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Spike proteins 10 May 2023 03:01 #78652

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Does anyone know if MMS oxidizes spike protein as fast as the body makes it?  I am up to 2 drops/day with 6 drops DMSO and I am seeing good results. My brother, on the same protocol, ill since his last round of covid shots is steadily weaker, with heart and lung issues, loosing weight. We do not know if to go back to our anti-spike program or to try going up to 3 drops.  We also began DMSO patches on his collapsed right lung yesterday and again today.

Thank you for any info on this!!



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Spike proteins 13 May 2023 06:58 #78690

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It's unfortunate that no one replied to this, but maybe no one knows.

I've been wondering about how MMS works to help people with COVID
Spike Proteins (it seems to help with COVID, but how much and to what
level and degree and in what manners?), and "vaccinated" status, and
I suppose "shed" Spike Proteins from other people if that is an actual thing.

Maybe it's all too new right now for people to have a good idea about it all.
Since "they" won't do any real studies and research about it, except for
the occasional seemingly "random" inspection and report that is usually then ignored,
the best we can hope for is that someone who knows what they are doing
and talking about will figure something out and let us know.

Since Jim Humble is pretty old now, I don't know how much he is doing
these days, and the Grenons are all in prison awaiting trial, so I guess
Andreas Kalcker is who most people look to, and maybe a few others
who I don't know about. There are probably several other "lower level"
people who might be knowledgeable, but how much do you trust them,
or anyone, really.

Good to hear about your positive results so far, and sorry to hear about
your brother having problems still.

I don't know what to tell you other than that.

I have been using the Bentonite Clay Protocol because it seems like the
MMS/CDS stops working well from time to time, and then starts working
better after I do that. I thought it was because Molds & Fungi that ClO2
can't deal with were attacking me, which could be the problem.
But I wonder if the clay helps with the Spike Proteins and/or vaxxed issues.

Since people are generally not being careful, and pretending like the Death Pandemic
is "over", even though there are still more than 200 people a day on average still
dying from COVID-19 and COVID-related illness in the U.S., and similarly around
the world, and the last few variants were SO infectious that EVERYONE has now
been infected with COVID, and everyone is also being re-infected every month or so
with Breakthrough Infections, who knows how much that is still affecting people.
My guess is A LOT of people, increasingly badly, as the COVID infection attacks
your health each time, until you get really sick, or die, or get Long COVID, etc.

See the info meme image attached for my take on it.
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ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Spike proteins 15 May 2023 02:11 #78715

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I remember reading somewhere that the spike proteins were effectively denatured by ClO2 in vitro. Try doing a search.
I have already described my wife's experience - for your benefit I will repeat it again.

Last year (2022), my wife went to her brother's funeral in Sydney. He sadly died in his sleep shortly after receiving the 2nd booster (shot no 4). 
At the wake, my wife mixed with her relations as you do - all of them had been jabbed. On the way home to our regional centre, she became very ill. when she arrived I put her to bed. I then gave her an oral Covid test which was positive. I also took the test and it was negative. Neither of us ever took the jab. In my opinion she was a victim of shedding from close contact with jabbed relatives.
At that time I was taking protocol 1000 - 3 drops every hour. I decided with her agreement to give her the same. Over the next 24-48 hours she had a dreadful Herx reaction which I won't describe here. On day 3, she was feeling much better and next day tested negative to the oral test. 
Because she had not taken the shot she was obviously not producing the spike protein. There seems to be a lot of controversy over whether the spike protein production via RNA is permanent or not. In any case, I believe ClO2 is very effective against the spike protein.
That's all I have to say - hope this helps and good luck with your brother.

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Spike proteins 15 May 2023 21:27 #78719

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I think I remember this post.

And I think I replied that you are just GUESSING (possibly or probably incorrectly)
that she was being affected by "shed spike proteins from 'vaccinated' people."

It doesn't matter if you are "vaccinated", you CAN and WILL become infected
by COVID Breakthrough Infections, MULTIPLE times, up to every month or so,
especially with the HIGHLY infectious last few variants. It "doesn't matter"
if you are asymptomatic or lightly symptomatic, you can STILL infect other people, unknowingly.
You can even test false-negative for COVID (statistically happens way too much)
and still be infected and infect other people.

