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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 14 Aug 2021 04:54 #70455

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I'm wondering if there's an agreed upon protocol for covid 19 using MMS1? Also has anyone used it? I actually do better with MMS1 rather than CDS so I would want to use that. 
Also, I would want to take a number of herbals, supplements and medications, but that might conflict with the MMS. What are your thoughts? 

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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 14 Aug 2021 09:03 #70457

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As far as I know, Jim has not published a MMS1 COVID-19 protocol and I doubt that he will. He probably wants to stay out of jail. 

Others have published MMS1 CV protocols and one of those well-known persons is now silent due to a possible lawsuit. 

Scott has published his CV-19 protocols using CDH. If you are on Telegram Messenger you could join his CDH group. 

COMUSAV has published CDS CV-19 protocols and you can find those on their website as well as on Andreas Kalcker's website

Herbals, supplements and medications should normally be taken 1 hour after your last CLO2 dose of the day. 

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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 14 Aug 2021 14:21 #70463

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Thank you. Do you know Scott's Telegram address or if not, his Telegram ID? 

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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 16 Aug 2021 09:06 #70480

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Contact me here and I will provide a link. 

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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 16 Aug 2021 15:01 #70483

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I'm wondering if there's an agreed upon protocol for covid 19 using MMS1? Also has anyone used it? I actually do better with MMS1 rather than CDS so I would want to use that. 
Also, I would want to take a number of herbals, supplements and medications, but that might conflict with the MMS. What are your thoughts? 

Hello angieLynn, it's my first visit after registering here, since MMS is moving through a revival, after we've landed in a pandemic, or so we're told that this is the case. In my usual fashion, I'm "falling with the door into the house", as we say in The Netherlands   Receive it as my introduction and at the same time as my advice for you, a response to your request.

As health-coach, and holistic nutritionist, I've studied and researched remedies of all sorts, food based mainly. As far as I know of how MMS works in the body, I doubt if this can be clashing with herbals, supplements and medications. MMS in itself should do the job, I should think. Whey take these others as extras? I'm not informed of course, about your health condition, but with supplements, herbals and medications, it's possible to experience "too much of a good thing". 

After all, our liver works hard to process all substances in our food, as the "landfill" of our body's digestive system. Personally, I believe in the use of common sense, sobriety, that is, in sync with the motive to prepare one's food in such a way that the variety is as rich as the quantity in sync with one's appetite, With food preferably prepared fresh each day. And, when possible home-grown, or bought at a farmshop, where produce is freshly picked. Here in the Netherlands, there's a growing number of selfservice market-gardens, where members pick their own harvest each week.

Since I'm an early fifties baby, I remember how simple our diet was, with products bought in small shops. no supermarkets yet. A grandmother's advice, often quoted in discussions about diet, is "It's best when you can recognize what's on your plate".

Just in case, for those who haven't visited Jim Humble's website often, or not (yet) there are videos on Jim's site with the Red Cross initiative using MMS to treat malaria in Uganda. This is fortunately filmed by someone present on these days, so that there's verification of this treatment actually happening. The Red Cross, when Big Pharma began to sabotage Jim Humble's work, has officially declared, under pressure or otherwise, that they've never organised MMS experiments in these villages.

Their argument was "All people wearing Red Cross t-shirts are fake, they've obtained these shirts on an earlier date and were wearing them during these days"
When you watch these videos, on Jim's website, it's obvious that this village-wide treatment was a legitimate experiment. 1000's of malaria patients were cured in those 70's years. And now, a revival has made its entrance, with the arrival of a virus, and vaccines, that contain suspicious substances, causing many side-effects.

Since 2011 I'm familiar with Jim Humble's work and his remedy MMS. Recently, I've chosen to take a daily dose of 2 drops activated MMS, which Jim Humble recommends as a maintenance dose for good health. My motive was, that this daily dose would offer sufficient protection against COVID-19, and the detoxification of spike proteins, shed by vaccinated people. Plus a similar detox from the graphene dioxide present in the mRNA vaccines. I've never had a need to take MMS for health issues, just ordered it as a useful remedy.... just in case.. To know that this is a good remedy in case of snake bites and insect bites, bees and whasps

I've copied the link to his site below, where you can find answers, especially how to use MMS when there's an infection needing treatment. Also, when you're not yet familiar with Jim Humble's site, his books are available, as physical book or e-book, but for the moment there seems to be a technical problem with credit card payment. I've ordered one of Jim's books, but need to wait until the problem is solved.
I've noticed that you wrote MMS1 in your question. I'm not familiar with MMS 1.


In the document below, I've placed some of Jim Humble's site, a reference to Kerri Rivera's site, a woman treating children with autism symptoms by using MMS, who also advises on the use of MMS for desinfection of facemasks, and other measures, during COVID-19 protocols for hygiene, plus a video link with a short presentation on what MMS alias Chlorine Dioxide is.


