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Lyme and IV MMS 22 Apr 2019 05:45 #60385

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Okay folks, seems like I have lime since 6 years ago and it went unnoticed, till now that I have visual snow, extreme brain fog, poor memory and concetration, feeling of like im dying,
joint pains, coughfin , and what not. These medics dont have a clue about their jobs unfortunatelly seems like.

Like, seriously, I dont know how much longer I am going to be able to be able to read write and do stuff. Feeling pretty pretty bad.

Did protocols and stuff but not effective, it comes back on. Only thing that clears up my brain fog is 15 activated drops, but the nausea is so hard that I almost always end up puking.
And I've been doing the protocols for quite a while, but the recovery is temporal and after that as soon as i stop doing the protocols, bum, right back.
Can't sleep, have uncontrolabre tinglings and movements in my tongue that wont stop. Situation is pretty critical. I just pray the lord 24/7.

Got nothing to lose, want to try IV CDH.

What should I do?

Any suggestion is well apreciated.

I'm doing it anyway, so if you have any advice, feel free to drop it ahead. It really is well well apreciated.

By now, I want to take 4 ml NaClO2 + 4 ml HCl + 92 ml Distiled water, mix em, and make the 3500ppm CDH solution.

What's the next step? What concentrations should I consider to IV? Better IV with a bag, or just inyection?

Again , any advice is well aprecieted.

Peace & Greetings

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Lyme and IV MMS 23 Apr 2019 05:32 #60393

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Hi FurtherAndon,

If it were me I'd do 10 ml of 100 ppm CDH every 6 hours via a 27g butterfly needle and I think if I had what you're describing, I'd do this every day for at least 3 days and longer if I was still experiencing symptoms. I haven't seen any negative side effects at this rate or frequency in a few people who have done this for sepsis - only improvement.

At first glance this may seem like a lot but if you do the math it just comes out to each session being 10 ml of CDH going into 5000 ml of blood which means each drop of CDH that goes in is going to be absorbed into and react with 500 drops of blood. Personally it's hard for me to see how this can cause any problems or even be effective but somehow it has been shown to be effective for sepsis, infection and a flu I got a while back.

Here's a link to a post I created about doing injections for blood infections, etc.:

And here's another one (shows my before and after blood tests with 50 ppm and the butterfly needle I use):

Hope this helps,
Scott McRae
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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Lyme and IV MMS 04 May 2019 01:30 #60459

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Thanks for your help, Scott. Lyme Disease is a real beast. I've been trying oral MMS for years (among other things), but I've still got it bad. I've got to try something more extreme. The only things that have helped even a little are an accidental overdose of MMS that broke up a biofilm in my heart and a 20 day water fast that completely relieved symptoms after day 19, but they returned immediately after eating only watermelon.

I saw the post on ozone therapy for Lyme and I'm looking at that. Some sort of CDH injection seems like a good thing to try. I just have no idea what I'm doing and injections make me nervous. I will update as I try things though. People with Lyme are really suffering and need to help each other.
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Lyme and IV MMS 20 May 2019 11:50 #60577

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Scott, I fucking love you.
Thank you from here to the moon and back for your reply.

So, I havent replyed till now cause I was getting materials prepared, I bought a bunch of medical equipment just in case ( catheters, IV bags, infusion tubes, valves and stuff... )

So my only concern is, how should I use the 27g needle ? Like should I always use it in the same spot or change spots where I puncture? Like my concern is damaging the vein because of over puncting the same vein. You pucture in diferent veins everytime?

My other idea is:
Should I use a 22G cathether with injection port (or just a normal cathether with a valve), and inject the Saline CDH thought there so to not puncture the vein multiple times with the 27G butterfly? Is clothing ( blood clothing) a problem? Should I get some Sodium Heparine if I use the cathether route? Or isnt needed and just washing with saline is cool enough? I think that the mms itself kinda has some anticoagulant properties and will wash the cathether on itself, but anyways, should I be concerned about cloth forming?

Or shouldnt I worry that much and just puncture with the 27G on itself and get over it?

Will try a 27G butterfly 10 ml 100ppm clo2 in iv 0,9 saline and will report back as soon as im done.

What do you reccomend?
Thanks! Really apreciate all the info about all of this you alredy put throught the net.

By the way

The reason IV is so effective is real simple.
Check out the attachment image i uploaded with this post

So first, clo2 go throught the intestines, get abosrbed into the blood, and right after that, goes throught the liver via the Mesentheric artery. This all in a slow abosrbtion rate.