So it could have been that, and it is probably more probable that that is what it was.

The "shed spike proteins from vaxxed people" THEORY is HIGHLY questionable imo.
It is much more likely that they are simply COVID infections.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Spike proteins 16 May 2023 12:49 #78725

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You really need to read the science. I know there is a lot of confusion out there, even in the science, but there is a tremendous effort underway to remove the heavily flawed studies that have clouded the issue(s). Asymptomatic spread has never been a driver of an endemic or pandemic, even Fauci stated such (it didn't get much press but finding the video isn't difficult). In fact, asymptomatic is so unproven they eventually switched to the proper term of presymptomatic. There is a huge difference. Presymptomatic people are sick but either aren't noticing their symptoms or haven't hit a high enough viral load to overwhelm their immune system. Asymptomatic people are never sick, meaning their viral load never reaches a point of contagion. It's how herd immunity works. Those that have had a virus will overcome new variants and never reach contagion, meaning...it doesn't spread and the herd is protected. This also happens to be why healthy people don't catch whatever is going around, year after year...their immune system is functioning optimally.

As for shedding, self spreading vaccines (gene therapies) are well documented in the science. Not just for humans either. If one were to read the Pfizer trial, even the original document they released outlining phase three, it's apparent that they were monitoring potential spread. There was even a warning about the vaccinated subjects coming in contact with other people, specifically pregnant women. There is science underway that will provide the mechanisms of how self generated spike proteins are transferred to other people. It is no longer a question of whether it is happening, it has moved to how it is happening.

The bottom line is, we have always "picked up something" from other people. The same is true for all of nature. Infectious diseases, viruses, bacterias, etc... spread. I cannot believe people have been convinced to be afraid of being around other people. The immune system cost of hiding in one's home has proven to be detrimental. Coupled with the immune system dysfunction, negative efficacy, that the rushed vaccines have caused will result in excess deaths...exactly what the data expresses. The bubble boy lives in the bubble to survive, we all don't live in bubbles for the bubble boy to survive. We just lived through what many refer to as the greatest health blunder in all of history. That is false, it wasn't a blunder and there is a mountain of government/corporate/NGO documents that prove it to be intentional. Our problem is the courts are slow, much slower after the supposed pandemic, so by the time the truth is exposed where will we be? To think that hasn't already been factored is to consciously choose ignorance induced idiocy...better known as apathy.

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Spike proteins 19 May 2023 15:40 #78756

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Someone here said when they take bentonite clay with the mms it works better- that makes sense since there is a lot of metals in these shots being shed on people, and of course we are inundated with heavy metals from all around.  When I'm near people who got the shot I can actually smell it.  This I feel is a warning from God.  I've noticed, however, that when I start taking mms I don't smell it as much when I'm around them.  I wish someone would do a study with live blood to see if the mms and dmso can actually dissolve the fibers being found in people's blood.  EDTA is effective according to Dr. Ana Milhalcea.  She's waiting for studies on mms/dmso to see if it is as effective.  We are under attack and all need to pray.  I hope everyone on this forum finds healing and gets closer to God.

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Spike proteins 19 May 2023 15:44 #78757

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From the information I've gleaned, I think you and your brother should do IV EDTA chelation.  There is a doctor who has been having great success treating people with this.  
I'm interested in possible doing EDTA supplements when I'm done with doing the MMS protocol for heart attacks (I didn't have one but have symptoms of circulatory issues) I want to do EDTA oral supplements.  I wonder if anyone here knows if you can take the EDTA supplements and do MMS at the same time.  I know you can do DMSO and EDTA but not sure about the mms.  I hope you and your brother get healing soon.  God bless.

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Spike proteins 19 May 2023 17:08 #78758

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I don't have the answer to that question, but I can tell you that a person I know who said they felt like they were dying after taking the 'vaccine' and boosters recovered in mere minutes after just 1 drop of chlorine dioxide. They were only taking 1 drop every other day and were doing ok. But I think becoming iodine sufficient is likely to help as well since we use that for the immune system and to destroy pathogens.
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Spike proteins 21 May 2023 01:15 #78767

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Here is a paper that shows MMS will get rid of the spike proteins:

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