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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 26 Oct 2016 08:27 #53827

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Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS

Once again, MMS will be featured on a mainstream TV news show. This time in the US on “20/20” ( abcnews.go.com/2020 ) a TV news program produced by ABC, which is an hour long and usually covers a single topic per show. I wish I could say this was going to be a balanced discussion on the topic of MMS. Unfortunately, the approach the producers and reporters have demonstrated thus far leads me to assume this will be another hit piece as they have done in the past.

We believe this story will air soon—this Friday, October 28, 2016 at 10pm ET, based on emails we have received from the producer. This is an opportunity for you to tell your story.

Please read the rest of this newsletter for more information.

Recently, while walking down the street, I was confronted by three men, two had video cameras and one was a reporter. They had been waiting out of sight down the street for me to come out. For the next 15 minutes or so, I was grilled with one question after another. During the forced “interview,” the reporter accused me of making huge amounts of money. I told him if I was making a lot of money, I wouldn’t be living like I do, in low-cost housing. Most recently, I live in an inexpensive 2br apartment in a quiet area—not a place likely to be inhabited by someone with deep pockets. The money issue was the biggest thing this guy wanted to push. Perhaps he read the preposterous statement on one website that says I’m a billionaire. If that were reality, I could easily afford guards that would have stopped the news crew from reaching me. Anyone who has visited me knows this to be a fact. The only time I’m in a fancy place is if I’m the guest of someone else.

Considering MMS is sold around the world, it is easy to assume I should be rich. The fact is, I do not now, nor ever have sold MMS myself. There are lots of people who sell MMS. They put my picture on the bottle and say it is “approved by Jim Humble” for which I receive no monies. In addition, there are lots of people who illegally copy my books and translate and sell them for which I get nothing. The point that these journalists neglect to publish is the fact that my first book encouraged people to independently make and sell MMS. And that is exactly what happened. I get NOTHING from the majority of sales that happen out there in the world. My idea was to get it to the world and considering that there are trained health ministers in 125 countries I was somewhat successful.

The reporter claimed that MMS had something to do with the death of a woman (in 2009) in the Vanatu Islands, several hundred miles east of Australia. He asked me if I thought I should apologize to her husband and asked me if I didn't feel responsible. While I am personally deeply sorry for the death of this woman, no, I don't feel the need to apologize for something I had nothing to do with. The autopsy declared that the death was not caused by MMS. In fact, nowhere in the world after 20 years (since the discovery of MMS) has there been a single official report that MMS caused a single death or other permanent damage worldwide.

What about the countless people who have successfully used MMS to help their bodies heal from some disease—malaria and innumerable others. It seems only when something goes wrong (according to them) and MMS was anywhere around, that it gets the blame. From what I understand, the woman took two drops of MMS and died 12 hours later. Again, the autopsy showed there was no connection between MMS and her death. I was in contact (within hours of the death) with the people in the Vanatu Islands who furnished the MMS. It was apparent there were other issues at play that caused her death. I am truly sorry for the loss of life, but neither can I take responsibility for this. There are countless people around the world taking more than two drops of MMS an hour all day long, every day of the week, and they are not dropping like flies.

If you talk to various people and see how many people have used MMS, it is fair to say that at least several million MMS kits have been sold in the past 10 years. More than 5 million copies of my free books were downloaded by 2008. This is not the result of some big marketing plan and advertising budget. Instead, it is the result of people telling people that they got well from using MMS. THAT is what has sold millions of kits around the world! If MMS did not work, it would get no attention. This would not be a story on any mainstream media outlet, or if it was, it would have dried up a long time ago. Again, the only reason MMS keeps showing up in the news around the world is because it works, which is contrary to the stories that talk negatively about it.

There are certainly times I have said some things that I probably should have said differently. For lack of a better way to express things at the time—or because others put words in my mouth, in the past I have stated that MMS cures most of all diseases. Today, I say that MMS cures nothing! MMS serves as a tool to kill pathogens and oxidize poisons in the body which allows the body to heal the body. We live in a toxic world and we are fortunate to have MMS, as well as various other important health tools, to combat the ill effects of poor foods, and chemicals that make us sick.

I encourage everyone who has an MMS story to share it with

Cindy Galli, ABC Senior Investigative News Producer,
7 West 66th St., New York, NY 10023.
Office Phone: 212-456-2068,
Cell: 917-589-6910,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I apologize for the short notice, but I urge you, if MMS has helped you or a loved one, tell the story. Do it now! Even if all you write is one or two short lines, make an appeal today. Tell your story today, if even to say, “I took MMS and I'm alive to tell the story” or “MMS saved my life” or “MMS gave me my life back”—whatever the case may be. There is nothing too grand, or too small to tell—if MMS has helped you in any way at all, please consider, write to ABC today, and tell your story. I realize you are all busy people, but for the sake of helping others and declaring the truth, please, will you write Cindy Galli NOW?

Ms. Galli may not appreciate my publishing her contact information so publically; similar to how I did not appreciate being forced into an aggressive unplanned interview. Hopefully she will appreciate and actually report on the feedback she gets from as many of you as possible.

Maybe, just maybe, they will do the right thing and actually share some of your experiences with the world. My realistic side says that is unlikely, but my optimistic side says keep the door open to the possibility. My deepest thanks to you for taking the time to write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about your success with MMS. I just have to look at it as, “There is no such thing as bad publicity. All publicity is good publicity.”

Good fortune to you along the way, and with love,
Archbishop Jim Humble
Make a habit of two things:
to help; or at least to do no harm.
Walking is man's best medicine.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
-Hippocrates, Father of Western medicine

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 31 Oct 2016 14:00 #53846

  • Dawna
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It's too bad Mark didn't use the opportunity to tell the world a little about MMS, that is isn't bleach - like you find in your laundry, and cite working against malaria or cite the fact it cures fungus, bacteria, spores and these facts are in medical references.....instead he just attacked Brian Ross personally and looked like a snake oil salesman.