Is a fact that we have antioxidants in the liver. But we also have antioxidants in the intestines. Specially Metallothionine ,and a bunch of other as well. They neutralize toxins, free radicals, heavy metals in the food we eat. Autistic children have low levels of antioxidants in the intestines so every toxin they eat they absorb it in the bloodstream and get the bad reactions, just as a example.

So the clo2 has to pass thorught the intestines antioxidants, and after that throught the liver antioxidants and a great percentage of it is neutralized in the liver ( that's what the liver does, neutralizes free radicals) . That's why you get nausea and diarrea ( nausea is because you want to vomit that neutralized antioxidants because the body identifies them as "toxic, neutralized waste" , and diarrea is the same, is your body trying to get rid of neutralized antioxidants )

So when you inject clo2 IV, you are bypassing those 2 antioxidant systems, more Clo2 is getting into the blood stream, for more time ( as the liver wont process it all at once as when is absorbed by the intestines, but gradually and in fases).

Just my 2 cents.

PD : Will atach a photo of my brain, if anyone knows how to read mri scans and know what is going on on my brain is real apreciated. I just think is a infection that somehow is cicatrized thanks to mms.
Neurologist says I have nothin, I dont believe him.

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Lyme and IV MMS 20 May 2019 11:52 #60578

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So I crafted this long text but decided i would not post it, but reading it again , althought a bit erratic, i think it might contain some useful info.

So I will post it here, but you guys can kind of ignore it if you will.

By the way, i have some kind of a explanation to why IV is so much more effective than the oral route.

Is as simple as this:

So the intestines themselves have a antioxidant system, to neutralize ceirtain toxins, compounds and stuff as they are absorbed, so to protect the body from them entering the blood stream, specially heavy metals that act as free radicals. I know for sure that Metallothionein is and important antioxidant in of the intestines. For example, autistic children and alzheimers are deficient in that one, so more toxins and metals enter the bloodstream and the brain. As autistic children are deficient in Metallothionein, and it is a antioxidant responsible for carrying metals out of the body, and a vaccine has some heavy metals in it, when they get a shot, their bodies dont have the necesary deffense to neutralize those, so they get injuried ( that's why not every child gets autism after a shot ) and is proven that these kids have more heavy metals in brain than usual. That's why also , they have more food intolerances, as the intestine has less Metallothionein ( and other antioxidants ), so when they eat food with toxins they get bad reactions. They just have trouble neutralizing toxins.

So intestines are the first antioxidant barrier. After that, everything that is absorbed in the bloodstream goes to the liver throught the the Mesentheric Arthery as the image in the atachment shows.

There we all know that the liver is filled with all kind of antioxidants, that neutralize toxins and free radicals as well. I believe that when you drink a high enough dose of ClO2 you get nauseated, because your liver is flushing neutralized antioxidants out to the intestines, and you want to vomit that neutralized antioxidants because the body cant reutilize them ( unless they get reabsorbed and recicled, but that takes some time and usually your body just want to get rid of them as it recognizes them as "excesive" toxic waste. ( and that is also the reason why you get diarrea, to eliminate that "toxic" waste )

So what Im trying to say, is that, first the mms has to go to throught antioxidants in the intestine and then, the liver where big part of it gets neutralized.. So quite a great deal of mms is lost till it's path to the bloodstream. That's why IV is way more effective tha normal oral dosing.

[ And if then it has to penetrate like lets say the brain ( as in my case ) , it must go thought another (lipophilic, important fact) layer of antioxidants ]

I know that because once I was trying taking 2 grms of vit c for some days. Then I stopped for 2 days, and on the 3rd I took a big dose of mms (15 activated drops, as that was the dose that i felt had positive effects on my brain), another 15 drops dose, and started puking vit C with the smell of clorine. Like, all day punking. Real fun. They say that vit C is not stored in your organism, but that seems to me like false because holy shit, it fucking smelled like vit C and chlorine. I just assumed that in 2 days my body would have expelled all Vit C ,but seems like some of it gets stored.

So antioxidants are not a bad thing,you have them in all of your cells and thanks to them when you inject yourself with chlorine dioxide you get no damage because your cells protect themselves from the ClO2 with anotioxidant, so the ClO2 affects only the bacteria and the bad guys while leaving intact your body cells. Amazing right?

So, as when you inject ClO2 in directly into the blood stream, you are bypassing that 2 layers ( liver and intestines) of antioxidant protection, thus more ClO2 , in more concentration, and thought more time, is pressent in your blood, and that's why it is so effective.

So that is it IV is more effective than oral, the liver neutralizes a ceirtain percentage of the mms, mystery resolved.

