Hello I am new to MMS I just started a day ago protocol 1000, but only 2 drops every hour,and I have some questions regarding the medicine I am taking in the mornings for Blood pressure and also depression. When could I take it not to interfere with the MMS? Is calcium with magnesium okay, glucosamine ?How long after I eat a mango should I wait? Or in general food?
Thanks so much
Hi Lula - My response is based on my own personal experiences, yours may vary. I take lorsartan for high blood pressure. I also take a blend of powders containing 3 types of magnesium and other minerals for cardiac reasons. I have had no bad reactions with any of the MMS p rotocols, and I take MMS1, MMS2, and also DMSO. What helps with confidence here is remembering that both MMS1 and MMS2 convert into chemicals your body normally makes to assist your immune system. It is a rather complex process, but in the end, that is what it all comes down to. The trick is to not interfere with this natural process. This means take your dose, then wait 30 minutes before eating. Or eat, then wait 30 minutes. However, keep your meals light. Eating one mango or a similar amount is about right. Save your larger meals for before or after your doses start or end for the day. When I eat a large breakfast I wait at least 1.5 hours before I begin my doses for the day. Jim Humble's book explains this in detail, but I know what it is like waiting to get the book, then reading to get the information need to get started. For me MMS does NOT help lower blood pressure. It may for others. For me I just keep a 30 minute period between taking meds and taking an MMS dose. If you can to play it safe so to say, take your meds at the end of the day about an hour or two after your last dose. That works for me. In my case taking MMS doses all day makes me pee all night, as in two to three times a night. So I set out my meds and take them in the middle of the night. That works too.