Last but not least, I'm including a link (in the attachment)  with a video presented by www.stopworldcontrol.com with Andreas Kalcker who presents his research of, and experience with MMS. As a last recommendation, I suggest to be aware of how your food, supplements, remedies, herbals, etc. is accepted by your body, noticing its signals, a feeling of wellbeing, or otherwise. Your body is often wiser than your mind, and its signals, sometimes called "symptoms" are wayshowers for you.
Paying attention to one's physical wellness is half the work I believe, combined with trying out how a certain choice of food, or rememdy, affects one's health,  watching the difference between weeks of intake and weeks of no intake. Be creative, and remember, the more remedies and other extras one ingests, the more difficult it is to discern what works well and what doesn't do much for one's health. Good luck 


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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 07 Sep 2021 16:44 #70952

  • Mary Poppins
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I'm wondering if there's an agreed upon protocol for covid 19 using MMS1? Also has anyone used it? I actually do better with MMS1 rather than CDS so I would want to use that. 
Also, I would want to take a number of herbals, supplements and medications, but that might conflict with the MMS. What are your thoughts? 

Hello angieLynn, here's in interview with Jim Humble by Project Camelot with his thoughts on the Coronavirus:

I've got some documents about MMS, collected through the years, and this one is from a Newsletter by Jim Humble. Although the Newsletters archive on his site end around 2016. This one must be recent, but I can't remember where I found it.

A Word on Coronavirus
Hello, Some of you have written asking for my thoughts on the latest coronavirus which is making headlines these days. To start, here is one definition of coronavirus: Coronaviruses are types of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tract of mammals, including humans. They are associated with the common cold, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and can also affect the gut. News agencies report that the recent outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China is rapidly evolving and reportedly (at the time of this writing), infections from the virus have now been found on other continents and several other countries in Asia have reported cases as well. Signs of the virus are fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath—however, it has been reported that some carriers of this strain of coronavirus show no respiratorysymptoms at all.

This makes it extremely difficult to detect carriers of the virus, taking into account that health officials are looking for respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties. Another report said some carriers have no fever and no coughing, but instead are exhibiting symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and chest pains. At the time of writing this, statistics vary according to the news as to how many confirmed cases there are worldwide, as well as deaths. It has been reported that China is moving to restrict travel and schools in Hong Kong and the mainland are postponing classes. Some say the situation is far worse than what is being reported, others suggest it is a hoax. The purpose of this newsletter is not to analyze or speculate what is behind all of this, or try to project where it is all going.

As most would agree, we live in very unique times—whether you believe this and other similar outbreaks are part of a great conspiracy, or signs of the times according to Biblical predictions, or whatever other reason—I would like to say, it’s a good time to have some MMS on hand and educate yourself in its use. MMS (sodium chlorite activated with a food grade acid which then produces chlorine dioxide) kills most of the diseases of mankind. I don't know for sure about the coronavirus at this time—but we know that MMS kills viruses as well as pathogens of all kinds and is an immune system builder. There is much anecdotal evidence that says MMS has proven very effective in eradicating viruses including Ebola, Swine Flu, TB, and other respiratory diseases.Chlorine dioxide was completely effective against Anthrax in 2001, and used by US Military for Ebola in 2014.

It's been proven by the Red Cross in 2012 to eradicate malaria in just four hours, to name a few. I have been receiving feedback for over 22 years from people all around the world who have given testimony of how they recovered their health from a vast variety of disease, many life-threatening, with MMS. Therefore, I have every reason to believe it can be effective in stopping and preventing the current novel coronavirus going around today. For more information and some important facts on MMS, as well as the history of MMS, go here: - MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

Some History - Important Facts Regarding MMS Again, I have reason to believe, MMS (chlorine dioxide), can be very effective in both preventing and eradicating the coronavirus. With the barrage of health issues in the world today, I would say, let MMS be your first line of defense. Why not be prepared for whatever may come your way? It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. The point is, we never know when an emergency or “outbreak” of some illness is going to happen. Weather it is a stroke, or a heart attack, an accident or this year’s epidemic. We need to be prepared ahead of time and not wait until it's too late. A great way to prepare is to educate yourself on MMS.

The best way you can do this, in my opinion, is get the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org This book is a clear and concise guide to all you need to know in order to recover health with MMS, as well as how to strengthen your immune system by staying overall toxin free. So get the Guidebook, study it, familiarize yourself with it and have MMS on hand. Regarding the coronavirus, at this point in time if you have it, I would suggest trying MMS first as MMS has eradicated a wide range of maladies. In my own personal experience traveling around the world and helping people with many different diseases, I have to say there have been positive results at least 95% of the time. I would say those are pretty good odds.

