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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 24 May 2024 09:44 #82493

  • meadow
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i've been taking mms for past few years, mostly every week, or sometimes two, as a preventative, 3-5drops/week..
but over past 2 months, i've been taking mms daily, every morning, 3 drops (sometimes 4)... as a deeper pathogen/toxin eliminator... and also in preparation for doing a deeper parasite cleanse with iver/fenben..

so, my question is regarding firstly, the confirmation that daily taking 3-4 drops of mms every morning is a healthful/recommended approach, for general wellnness/prevention/and clearing out? (i tend to have one day off in the week from my supplements, as well as mms).

2nd, if one is wanting to still take in vitamin c in ones daily routine, is this still conducive to good mms use? i take vitamin c at least 3 hour, usually 4 or more hours, after mms dose... and maybe again during day (from 1-5g day presently).. but varies..
keen to take more presently, as my hayfever has been present over past week or two, and higher dosing in vit C seems to be one of the best remedies for now.

aware vitamin C can stay in the body for a long period, so i wonder if this vitamin C being present throughout the day, will impact my morning mms dosage? maybe good to not take vitamin C too late, so give 18 or 20 hours for it to be used by the body, or excreted?

any pointers appreciated.

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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 24 May 2024 14:53 #82499

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A 3 drop dose of MMS1 can provide a 24 mg dose of CLO2 if the residual MMS in MMS1 is fully activated in stomach acid. 

I take 2ml of 3000ppm CDS first thing in the morning and that provides 6mg of CLO2 into an empty stomach. CLO2 gas passes through the stomach wall in just a few minutes. 

Your body can utilize about 200mg of Vitamin-C at one time and the rest is discarded through urine. You can take another 200mg of Vitamin-C a few hours later. Taking 1 gram of Vitamin-C is a waste of money as most of it will be peed out. See attached PDF file.  

Liposomal Vitamin-C is mostly absorbed by your body. Some claim that Lipo-C is as or more effective than IV-C. 

If I was fighting a serious disease with CLO2, I would probably not take Vitamin-C or coffee the same day. See attached PDF file about coffee. 

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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 25 May 2024 13:43 #82518

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ok great.
thanks a lot clo2.
i've downloaded the pdf on vitC, will stick on ereader and have a proper look. but seems to be a helpful read. not a coffee drinker, so other one of no use to me. but thanks.
may respond more after reading the doc, but initially, good to know about the 200mg. wasn't aware of that.. have seen that the more we take, the less in % of that, that we absorb.. but for sure, makes sense to take 200mg doses (i was on very high doses over past years, up to 30g or so at times (that was my main aid, when got that 'flu' that was going around), may have helped, get my loose stool bowel tolerance... was away from home, so had no mms or other supports, so high dose vitC was my 'go-to'...

and from what you shared about my 3 drop dose, taken daily, possibly giving me 24mg of clo2, if all the extra sodium chlorite (i assume that's what you're referring to?)... remember reading J.Humble saying that was one reason he prefers mms to clo2, due to the extra action that the sodium chlorite has in the body, that amount not converted to clo2... but i could be mistaken... you feel 3 drop daily is more than needed? lee merrit, who's been supporting regarding upcoming parasite purge said she upped her dosages to 10 drops/day IIRC (i could be wrong)... before starting purge... but 2 drop dose, would give me 18mg clo2 total, by your calcs?

but on that topic. i finally got my clo2 test strips.. so will be making my own clo2 very soon now. look forward to a more easeful, less horrid tasting daily dosage.. even though i have been using a quarter or so of apple juice over past months, as daily taken 3 drop mms straight would be too unappealing to me tbh... and great to confirm with test strips that apple juice and water was all good for preserving clo2 content. i do love verifying these things!
so, you like 6mg of clo2 per day, when taking CDS? i've not dived deep into CDS dosing, especially around daily preventative taking.. but will explore more.

thanks for the help. apologies for the wafty response. seem to like sharing on these topics.
all the best
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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 26 May 2024 12:44 #82526

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MMS1 dosing is usually for 8 consecutive hours, daily. If you are taking 3 drop hourly doses for 8 hours, that would be 24mg of CLO2 daily, if all the residual MMS is activated by stomach acid and elsewhere in the body. 

These liquid stevia drops improve the taste of MMS1 and do not reduce CLO2. You can add a few drops to each hourly dose. 


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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 26 May 2024 13:53 #82528

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ok. good to get the clarity on the dosing, that the 24mg was for 8 doses in a day, not the individual dose (im not so up on clo2 dosages TBH). i did the 21 day protocol when started out a few years ago, just once, not done since.. just been taking one dose every morning, 3 (sometimes 4) drops, in 1/2 cup water (for past months, before that only once/week or so).. so assume my one dose/day would give me 3mg clo2 (including extra made in stomach).. not a big deal for me right now, but just wanted to confirm.

thanks for tip on stevia.. i'd not thought of that. i in fact have my own stevia tincture that i made. id be happy to try that out too... but plan is to start on own cds soon, so hopefully won't be using mms1 for too much longer.

read the pdf. some great info in there. not been exploring vitC now for few years, but reminds me of all i learned from cathcart and others.. interesting how cathcart and other did lots of work with high dose vitC, up to 50g or 100g etc.. for serious cases.. albeit usually IV. but other 'experts' in the space also advocating high dose ascorbic acid, orally, taken to bowel tolerance, still of great benefit..
i guess what you're saying, is that it's just a 'waste', as you pee out/waste a lot, when taking more than 200mg in one go...
so, if wanted to actually take in and absorb 10g in a day for example, you may have to ingest 40 or 50g, maybe taken in 10 or so individual doses.. so, me taking 30g in one day for example, like 3g doses, i wonder how much actual vitC i'd be assimilating and utilising for each of those 3g doses (say taken every hour)? i'm just curious... as i've used VitC in the past, as main Hay fever support (reason i've been exploring again, as hayfever been at me past couple weeks again, somewhat).. and taking less vitC now, which could be reason having this reaction... but since your advice/reminder, i'm taking more smaller doses (may 3-500mg), say ever couple hours.. to see how it impacts my symptoms..
the vitC i'm using isn't so expensive, so financial 'waste' isn't a big deal... but like to be effective and efficient.. and if taking a 3-5g dose in one go of AA (asc acid), is only really yielding me 500mg, it seems rather ineffective way to try and treat self.

thanks for the support. sorry again about the long msg. but seems a good chance to voice these queries.. no expectation on response, only if feels good for u... im sure others that read this will be benefiting too.
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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 09 Jun 2024 06:35 #82638

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Is the bottle of SweetLeaf stevia drops you have, SteviaClear 'flavor'? 

SweetLeaf stevia drops are available in different flavors. 

We did not test all flavors, but some of them did reduce CLO2 content. 

SteviaClear flavor is the only one that did not reduce CLO2 content, of the flavors we tested. 

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Vitamin C taken/timing, while taking Daily morning MMS dose 10 Jun 2024 08:28 #82650

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ok. i've not yet tested my stevia... but will do soon.
i'm using my own stevia i made (is very easy, here's the website i followed. they go into depth into a few options, including gycerine and alcohol)... i did the alcohol, and heated it after to remove any alcohol in the tincture.
will make more soon.
i used dried stevia leaves from pack.. but if grow, can dry yourself, and use the whole leaves.

just felt to share. it's a great addition.
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