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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 14 Mar 2022 22:33 #74333

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Firstly my only symptom was stiffness around the lungs / upper shoulders and I mistook this for a back ache. Two weeks later I was hit with the virus fully. I immediately put an oximeter on my finger and noticed my blood oxygen was dropping by the second. I knew that if I didn't take action that I would be dead within about 1 minute. I mixed up 4 drops of MMS and activated it for 30 seconds and then drank it. My blood oxygen levels went up to about 99% but to my surprise, after about 20 seconds were dropping again. The MMS did buy me a little time to grab the nebulizer though. So I grabbed my nebulizer, added 2.5mls of saline, then filled up the rest to the maximum of 6mls with Bob's Best 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and nebulized.  As soon as I stopped, my blood oxygen levels dropped again, but after a few hours, my blood oxygen levels became stable and I could feel the hydrogen peroxide clearing out the infection. Eventually my blood oxygen levels reached 100% and I started to improve after just a few sessions.

At the early time of the infection, my heart rate was 140 bpm, but after nebulizing it immediately dropped to 125 bpm. After a few days of nebulization I felt like I had hit a wall and it felt like something was missing. After I drank 4000mg of DR. Best vitamin C powder it was like a fog lifted and that was the missing link. Previously I had been using liposomal vitamin C liquid, vitamin C tablets but felt nothing. It was the powder that did it, and note that vitamin C is also used by the body to make hydrogen peroxide. I'd say that I noticed improvement after my first nebulization session.

If you want to know why hydrogen peroxide nebulization works so well for COVID, and any other respiratory infection or virus read the following link:


Here is a summary of why it works:

How and Why Hydrogen Peroxide WorksBecause hydrogen peroxide consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2), it is this extra oxygen atom that makes it so deadly for viruses. In order to comprehend why H2O2 therapy works so well, you must first understand that viral infections are eradicated from the body not by killing the virus itself, but rather by killing the cells that produce them.Technically, viruses are not alive, and so it is not possible to kill them. But some agents can physically break down the viral structure and render them inactive. Viruses are actually pieces of genetic code that, in and of themselves, can neither survive nor reproduce. Therefore, in order to replicate, viruses need to infect cells, which means that in the interior of cell, a virus uses the cell’s own DNA and RNA in order to effectively reproduce. Essentially, therefore, the virus controls an infected cell and uses the cell to manufacture new viruses. Then, the new virus can exit the cell and proceed to infect other cells. As a result, the way to control any viral infection is not to kill the virus; rather, the infected cells that have been turned into viral factories must be killed. This is the role of the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.Under normal circumstances with a healthy immune system, one’s immune cells produce their own hydrogen peroxide to kill the infected cells that propagate viruses. When one’s immune cells are overwhelmed, such as the case with COVID-19, hydrogen peroxide therapy merely assists the immune cells in doing the job for which they were originally created.'

The nebulizer I used was A&D Medical UN-014 Compact Compressor Nebuliser. But any nebulizer that is a compressor with 0.25ml or more nebulization rate and a face mask will do. Make sure the hydrogen peroxide is 3% food grade. You can use stronger but it will be unpleasant. I noticed a bigger impact when using more though.

If you nebulize food grade hydrogen peroxide at the first sign of any symptoms and supplement with high dose vitamin C powder, that, and any other virus does not stand a chance!

Other things I did that may, or may not have helped was drinking colloidal silver by the litres. I also continued with my usual iodine supplementation but I have a theory that the MMS I was taking as a preventative was depleting my iodine levels, inadvertently leaving me more vulnerable. A friend of mine also notes iodine deficiency symptoms after using MMS.

If you want to know more read the book 'The One Minute Cure Second Edition' by Cavanaugh, Madison. Get the free ebook 'Rapid Virus Recovery' here foundationforhealthresearch.org/rapid-virus-recovery/

Also read Dr. Mercola info on it here:


With this method, you can recover from such an infection in days, and the earlier you notice, the better and quicker the resolution. My one had time to incubate in the lungs and this treatment still kicked it in days.
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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 16 Mar 2022 14:46 #74351

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Thanks Truthseeker. I have had that nebulizer on my watch list for a while and have been in two minds whether to buy one (just in case). Then I walked into Lidl today and they had a similar one along with a pulse oximeter, so I snapped them both up. I hope it wasn't a sign....ha ha

If your vitamin c powder is just L Ascorbic Acid, then Classikool sell it by the kilo @ £14.99, I have been using it for the past two years.

Again, many thanks

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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 16 Mar 2022 20:28 #74357

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I use Doctors Best because it is Quali C non China!

