Pattiq, I asked my friend TW for her response to your cold sore question. This is what she said: (A 'binder' PDF file is attached below.)
"Cold sores are really tricky because herpes hides out in the nerves. When we’re stressed, that’s when dormant viruses wake up, because stress lowers our immune system. Detoxing is stressful on the body. It’s taking toxins that are “safely” hidden away and bringing them out into the bloodstream for elimination. MMS1 and DMSO are killing pathogens, which is adding more toxins to the bloodstream…increasing the detox and increasing the stress. I wouldn’t discount either one of these for the treatment of cancer… I would just make sure that I was able to move the “junk” out during the detox.
So imo, the options would be either to push through it or cut my dose back so that my body can keep up with eliminating the toxins. Because it sounds like things are backing up a little bit.
If I were going to push through, this is what I would use to help me through it. Having daily enemas and/or regular bowel movements, utilizing binders, taking natural antiviral supplements (like licorice root, lysine, zinc and an ionophore, inositol (IP-6), allicin, etc.), getting plenty of healthy fluids, avoiding arginine rich foods, taking part in relaxing activities, utilizing anti-stress supplements, taking D3 and cofactors, strengthening my liver function, etc. All of these can directly or indirectly play a part in de-stressing and suppressing cold sore outbreaks."