Hello everyone,
I'll try to be brief.. I know maybe this topic Is not directly related to MMS, but I think this forum can be really helpful with all sort of physical problems..
Ive always had bruxism, since I can remember, and right now my teeth are very destroyed to say it in some way..
They've always been very yellow, I always thought it was becUse of the bruxism somehow.. dentists never really helped, only have me mouth guard..
I started Dr Ellie phillips system, thinking that my mouth was just unhealthy, and the problem was maybe my gums..
Anyway, I've realized not long ago, my enamel is almost non existent.. and that's the reason of my yellow teeth..
I surely have a problem with acidity, and with over the decades, with very poor diet regimen, my acidic saliva, and my blocked nose (which probably is the reason of my bruxism)
Well, my teeth suffered immensely..
I have started now a strict non acidic diet..
Just order the great oral health remineralizing tooth paste, that CLO2 mentioned In another post..
Have anyone heard or do Dr Ellie phillips system? I think it's focused mainly on prevention and not with eroded enamel..
Not sure if the products are doing me more good than bad (Listerine, ACT, Closys/Ultradex)
Because of the acidity..
Should I keep using it? Maybe just the ACT, which seems less acidic than the Listerine..
I probably suffer of Gerd.. bUT besides diet change, is there something to help this issue?
I'm also wondering if maybe taking doses of mms1 can be aggravating my. Problem with acidity.. or maybe can be helpful?
I have an appointment for surgery on the nose, so I can breath better, but besides that, don't. Know what else I can do.. I know enamel cannot completely recover, but I. Still young, and it's a big issue for me, so I'm just trying to do all I can to make my teeth not look so bad..