomorrow and one of my main questions will be what is considered to be a life threatening level with regard to AST & ALT, etc. The last thing I want is having to go thru the Interferon treatment and since I'm a type 1 it would be iffy at best.
I hope everyone reading this has success in their use of MMS.