Dear people, 2017
I used 2x certain period mms1 with mms2 for my Hepatitis B, I still have the virus in my blood.
By using mms1 (8-12 times a day) and mms2 (max. 1000 mg per day), my stomach and intestines have been damaged, my stomach has become weaker and injured with intestinal wall.
My stomach is a bit stronger and bowel wound is restored 100% I'm not yet, this week I carefully started taking mms1 3x there day 1 drop.
To get better every hour 3 drops or more and use 8 times or more per day has given me stomach and intestinal damage, I wanted to get better now have 2 additional serious health problems.
This formula discussed here is not correct, people who use this mms1 and mms2 handle it with care and DO NOT use it soberly. Never use with empty stomach.
In order to get rid of my Hepatitis B virus, mms1 is not the only means, there are dozens of other alternative products.
If I ever get rid of my virus, I'll write here how I did it.