( I will atach a pic of a mri of my brain and you'll se how it was affected by the lyme ) ( you need high concetrations of clo2 in blood so for it go throught the blood brain barrier, based in my observations and experience) (also as the book Lyme Brain from amazon, explains that the factors so antibiotics pass throught the blood brain barrier are: Molecular size, lipophilicity, concetration, and protein binding ( if some antibiotic is bound to proteins, it will pass harder throught the brain barrier, clo2 has not that problem ofcourse) ( I noted that when I add sodium bicarbonate to my Clo2 drink, the impact of clearing my brain fog triplicates, and that is because sodium bicarbonate , and any other coumpound with alkaline properties, will make the clo2 more lipophilic ( just basic chemisty, acid enviroment, compounds more soluble in water, alkaline enviroment, compounds are mor soluble in fat (lipophilic) and more in base form ). If you want to understand this even further, search Acid-Base extraction.

I also have and idea that im kinda like , might try it, might not. The idea is to infuse some liquid coconut oil ( or any oil I guess, but coconut i know for sure that is used by the brain ) with clo2 via a shot glass method that is used for making cds. But instead of water, coconut oil! I already have made some, and seems like the chlorine is absobed by the oil as it changes color. But obviously I'm concerned of what could happen, this is something experimental ofc and might be risky, who know how the body reacts. It will be some kind of antibiotic oil ( like oregano oil, that passes throught the brain barrier ) but with chlorine. When I try I , I will post the results. Will take care and start slow and hope for the best, dont worry bout that, if some of you try it, plese let me know how it went. Take care

Just my 2 cents

I learned about all this antoxidant layers in Dr Walsh lectures, from the walsh research institute where they treat mental health throught nutrients ( orthomolecular therapy is called ) Real cool if anyone wants to chem em out.
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Lyme and IV MMS 20 May 2019 13:00 #60580

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By the way, some interesting things about borrelia bugdonfery bacteria:

-Seems like a sinthetic created bacteria as a biological weapon.
-It can migrate to ANY part of your body, something not characteristic of natural bacteria. Where you get the bite, you get a eritema migrans, that is notihing more than the bacteria is spreading throught the skin.
-It pushes into the blood stream proteins, compounds, that supress the inmune system. I suspect that these are amphetamine like x-doi like compounds and related. As they have inmuno-supressive properties at the tinniest of doses ( less than micrograms, picograms)
-Because you are inmuno-suppressed, you dont have the common infection reactions that you would ussually have when you are infected by something (swollen lymphs, headaches and the feeling sick feeling etc ...), I also lost my alergies, something characteristic of inmunosuppression. So it is kinda like aids thing, you have infections, but your body does not respond to them. It can be eating your flesh from inside out and you wont notice because your body is not fighting
the infection ( look at the pics of my brain mri, i had not headaches, nor nothing, but my brain was having an infections, i noticed something was wrong because i had insomnia for 3 months , like real hardcore insmonia, visual snow, poor memory and concentration, joint paints, dificulti breathing (babesia like simptom) coughfin, and stuff like that. But it wasnt like a normal type of cold. It was weird. I got headeaches when I started to take mms, specially big doses of 15 drops. less than that and standart protocol 1000 was not effective.
- I got infected 4 years ago, and had a big big cold from the moment of infection till the 3rd month, it was real slow and progressive, in wich my head hurted like a fucking lot, and what not, i felt like i was gonna die, and from one moment to another all symptoms went away. I think that in that exact moment the inmunosupression occured. Not been sick since ( again , is that is because the inmune sistem isnt responding as it should) , if I got some symptom did protocol 1000 till i got better and didnt think much about it. They were always almost unnoticeable symptoms and not big deals.
-So infection is like you wont notice till you have some serious symptoms.
-Is the only bacteria that uses manganese instead of Iron.
-Manganese is needed for both neutralizing hidrogen peroxide and producing hidrogen peroxide, as a cofactor. Is used by the mitochondria as a antioxidant in some way.
- It seems like is inmune to the hidrogen peroxide that our bodies produce ( at the quatitiies that are produced by our white blood cells )
- It is not only carried by ticks, but by mosquitoes too, I can attest that. People surrounding me got the eritema migrans via mosquitoe.
- You can get infected and the infection is very sutile. It took me 4 years to have some serious symtoms ( neurologic type specially).
-I think is part of the agenda 21 to depopulate rural areas ( what better way to do that than infecting ticks right? )
- Is very hard to diagnose, since standart medical analisis will show you false negatives. IGG count goes down with time because inmuno-suppression makes it so ( you are infected and istead of
making more antibodies, you actually make less.
-Guys that desinged that shit were smart as fuck.
- Doctors kinda seem to know about it but act like smugs and say that all this is bullshit daradaradaradara , but i do really believe that they know about it. As soon as you start talking to them about lyme disease start acting weird. I have motives to think that they know about the subject.
-When the eritema migrans appeared, went to the doc, showed it, and said: Is fungus, here, grab this pomade. Pomade never worked. As soon as I mentioned that something bite me there, ignored it completelly.
-I live in a zone where in my state, is the zone with most cancer cases.They say is because of polution (makes no sense) It is also the zone with most lyme incidence. Casualty ?
- I had some tumor like stuff appearing below my skin, around my neck and in my mamary glands ( I'm a man) easily touchable and visible. They have significantly diminished after mms treatment.
- Only big doses of 15 drops seem to have a sustainable effect. Normal protocol 1000 is effective at adressing symtoms, but I still feel sicky, only 15 drops and such make me feel somewhat normal again.