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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 17 Mar 2022 03:00 #74359

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Something that is very important when nebulizing hydroigen peroxide, you always need to use saline with it otherwise you could damage the lungs. I repeat, you must use saline with your hydrogen peroxide!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mary Poppins, KristinaH

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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 17 Mar 2022 10:16 #74362

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"I would be dead within 1 minute"
this kind of hyperbole does not help

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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 17 Mar 2022 12:05 #74363

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Prvič, moj edini simptom je bila okorelost okoli pljuč / zgornjih ramen in to sem zamenjal za bolečino v hrbtu. Dva tedna pozneje sem bil popolnoma prizadet z virusom. Takoj sem si nataknil oksimeter na prst in opazil, da mi kisik v krvi vsako sekundo upada. Vedel sem, da bom mrtev v približno 1 minuti, če ne ukrepam. Zmešal sem 4 kapljice MMS-a in ga aktiviral za 30 sekund in nato pil. Moja raven kisika v krvi se je dvignila na približno 99 %, vendar je na moje presenečenje po približno 20 sekundah spet padla. MMS mi je vseeno kupil malo časa, da sem vzel razpršilec. Zato sem zgrabil svoj nebulator, dodal 2,5 ml fiziološke raztopine, nato pa preostanek napolnil do največ 6 ml z Bob's Best 3% vodikovim peroksidom za hrano in razpršil. Takoj, ko sem prenehal, je moja raven kisika v krvi spet padla, vendar po nekaj urah, moja raven kisika v krvi je postala stabilna in čutil sem, kako vodikov peroksid odpravlja okužbo. Sčasoma je moja raven kisika v krvi dosegla 100 % in že po nekaj sejah sem se začel izboljšati.

V zgodnjem času okužbe je bil moj srčni utrip 140 bpm, po razpršitvi pa je takoj padel na 125 bpm. Po nekaj dneh razpršitve sem se počutil, kot da sem udaril v steno in se mi je zdelo, da nekaj manjka. Potem ko sem spila 4000 mg DR. Najboljši vitamin C v prahu je bil kot dvignjena megla in to je bil manjkajoči člen. Prej sem uporabljal liposomsko tekočino vitamina C, tablete vitamina C, vendar nisem čutil ničesar. To je naredil prašek, in upoštevajte, da telo uporablja tudi vitamin C za izdelavo vodikovega peroksida. Rekel bi, da sem opazil izboljšanje že po prvi seji nebulacije.

Če želite vedeti, zakaj razpršitev vodikovega peroksida tako dobro deluje za COVID in katero koli drugo okužbo dihal ali virus, preberite naslednjo povezavo:


Tukaj je povzetek, zakaj deluje:

Kako in zakaj vodikov peroksid delujeBecause hydrogen peroxide consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2), it is this extra oxygen atom that makes it so deadly for viruses. In order to comprehend why H2O2 therapy works so well, you must first understand that viral infections are eradicated from the body not by killing the virus itself, but rather by killing the cells that produce them.Technically, viruses are not alive, and so it is not possible to kill them. But some agents can physically break down the viral structure and render them inactive. Viruses are actually pieces of genetic code that, in and of themselves, can neither survive nor reproduce. Therefore, in order to replicate, viruses need to infect cells, which means that in the interior of cell, a virus uses the cell’s own DNA and RNA in order to effectively reproduce. Essentially, therefore, the virus controls an infected cell and uses the cell to manufacture new viruses. Then, the new virus can exit the cell and proceed to infect other cells. As a result, the way to control any viral infection is not to kill the virus; rather, the infected cells that have been turned into viral factories must be killed. This is the role of the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.Under normal circumstances with a healthy immune system, one’s immune cells produce their own hydrogen peroxide to kill the infected cells that propagate viruses. When one’s immune cells are overwhelmed, such as the case with COVID-19, hydrogen peroxide therapy merely assists the immune cells in doing the job for which they were originally created.'

Nebulator, ki sem ga uporabil, je bil kompaktni kompresorski nebulator A&D Medical UN-014. Toda kateri koli nebulator, ki je kompresor s hitrostjo razpršitve 0,25 ml ali več, in masko za obraz bo primeren. Prepričajte se, da je vodikov peroksid 3-odstoten za živila. Lahko uporabite močnejše, vendar bo neprijetno. Vendar sem opazil večji učinek, ko sem uporabljal več.

Če ob prvem znaku kakršnih koli simptomov razpršite vodikov peroksid za živila in ga dodate z visokim odmerkom vitamina C v prahu, ta in kateri koli drugi virus nimajo možnosti!