At this time MMS is being used by thousands and thousands of people in more than 185 countries. Below are provisional steps one can take, a variation of my standard protocols and Health Recovery Plan, but something to try immediately in the case of coronavirus until you can get the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. Here's my suggestion: MMS must be activated drop for drop with the activator. Mix the drops in a clean dry glass, count 30 seconds so the drops can activate—they should turn amber color. After the 30 second count add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of water, then immediately drink it down. (Do not leave this to sit for more than a few seconds, it must be taken immediately or it will begin to lose potency.) First, take six activated drops of MMS in 1/2 cup of water. Wait one hour, and then take six more activated drops in 1/2 cup of water. That may do it. You will know within two hours if it killed the disease by how you feel. What to do next depends upon how those first two doses made you feel.

Follow these next directions carefully:

Step 1. If you feel better after taking the two 6-drop doses of MMS, reduce your intake to 3 activated drops in 1/2 cup of water every hour for eight hours a day, until completely well. You may want to continue this for up to 21 days to be sure you are free of disease and as an overall detoxification of the body. Always take the MMS within seconds of mixing up the dose. Any time you should feel worse when taking MMS, proceed with Step 2 below.

Step 2. Any time after taking MMS activated drops you feel worse, cut your intake by one half but do not stop hourly doses. If you still feel worse cut your intake by one half again, but continue with hourly doses. Feeling worse after taking the MMS drops such as showing signs of nausea, diarrhea or headache is actually a sign that you are ridding your body of toxins. It is called a Herxheimer reaction. It indicates you are killing the disease, but you are killing it too fast—the point is go slow enough so as not to make yourself unnecessarily uncomfortable. These suggestions are only to get you started should you come down with a life threatening virus.

You need the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for complete instructions. There are more details and important things to know for getting well, such as do not take things that neutralize MMS such as coffee, tea, orange juice, milk, alcohol, things very high in antioxidants and so on, at the same time you take MMS doses. I wrote the Guidebook with all the details in mind, I simply cannot repeat it all here—so get the book. In the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, I have outlined a Health Recovery Plan which gives full instructions and protocols on how to handle other illness and disease.

If you do not have coronavirus, but you think you have been exposed, you might want to take two 6-drop doses of MMS, an hour apart. I would then suggest doing the Starting Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000, as a preventative measure and as an overall detoxification of your body. And last, but not least, I recommend a daily maintenance dose of MMS for all.

Full details of these protocols are found in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org
As mentioned above, educate yourself now—familiarize yourself with MMS today, don’t wait until you are in the middle of a crisis. All the best and good fortune to you along the way, Jim Humble

This is my disclaimer as it seems everyone must have a disclaimer nowadays: I have shared certain views and opinions in the above Newsletter. I would follow this information myself if I had need, but everybody has to take responsibility for their own health. I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. I merely provide information (for educational purposes) based on my experience and the experience of others. I do not suggest anyone follow my advice without getting the advice of a qualified health professional, and then decide what you want to do about your own health. Again, each person must take responsibility for his/her own health. So, please do what you feel is best.

I do hope this is helpful for you, best wishes, Mary Poppins


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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 13 Sep 2021 05:25 #71084

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Hi Mary! 

Thank you so much for your detailed response, would you be open to talking more about it in detail with me? I still get a little fearful of trying MMS, I have the bottles, I had covid and am currently experiencing long hauler's symptoms.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

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COVID 19 protocol and has anyone used it? 13 Sep 2021 19:33 #71098

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Hi Mary! 

Thank you so much for your detailed response, would you be open to talking more about it in detail with me? I still get a little fearful of trying MMS, I have the bottles, I had covid and am currently experiencing long hauler's symptoms.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Hello Leslie, before I forget, what are "long hauler's symptoms?" To be clear about your request, I don't give advice or treat people in the virtual world. That's too complex and hard to actually get a sense of someone's conditions. Besides, I can say all sorts of things without proof that that's correct, see what I mean? You may benefit from visiting a holistic therapist who includes working with MMS, for example Kerri Rivera. I've posted a few videos and links since I've arrived here.

On the psychological side of the subject of fear, I believe that you can overcome your fear by beginning to clearly understand what MMS does, so that you grow a sense of trust first, in taking it with confidence and in agreement, without doubts. As long as you're cautiious and fearful, don't take it please. You've got to do your homework, building that trust yourself. So that you can start with a MMS protocol that is the right one for your condition. You could, without risk, start with a dose of 2 drops activated MMS, one drop from each bottle, and follow the instructions present all over this place. When you prefer an experience with MMS.

Also, I've noticed, even while being a new member here, that there's tons of information, manuals, explanations etc. present here in this Forum. Just find the protocols and make up your mind about what's the best choice for you, using MMS. When your condition is good enough to do this. I'm not an experienced advisor in MMS treatment. Nor have I had a need to use it, with a disease. Someone present here, who is familiar (maybe) with using it, knowing much about it and working with people who use MMS for the treatment of their dis-ease, is more suitable for you I believe. 


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