So if any of you have any insight to share on this topic is more than welcome and I would love to hear your conclusions.
Also found this video
and think that is extremelly interesting.

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Lyme and IV MMS 20 May 2019 13:34 #60581

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Hi FurtherAndOn,

I personally would probably just jump around on my body from place to place to not puncture in the same spot but for a person who knows what he's doing and knows how to set up a catheter with a port on it, I would think that would be the way to go to reduce the punctures. And then if you did do that, I would think you would want to follow whatever the standard procedure for doing that is, which might include some sort of flush.

Another thing that I have thought I might do if I had cancer or sepsis or something like that is to make up a 500 cc IV bag of 10 to 20 ppm and then just kick back and let it drip in through an IV at a rate of 20 to 40 drops per minute which would take from 4 to 8 hours. I'd probably do that once a day 3 to 4 days a week until the problem was hopefully resolved. Doing this would give more ClO2 than three 10 cc injections of 100 ppm and should actually be more mild on the veins because of the lower ppm. Fewer punctures too. Could be done in the evenings or even while sleeping.

Also want to say thanks for the education you gave us regarding the benefits and maybe even need to go the IV route for some diseases in order to avoid the antioxidants in the stomach and liver. I too have thought the same and agree with you 100%.

Please do let us know how it goes. Hopefully you'll have great success and can share it with the world here for all the other Lyme disease sufferers.

May you be well,
Scott McRae
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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Lyme and IV MMS 20 May 2019 23:22 #60588

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FurtherAndOn, thanks for all the info you have posted here. Regarding Vitamin-C, the Linus Pauling Institute says this:

"Vitamin C in the Body - How long does vitamin C stay in the body?

Vitamin C can stay in the body for weeks. Levels of vitamin C in the blood are controlled by the kidneys through a process known as ‘renal reabsorption,’ which prevents vitamin C from being lost in the urine. Taking large doses of it can overwhelm this system, so the extra amount is lost in the urine in a matter of hours.

When someone who already has high levels in the blood takes some vitamin C, the increase in the body is only temporary – the majority is lost in the urine. When someone who doesn’t have high blood levels of vitamin C takes it, the vitamin stays in the system longer.

I think someone who is taking MMS should discontinue taking Vitamin-C until the MMS protocol(s) is completed. And I don't mean discontinue taking Vitamin-C during the day, rather to not take it at any time until your health problem is resolved, which could be days, or much longer, even years. Because Vitamin-C will probably reduce CLO2.
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Lyme and IV MMS 21 May 2019 20:09 #60594

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Hi FurtherAndOn
Thanks for your posts, very informative.

The idea is to infuse some liquid coconut oil ( or any oil I guess, but coconut i know for sure that is used by the brain ) with clo2 via a shot glass method that is used for making cds. But instead of water, coconut oil! I already have made some, and seems like the chlorine is absobed by the oil as it changes color..

I did a similar experiment. The next best thing after IV is suppository. So i did some chlorine dioxide suppositories with coconut oil. The oil did turn yellow (CD color). But the hurdle is that CD is water soluble not oil soluble. So if you mix melted coconut oil with pure MMS1 it is not homogeneous. It separates after a few minutes. The trick is to use an emulsifier like lecithin. Once the supps are frozen and ready to use they are bright yellow, so there is some CD in there, but what's the concentration is the $$$X. question; I used 20 drops for 5/6 supps. I use them myself. I have no idea about the effectiveness. I have no ailment that I can try it on. I expected some burning up the colon, but no burning, no discomfort at all.
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