Druge stvari, ki sem jih počel, ki so lahko ali pa tudi niso pomagale, je pitje koloidnega srebra po litrih. Nadaljeval sem tudi z običajnim dodajanjem joda, vendar imam teorijo, da je MMS, ki sem ga jemal kot preventivo, zmanjšal mojo raven joda, zaradi česar sem nehote postal bolj ranljiv. Tudi moj prijatelj opazi simptome pomanjkanja joda po uporabi MMS.

Če želite izvedeti več, preberite knjigo 'The One Minute Cure Second Edition' avtorja Cavanaugha, Madison. Pridobite brezplačno e-knjigo 'Hitro okrevanje virusov' tukaj foundationforhealthresearch.org/rapid-virus-recovery/

Tukaj preberite tudi informacije o dr. Mercoli:

deeprootsathome.com/dr-mercola-nebulized-peroxide- ena-najbolj učinkovita-zgodnja-strategija/

S to metodo si lahko opomorete od takšne okužbe v dneh in prej ko opazite, boljša in hitrejša je rešitev. Moj je imel čas za inkubacijo v pljučih in to zdravljenje ga je v nekaj dneh še vedno izbruhnilo.

if the virus is not alive, then how does it get into the cell? Only something alive can come into the cell and of course it can open the membrane! The truth is completely different- VIRUSES ARE PRODUCED BY CELLS and expelled from the cell. When the air is extremely dry or dirty, or if you are a cigarette smoker, or you inhale dirty air-dust ... the mucosa dries out and cracks ... in this case the cell immediately starts producing viruses that the cell makes from its own material, so lipo- protein envelopes and adds a little nucleic acid to the center- basically it's a material to repair the mucosa- viruses stick cracks in the mucosa- fix the mucosa in such a way that they nest in the crack and clog it.

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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 17 Mar 2022 18:35 #74366

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"I would be dead within 1 minute"
this kind of hyperbole does not help


When your heart rate is 140 bpm and your blood oxygen is dropping by the second from 99% down to 80% and then reaching the 70''s and continues to drop even lower with every passing second, does that sound like hyperbole? NO.

That is not hyperbole at all. At that point I had already collapsed once and came round as well so It's was very serious. I felt I would be dead in 1 minute so that is my account of how serious it all was. That low blood oxygen that was dropping so quickly places a person at risk of organ failure and death. And given all of the information I put in my account, I think it's odd you would single out that one point too. I'd say that is what did not help. There is also nothing to be gained from hyperbole.

I also think your comment dismissing the seriousness of what happened could cost lives! Do not take any chances, get a Nebulizer just in case, it won't cost much and has multiple uses.


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How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 18 Mar 2022 00:17 #74368

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I use a nebulizer after returning from town, as a precaution to the flu bug, etc.

I use the H2O2 protocol in the following link: there’s some additional options that might be of interest such as Lugol’s Iodine, Detoxadine Iodine, Colloidal Silver, and Glutathione.


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Last edit: by sandpiper.

How I beat COVID the only thing that worked! 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization. 18 Mar 2022 16:37 #74374

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Prvič, moj edini simptom je bila okorelost okoli pljuč / zgornjih ramen in to sem zamenjal za bolečino v hrbtu. Dva tedna pozneje sem bil popolnoma prizadet z virusom. Takoj sem si nataknil oksimeter na prst in opazil, da mi kisik v krvi vsako sekundo upada. Vedel sem, da bom mrtev v približno 1 minuti, če ne ukrepam. Zmešal sem 4 kapljice MMS-a in ga aktiviral za 30 sekund in nato pil. Moja raven kisika v krvi se je dvignila na približno 99 %, vendar je na moje presenečenje po približno 20 sekundah spet padla. MMS mi je vseeno kupil malo časa, da sem vzel razpršilec. Zato sem zgrabil svoj nebulator, dodal 2,5 ml fiziološke raztopine, nato pa preostanek napolnil do največ 6 ml z Bob's Best 3% vodikovim peroksidom za hrano in razpršil. Takoj, ko sem prenehal, je moja raven kisika v krvi spet padla, vendar po nekaj urah, moja raven kisika v krvi je postala stabilna in čutil sem, kako vodikov peroksid odpravlja okužbo. Sčasoma je moja raven kisika v krvi dosegla 100 % in že po nekaj sejah sem se začel izboljšati.

