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Advice 14 Jan 2023 23:04 #77435

  • lzm0721
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Can anyone recommend a supplier in the US that they have had good luck with? I’m someone overwhelmed by all of the choices and don’t know where to start. First time user or at least hope to be.
Also, having a hard time, finding a formula or recipe on how much to use say ,in a glass of water. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much.

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Advice 15 Jan 2023 07:59 #77440

  • stu77000
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A lot of people use kvlab.com/ for MMS1 and CDS.

For protocols if you are using MMS1 I would highly suggest you get Jim Humble's book MMS Health Recovery Guidebook here bluejaybooks.co/ and if you want to do CDS then check out Andreas Kalckers website for protocols here andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/cds-protocols.html or get his book Forbidden Health for more details.

MMS Protocols
The Starting Procedure
The starting procedure must always be undertaken before moving to the more advanced protocols such as Protocol 1000. This procedure will assist you because starting with higher doses may cause a Herxheimer Reaction (Detoxification) and you may feel quite ill. Starting gradually is very important because you don’t want to detox too quickly. MMS begins to oxidize pathogens and toxins immediately. These toxins may build up in your body faster than they can be excreted and you may feel very ill and even have vomiting and diarrhea. Your body gradually becomes used to MMS and you will be able to transition comfortably to the advanced protocols. By beginning with the Starting Procedure, you should not experience the detoxification reactions.

Day 1 (¼ drop 8 times per day.)
On day 1 you should begin by taking ¼ of a drop every hour for 8 hours. How do you take ¼ of a drop? Activate 1 drop of MMS (1 drop MMS and 1 drop activator) in a dry clean empty glass for 30 seconds and then add ½ cup (120ml) of water or approved juice. Pour ¼ of the mixture 30ml into a different glass and drink it. If you would like you can add a little more water max 30 ml to it. Discard the remaining 90ml. Make a new mixture every hour. It is best to drink the solution within 60 seconds.

Day 2 and 3 (½ drop 8 times per day)
On days 2 and 3 the dosage is ½ a drop every hour for 8 hours. Follow the instructions for day 1 but and pour off ½ of the mixture (60ml) and drink the other half.

Day 4 (¾ drop 8 times per day)
On day 4 you step up the dosage to ¾ of a drop every hour for 8 hours. Activate and add ½ a cup of water or approved juice and pour off 30ml and drink the remaining 90ml of fluid. You have now completed the Starting Procedure. On day 5 you begin Protocol 1000.

If you are very ill, then begin with 1/8th of a drop every hour for 8 hours for 1 day and then proceed with the Starting Procedure. If you are used to taking a maintenance dose of MMS, then you may want to skip the Starting Procedure and go onto Protocol 1000. If you are not used to taking MMS or have not taken it for a few months, then it is best, to begin with the Starting Procedure.

All-day Bottle of MMS1
If you begin MMS1 dosing with one fourth (1/4) drop hourly doses, mix a 2 drop MMS1 dose in a dry, clean glass. After 30 seconds of activation time, pour a little water from the 1 liter bottle into the activation glass and then pour that into the 1 liter pop bottle. Shake well to thoroughly mix MMS1 into the 1 liter of water.
If one fourth drop hourly doses cause any discomfort, then discard the remainder and make a new bottle using a one drop MMS1 dose. That will provide 1/8 drop hourly doses.
Increase daily dosing by one drop, doses added to the bottle until you reach 8 drops of MMS1 in the bottle on day seven. That will give you 1 drop hourly MMS1 doses, which is the Protocol 1000 beginning hourly dosage.

All-day Bottle
Day 1 (¼ drop every hour)
240ml (+240ml more water if needed) + 2 drops MMS1 = 30ml every hour
Day 2 & 3 (½ drop every hour)
480ml (+240ml more water if needed) + 4 drops MMS1 = 60ml every hour
Day 4 (¾ drop every hour)
720ml (+240ml more water if needed) + 6 drops MMS1 = 90ml every hour
Day 5 (1 drop every hour)
1 Litre + 8 drops MMS1 = 120ml every hour

PROTOCOL 1000 is taking 3 drops of activated MMS each hour, for 8 hours a day, for 3 weeks. However, many people cannot start taking that many drops and should start with only 2 or even 1 drop an hour. This is determined by how sick they are, to begin with. If one is feeling very sick then start with 1 drop an hour or even 1/2 drop an hour, but then begin taking more if you feel that you can. The rule is, if you feel that the drops are making you feel worse, take less and if they are not making you feel worse then take a few more the next hour, but never more than 3 drops an hour. The way you accomplish activation is to add 1 drop of 50% Activator for each drop of MMS that is in your glass, swirl or shake to mix, wait 30 seconds, then add 1/4 to 1 glass of water or juice and drink.

Remember you must go according to what YOU can handle. Some people can only ever do 1 drop and never reach 3 drops. You can try to up the dose VERY gradually over weeks or even months to achieve 3 drops. But cancer has been cured with 1 drop.
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