hello, be careful inhaling the gas could be toxic if you do not know what you are doing. it is very much advised to get specific info on that.
this is what I have read. so I would ingest 1 to 3 drops every hour for 10 hours to help your body get rid of the pneumonia.
CDS protocol H could be used I think. from Andreas Kalcker his website
Objective: To prevent contagions and respiratory infections, as well as to treat pulmonary conditions.
General Dosage: 30-50 ml of CDS (0.3% = 3000 ppm) in an open glass in the room.
This protocol is effective in preventing infection and treating pulmonary problems.
Supported by peer-reviewed scientific studies (Ogata et al.).
Place 30-50 ml of CDS (depending on the size of the room) undiluted in a dry, preferably opaque, glass in the room.
Efficacy is higher if the beaker is 1-2 meters away from the sick person.
In warmer environments, evaporation is faster.
The characteristic yellow color of CDS disappears with time and should be replaced when this occurs.
Avoid direct inhalation of CDS. (the gas is toxic if inhaled directly so MMS is also not to be inhaled directly, same gas in CDS and MMS)
Only experienced physicians may administer it under strict supervision of the patient, using minimal doses (2-3 drops of CDS) in an inhaler.
Inhalation in large quantities and in excess may cause serious respiratory problems by occupying the pulmonary alveoli.
In case of accident:
Use antioxidants and corticosteroids.
Full recovery occurs after 14 days.
Remember that protocol H is for room use and should not be inhaled directly by persons not experienced in its use.
check this post for CANADA