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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 03 Oct 2023 21:47 #80057

  • Mimisita
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Myself and a family member diligently took MMS daily, for consecutive 8 hours every day. We stopped all supplements and vitamins during this time. I am not on any RX meds. I carried the MMS to the beach and took it every hour ON THE BEACH for a week long trip. We did it by the book! I have osteoarthritis and was hoping for improvement/remedy for this. My other family member has diabetes. Months before starting MMS, we had already changed our diet to all organic, grass fed, free range foods and no sugar. We are both healthy and not overweight at all.  I have been walking 10 miles a day/5 days a week for months. I even tried the clay remedy in desperation. Yes i drank that stuff. I have to say there was absolutely no improvement in any area for either of us.  I even tried treating my dog internally and inside her ears for chronic ear issues to no avail. No one wanted this to work more than me. I recommended it to many friends before I completed the 6 weeks. I feel like I was scammed. I bought bottle kits and the book for others.  I hope they didn’t waste their time taking it. Its embarrassing. I am shocked to see the lengths that were used to scam people. Videos etc.   
Bottom line, I believe this is a scam. 
I recommend people go the natural health route and don’t get any vaccines for you or your family. Get a natural healing doctor and get off RX’s. 
God Bless

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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 04 Oct 2023 06:39 #80064

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Well, it's unfortunate that it didn't (seem to) work for you at all.
It is VERY rare that we get reports like that.
And equally so for non-human animals, as well.

And when we do, we can usually figure out what's going on and fix it.

Literally HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people, and almost everyone on this forum
over the years, will tell you that it is NOT a "scam" or anything of the sort.
Most people are deliriously happy about how well it works.
Its efficacy is unparalleled.
THAT is why there are so many videos, and testimonials, etc....

Unlike most other treatments and protocols, "MMS" almost always works,
almost always works very well, and almost always works for most health issues,

I understand your frustrations. I've had them myself, until I figured out what was
happening, and fixed it, then it began working like I expected it would, and should.
(like it had before for me, several years ago)

It is interesting that you apparently not only didn't get any relief for the things for which
you were taking it, but you also didn't receive any positive side-effects, or side-benefits.
Most people report something along the lines of, "Oh, and it also did this and that, as well."

Everyone is different, and some diseases and illnesses either take longer to ameliorate,
or require additional protocols, as noted in Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

It sounds like that is the source you used. More exacting detail would help to
help us help you. (you were detailed, yet vague, in your 'report')

Such as, did you use the Protocols in JH's book?
What products did you use and where did you get them?
What Protocols did you use? (you were 'suspiciously' vague there.
That is, most people report something like, "I did Protocol 1000 for 3 weeks,
doing 3 drops every hour for 8 hours. Then I did Protocol 1000+ with DMSO
for 2 weeks. Then I did the Bentonite Clay Protocol for a week.")
Did you progress to Protocol 1000+, incorporating DMSO?
(since you didn't mention this, I can only assume you did not)
Did you increase your number of drops higher than 3?
Did you consider going to Protocol 2000 using MMS2?
Did you come here and ask questions or raise concerns and get additional help
to try to figure out what was going on?

Did you avoid consuming any of the foods and liquids that can cause MMS to
not work, such as alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks,
tea (black, green and many herbal teas), milk, coconut water, orange juice,
tangerine juice, other citrus drinks, or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)?
And, if you did consume any of these, was it at least one to two hours before and after
the 8-hour dosing period?

It is also weird that you say you feel like you were "scammed".
Generally people pay less than about $50 for Jim's book and the products,
so, if, for whatever reason, the treatment(s) didn't work, that's an awful
small amount of money to claim "scam". That's a very negative response,
which can be understood, but only if you didn't receive help from someone
to try to work the problem and figure out how to fix it.

Some people take MMS for months. Some have to do the "Advanced Illness Protocols".
(that is, it is NOT (supposedly obviously) "guaranteed" to do ANYTHING in 3 weeks,
or 6 weeks, or ANY specified amount of time)

Were you "vaccinated" and/or Boosted for COVID-19?
There are suspicions and concerns that these can interfere with MMS.
(and that perhaps COVID itself can interfere after-the-fact)

Imo, your diet sounds less than optimal, and could actually exacerbate
your conditions. (both) Check out my suggestion for the optimal healthful diet
on my website, link below, which is health-promoting, especially for people
with your health issues. It is possible that the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle could
cure you by itself. But "MMS" tends to be better and faster.

If you want to try to figure out what is going on, there are several people here
who are more than willing to help you.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".
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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 04 Oct 2023 10:15 #80068

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Which 2 bottle kit did you buy? If you bought one that is sold to purify water, the SCS is very low concentration and will not work with Jim's or Andreas' protocols. 

When you were at the beach, did you keep the dosing bottle out of sunlight? UV light will destroy CLO2 quickly. 

Which protocols did you follow? Did you get to the maximum dosage for the protocols? 

Which book did you buy? 

If you have not seen this documentary  I suggest that you watch it and take the free course offered. 

I presume that you have read and watched many MMS and CDS testimonials. 

Please read the attached PDF file. 

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Last edit: by CLO2.

MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 05 Oct 2023 09:06 #80087

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MMS cured my hayfever and chronic acid reflux when nothing else did. I drink coffee and then borax right before I have the MMS. If it works for me while drinking coffee who knows what you are doing wrong. Maybe give what I am doing a try. The borax will be good for your condition anyway. 
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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 05 Oct 2023 13:00 #80088

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While I agree that knowing your exact protocol would be helpful in making recommendations, I am not one that would say MMS/CDS works for everything. Since you state you and your family are healthy, active and not over weight, then you may have a nutrient deficiency (possibly insulin resistant too) that would not be resolved by MMS unless the root cause was parasites etc. Even with parasites, MMS/DMSO does not work on all of them which is why Jim refers to another individual for parasites in his book. Nutrient deficiencies aren't always caused by parasites so it could just be years of not consuming enough vitamins/minerals or not getting enough sun. Your walks would give you some vitamin D but the research states that one's body needs to be mostly exposed, think bathing suits, and solar noon is the best time...what we have been told is the most dangerous. Most oral supplementation with vitamin D has proven to be ineffective because most is synthetic (not absorbable) and the blood level recommended by doctors is at least half of what it should be. Also, it is imperative to take K2 with vitamin D3, something most doctors don't know. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the US makes getting adequate sun impossible so supplementation is essential. Having osteoporosis, you probably already know all of that but getting a full panel to know your other nutrient/vitamin levels may be a good starting point. Most of us have an imbalance of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium which leads to a host of issues.

You mentioned you are cleaning up your food choices, that's wonderful. While I do think there is a place for a therapeutic vegan eating plan, long term it almost always leads to a nutrient deficiency. You are on the right track with clean sources, organic and grass-fed. Something to consider is dumping all grains, especially gluten. Dairy is another area that can create problems. Pasteurized dairy products should never be consumed, A2 raw milk is one of the only complete foods (eggs are the other) so it's something to consider. Maybe do Whole 30, GAPS, or Keto for a month or two as a reset, adding things back slowly after to see if you have any sensitivity. We are all different so it can be a crap shoot.

Other areas that can cause us trouble are hormones and gut bacteria. A2 raw dairy and lacto-fermentation are great ways to add in good bacteria and animal fat is a super food for our hormones. Even the American Heart Association has removed their recommendation to limit saturated fat and cholesterol so it never was the demon they made it out to be, what the actual science shows. Lacto-fermentation does not use dairy, the name can be misleading, think proper sauerkraut, pickles, etc. It is one of the easiest things to do and a great way to improve our gut bacteria.
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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 06 Oct 2023 06:47 #80094

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A long-term Vegan diet does NOT eventually lead to nutrient deficiency or anything of the sort.
That's just BS.
It is the MOST healthful diet a human animal can consume, BY FAR, and, unlike ALL other diets, especially
mainstream and historical diets based on animal flesh, it is Health-Promoting, whereas the other are
health detrimental in MANY ways.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".
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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 06 Oct 2023 06:54 #80096

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The vegan society don't want you to die so they made a supplement for you, Bill 


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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 06 Oct 2023 08:51 #80099

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It has been 3 days since Mimisita posted the original message in this thread, and has not replied to any comments. 

I am beginning to suspect that Mimisita may be a troll. 
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MMS did absolutely nothing for my family! 06 Oct 2023 17:01 #80104

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First of all, I am NOT a troll.. Maybe you are. 
The people who have responded with their “accusatory" and "know it all" tones are rude. 
If I don’t respond in YOUR timely manner then I’m a troll. Get a life!
To say I was “suspiciously vague” is unnecessary. Because I do not live and breathe this forum, I did not know there were specified details that I needed to give before I would be taken seriously. 
The format on this forum is not intuitive. I did not know I had received any responses until I had time to check. Which apparently was not fast enough for some!
I bought MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim Humble and our two (2) bottle kits from  Waterpureworld.com .
I bought bentonite clay from Amazon. 
My details below are about me, and not my other family member. 
I did Protocol 1000 for 6 weeks. Sorry I did not tell you dose was 3 drops max, every hour for 8 hours a day, for 6 weeks. 
I took the two bottles to the beach in a small cooler and mixed my protocol under an umbrella. (For the person who assumed I was stupid)
I can’t remember now exactly how long I took the clay. I think a week. Sorry I don’t have it in a diary.
I did not progress to Protocol 1000+ because I was not experiencing ANY improvements for all my previous efforts. It’s hard to continue something when you are already gagging at the smell and nothing is improving. For this reason I did not consider going to Protocol 2000 using MMS2.
I continued to refer to my book to be sure I was following everything exactly.
I did not consume any of the foods or liquids that can cause MMS to not work. NO RX. Never had alcohol. chocolate, decaf coffee, sodas, tea of any kind, milk, coconut water, OJ. or citrus of any kind, or vitamin C. 
I stopped ALL my nutritional supplements for fear of causing MMS to not work. 
I don’t know where you buy your products but just one set of two bottles plus shipping were over $50. Then add the book cost. I don’t think there is a minimum price on scams, btw. 
So my “negative response” can only be understood if I didn’t come to this forum for help. You think too highly of yourself. Aren’t people allowed to find solutions within the book and Jims website?
If I felt like these protocols were helping AT ALL over the 6 week period, I would have been happy to gag myself through whatever length of time it took to improve my issue. 
I was not vaccinated or boosted for C-19.
What about our diet consisting of all organic, grass fed, free range foods and no sugar sounds “less than optimal”? I completely disagree. 

Yes I previously watched the documentary and many many testimonials. 

Ordinarily I am not deficient of vitamins or minerals. I stopped taking all my supplements to start the MMS protocols. Including vitamin D3 with K2. 
I get plenty of sunshine in my 10 mile daily walks.

I am not sure why you all think I am vegan. What part of "Grass fed and free range" sounds vegan? Vegetables can’t eat grass or walk around freely. So something I consume has a mouth and feet. 

So now that you have all the details, maybe you can calm down. 

i hope MMS works miracles for others. 

After taking all this disrespect and finger pointing, I am exhausted. Plus I just walked 10 miles. 

God Bless 
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