V zgodnjem času okužbe je bil moj srčni utrip 140 bpm, po razpršitvi pa je takoj padel na 125 bpm. Po nekaj dneh razpršitve sem se počutil, kot da sem udaril v steno in se mi je zdelo, da nekaj manjka. Potem ko sem spila 4000 mg DR. Najboljši vitamin C v prahu je bil kot dvignjena megla in to je bil manjkajoči člen. Prej sem uporabljal liposomsko tekočino vitamina C, tablete vitamina C, vendar nisem čutil ničesar. To je naredil prašek, in upoštevajte, da telo uporablja tudi vitamin C za izdelavo vodikovega peroksida. Rekel bi, da sem opazil izboljšanje že po prvi seji nebulacije.

Če želite vedeti, zakaj razpršitev vodikovega peroksida tako dobro deluje za COVID in katero koli drugo okužbo dihal ali virus, preberite naslednjo povezavo:


Tukaj je povzetek, zakaj deluje:

Kako in zakaj vodikov peroksid delujeBecause hydrogen peroxide consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2), it is this extra oxygen atom that makes it so deadly for viruses. In order to comprehend why H2O2 therapy works so well, you must first understand that viral infections are eradicated from the body not by killing the virus itself, but rather by killing the cells that produce them.Technically, viruses are not alive, and so it is not possible to kill them. But some agents can physically break down the viral structure and render them inactive. Viruses are actually pieces of genetic code that, in and of themselves, can neither survive nor reproduce. Therefore, in order to replicate, viruses need to infect cells, which means that in the interior of cell, a virus uses the cell’s own DNA and RNA in order to effectively reproduce. Essentially, therefore, the virus controls an infected cell and uses the cell to manufacture new viruses. Then, the new virus can exit the cell and proceed to infect other cells. As a result, the way to control any viral infection is not to kill the virus; rather, the infected cells that have been turned into viral factories must be killed. This is the role of the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.Under normal circumstances with a healthy immune system, one’s immune cells produce their own hydrogen peroxide to kill the infected cells that propagate viruses. When one’s immune cells are overwhelmed, such as the case with COVID-19, hydrogen peroxide therapy merely assists the immune cells in doing the job for which they were originally created.'

Nebulator, ki sem ga uporabil, je bil kompaktni kompresorski nebulator A&D Medical UN-014. Toda kateri koli nebulator, ki je kompresor s hitrostjo razpršitve 0,25 ml ali več, in masko za obraz bo primeren. Prepričajte se, da je vodikov peroksid 3-odstoten za živila. Lahko uporabite močnejše, vendar bo neprijetno. Vendar sem opazil večji učinek, ko sem uporabljal več.

Če ob prvem znaku kakršnih koli simptomov razpršite vodikov peroksid za živila in ga dodate z visokim odmerkom vitamina C v prahu, ta in kateri koli drugi virus nimajo možnosti!

Druge stvari, ki sem jih počel, ki so lahko ali pa tudi niso pomagale, je pitje koloidnega srebra po litrih. Nadaljeval sem tudi z običajnim dodajanjem joda, vendar imam teorijo, da je MMS, ki sem ga jemal kot preventivo, zmanjšal mojo raven joda, zaradi česar sem nehote postal bolj ranljiv. Tudi moj prijatelj opazi simptome pomanjkanja joda po uporabi MMS.

Če želite izvedeti več, preberite knjigo 'The One Minute Cure Second Edition' avtorja Cavanaugha, Madison. Pridobite brezplačno e-knjigo 'Hitro okrevanje virusov' tukaj foundationforhealthresearch.org/rapid-virus-recovery/

Tukaj preberite tudi informacije o dr. Mercoli:

deeprootsathome.com/dr-mercola-nebulized-peroxide- ena-najbolj učinkovita-zgodnja-strategija/

S to metodo si lahko opomorete od takšne okužbe v dneh in prej ko opazite, boljša in hitrejša je rešitev. Moj je imel čas za inkubacijo v pljučih in to zdravljenje ga je v nekaj dneh še vedno izbruhnilo.

if the virus is not alive, then how does it get into the cell? Only something alive can come into the cell and of course it can open the membrane! The truth is completely different- VIRUSES ARE PRODUCED BY CELLS and expelled from the cell. When the air is extremely dry or dirty, or if you are a cigarette smoker, or you inhale dirty air-dust ... the mucosa dries out and cracks ... in this case the cell immediately starts producing viruses that the cell makes from its own material, so lipo- protein envelopes and adds a little nucleic acid to the center- basically it's a material to repair the mucosa- viruses stick cracks in the mucosa- fix the mucosa in such a way that they nest in the crack and clog it.


I don't think they were saying the virus was not alive, they were saying 'technically' not alive in the sense that it does not have the usual systems and capabilities of a fully alive and functioning organism so it needs to use our other cells to make up. What you mentioned sounds like terrain theory.
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