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 31 Oct 2016 18:27 #53848

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It's too bad Mark didn't use the opportunity to tell the world a little about MMS, that is isn't bleach - like you find in your laundry, and cite working against malaria or cite the fact it cures fungus, bacteria, spores and these facts are in medical references.....instead he just attacked Brian Ross personally and looked like a snake oil salesman.

Let's not be naive. How many times has this been said and repeated and proven and explained and reexplained in english and other languages by Jim Humble in the media and in his articles/videos/books/websites and by his assistants.
I personally don't blame Mark. Brian Ross didn't come to find out, he came to discredit and sully. In the end things are the way they should be; the cattle will keep following Brian Ross and the main stream media with their treatments and the rest of us a different path.

On the other hand watch this video about Dr Soon Shiong and his 'disruptive' research and try to spot the differences: vimeo.com/113893149

- Compare the interview styles in this video with the JimHumble's or Mark's. The tone is set from the get go; one aims at portraying the interviewee as a hero the other at shooting him down.

About Dr Soon Shiong and his 'disruptive' research and findings:

- Fact: It has been known what cancer is since the early 1900s and more accurately and proven what causes it in the late 1990s. All those (Drs, scientists, researchers, etc...) that have tried to be more proactive about it have either died of mysterious death (the latest to my knowledge is Dr Nicholas Gonzalez) or ridiculed/labelled quack or ruined or silenced in a way or another.

- The video shows that Dr Soon Shiong's prime tool is technology to find out how and why cancer cells mutate. 1) This has been known for decades, 2)Cancer/cancers cells are the manifestation of a toxic body caused by specific pathogens coupled with specific toxins. Focusing on removing tumors will get -you the patient- nowhere except sicker and with more cancer to come in the following years; and them -the pharmaceutical, oncologists, people like Soon Shiong- with much more money 3)How to fascinate people and make it more believable than using High Tech stuff and fill a board with arrows, graphs and stuff people know nothing about. You can make a not so complicated system look very complicated; the cattle swallow this trick all the time.

- In the video he talks about 'inability of cancers cells to die', and giving them the ability to die. This none sense (and other variations and versions) is pedalled every few years by past 'heroes' (just like him). Look where we are today - no closer to an effective conventional cure than 60 years ago. I guarantee you, come back in 5/6 years and this guy would have fallen into oblivion with more million $ in his bank account, and still no closer to a cure than today.

- This guy is a multi millionaire, has financed and is at the head of a drug company and has plans to develop 30 drugs. Doesn't that say it all? It's a known fact that NO drug can cure cancer (nor any chronic disease), all drugs are the synthetic versions of natural products (plant, fruits, flowers...) and by nature 1)do not cure 2)harm the body.

- This guy is hailed by the media, getting awards, and blessed by FDA. What to say about someone who is sponsored by the mafia's Godfather?

- In the video they say "enlightened days" are ahead.... Yes sure why not; good food for the cattle who never learn from the past.

- The only thing that he got right is that you can cure nearly all cancers with same/very similar protocols. Cancer is a condition, the fact that it was found in the breast or pancreas or lung is a detail, a variation. But again we already knew that, it has been proven and MMS/MMS2 protocols confirmed it.

- This Dr has not cured a single cancer patient, all he has been doing is puffing hot air; nevertheless he is a hero. However, people like Jim Humble and his assistants who have helped and cured 1000s and 1000s of people with various ailments in many countries with no reported deaths from the MMS/MMS2 are quacks.

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 01 Nov 2016 13:31 #53855

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The "cattle" you refer to are just people trying to go to work, raise their kids, be nice neighbors, be involved in the schools, shop for food, prepare meals, take care of houses, yards, minor ailments, tax reporting........ there is no time for research. We all want to believe our leaders are fine people...... with the revelation of all of Hillary's lies and deals (90% of the "charitable" fund she has is spent on "expenses") maybe we will wake up, or maybe we will all fall into the cheat and put yourself first way of life. We seem to be at a corner.
Not everyone has seen or heard of MMS, quite the opposite!
No matter the tone of the interviewer, a steady voice and real facts would have stolen the show!

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 01 Nov 2016 15:29 #53868

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We all want to believe our leaders are fine people

Good for you Dawna, keep believing in your leaders.

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 07 Nov 2016 19:01 #53922

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Dear Dawna.
l don't know why you referenced yourself as one of the "cattle" referred to in previous post. It is obvious that you are an intelligent thinker questing after truth. An honest citizen just trying as hard as you can. The obnoxious term "cattle" came about as a reference to those people who are not questing after knowledge, hiding from anything remotely resembling truth, not wanting to know truth, thereby being led by the nose (like cattle) with every wind that blows from the mainstream media.

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From Jim Humble 26 Oct 2016: Timely—I Need Your Help: Mainstream Media About to do Major Story on MMS 07 Nov 2016 21:13 #53923

  • gabyher
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Here is a typical example of cattle attitude:
My wife's niece (40 with 3 kids) has breast cancer that metastasized (after x amount of radiation and y amount of chemo). A year ago the family heard of a 'bright renowned' doctor in Belgium who treats tough cancer cases with nuclear technology (imagine!). My wife called the family and tried to dissuade them; deaf ears. She called a second time, she got ostracized. The poor woman came back slightly worse than before. From there on she went down hill. We got news last weekend that it's now all over her brain; she lost her vision, can't walk, talk, eat, and is bed ridden in pain. We are expecting the receive the bad news in a week or two max.
The family is still convinced that the docs did their best and all alternative solutions are quackery.

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