I'm thinking of buying this and want to know a good source for this item. It is also known as MMS2 and could be given to animals per Jim Humble's Health Recovery Guidebook, however it notes that it should be put into capsules.
I want to dose my kittens with this, but I already know that a kitten would not take a capsule. Most cats won't take capsules. I've found medication in capsules in the rug or behind furniture when I thought I had successfully dosed my cat. They are very good at pretending to take capsules and then spitting them out later. It's uncanny!
However, this could be something that I take. Which leads me back to the original question: where do you get your calcium hypochlorite. I searched online but I don't really know what percentage of the active ingredient is correct.
I found this one on Ebay:
I also have concerns about storing it since it is apparently very combustible if there is any kind of spark or flame.