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A Complication 25 Aug 2016 03:50 #53267

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I try to combat / debate CD on youtube. No one asked me to do that, it is just something I do. I want to help and that is one of the ways I do it. This caused me to research once again into the science behind CD. I came across a conundrum as well as an article which has upset us greatly, to the point I am afraid to continue my therapy. The conundrum resides in the following:

What Exactly is “MMS” or Acidified Sodium Chlorite?

MMS (Miracle [Master] Mineral Solution) is a simple solution of sodium chlorite dissolved in distilled water.

Sodium chlorite is perfectly legal to buy, sell, import, export, and possess. It is still available to this day on Ebay, Amazon, and from scores of online distributors worldwide. It has been marketed throughout the world for nearly a century, most notably for use in water purification.

When mixed with weak acids, such as citric acid, sodium chlorite is a precursor to a dynamic array of redox molecules effective in the eradication of yeasts, molds, fungi, viruses, and bacteria, all which thrive in aqueous solutions (including human body water) and are a leading cause of various disease symptoms throughout the world.

Sodium chlorite, properly acidified, contains no residual sodium chlorite, as this is all spent in the reaction. Hence, alleged “dangers” of sodium chlorite is a misnomer. The resultant chemistry, if and when ingested, breaks down internally to oxygen, sodium, and chloride – all essential nutrients for the sustenance of human life.


I indented the last paragraph. Focus in on that last paragraph. I would I had found it to be true, but I did not:

In drinking water, chlorite (ClO2 - ) is the predominant reaction endproduct, with approximately 50 to 70 percent of the chlorine dioxide converted to chlorite and 30 percent to chlorate (ClO3 - ) and chloride (Cl- ) (Werdehoff and Singer, 1987).

I did not, I did not:

What are the characteristics of chlorine dioxide ?
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a synthetic, green-yellowish gas with a chlorine-like, irritating odor. Chlorine dioxide is a neutral chlorine compound. Chlorine dioxide is very different from elementary chlorine, both in its chemical structure as in its behavior. Chlorine dioxide is a small, volatile and very strong molecule. In diluted, watery solutions chlorine dioxide is a free radical. At high concentrations it reacts strongly with reducing agents. Chlorine dioxide is an unstable gas that dissociates into chlorine gas (Cl2), oxygen gas (O2) and heat. When chlorine dioxide is photo-oxidized by sunlight, it falls apart. The end-products of chlorine dioxide reactions are chloride (Cl-), chlorite (ClO-) and chlorate (ClO3-).

Read more: www.lenntech.com/processes/disinfection/chemical/disinfectants-chlorine-dioxide.htm#ixzz4IIyPPYYL

Now I can account for the Chloride and Chlorite:


And thus preserve the truth of the statements, but
But I cannot account for what happens to the Chlorate in the body.

I checked the CD wiki and there was nothing. I decided to google it and found this:


My entire body is tingling as I write this:

Will someone please EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!

Heero Yuy

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A Complication 25 Aug 2016 06:46 #53269

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The last link is full of lies. Ignore it. Kids are not born with autism! And it is curable.

MMS has been used for 20 years, no one has died who ingested it and many, many have recovered their health.

As I recall the chlorate is short lived.
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A Complication 26 Aug 2016 05:04 #53270

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I have learned not discuss these sort of things with people that have a cattle mindset.

Yes, I know this site.
-My wife and I have been eating apricot seeds nearly every day for the last 13 months, we are still around
-My wife and I have been taking MMS1 or MMS2 for the last 6 months, we are still around and in better shape

Before trying MMS I have searched the internet for potential dangerous side effects - none that I could find. However I found a number of articles that warned against it. If you know how to read between the lines it becomes clear the motivation behind the writing.

They claim that MMS is a dangerous product. However over 700,000 people die every year from medical treatments and conventional drugs. (draxe.com/conventional-medicine-is-the-leading-cause-of-death/)
That's acceptable and accepted.
I personally will stick with a dangerous protocol that has killed no one so far vs a conventional protocol that kills in the hundreds of thousands every year.

These websites mention nothing about the amount of bleach added to our tap water. Bleach contains no less than 20 heavy metals and toxins many of them known carcinogens. That too is acceptable and accepted. However, MMS which removes many of the toxins and pathogens in the body is dubbed dangerous.

oops, it's getting late - time for my MMS1 drops before I go to bed.
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A Complication 26 Aug 2016 22:42 #53276

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I realize you think that about me. Perhaps you are right, but objectively the site does indeed mention CD in drinking water, and compares it to the levels in CD protocols in further comparison with LD 50 kill rates. But if you meant specifically Bleach as in Chlorine, then I agree with that assessment . It could have been discussed, since CD has the ability to eliminate some or all of those carcinogens. I expected a response about the conventional drugs, but such a response is inadequate since the claim being made in the first place is that CD is less dangerous than that of conventional drugs. And in any case two wrongs don't a right make. The article also states that there are arrest warrants in combination with people being sick or dyeing from CD. I have not seen a response to this so far, though it is needed. I read on the MMS wiki that knowledgeable ministers of health are available to contact to answer questions and that they frequently give CD away to those in need. A friend bought my first CD for me from Reiki Ranch, and I am working now so perhaps I can buy my own in the future. I have not asked for free CD, only for help with these questions. I don't understand why you would think that is an unreasonable request considering the stated mission of the church (a church I would like to join when I get the money) to help with human health and healing and the healing of all beings. I don't understand why no one seems to want to discuss the chemistry of this article, since the Wiki also states that advocates of CD are the most knowledgeable about its chemistry. I already know that site is wrong about B17 in apricots (World Without Cancer, the Vitamin B17 Story and indeed I use apple seeds every day), and about CD being size selective (PLOS article), but it is the warrants and the LD 50 vs safe drinking water limits, and where protocols are on that spectrum, that is causing my concern. Instead of insulting me (since I too use CD), why don't you simply use your chemical knowledge to correct me, as I have shown I can take correction when it is applied. It is not simply me you owe an explanation to. It is to everyone who might loose their chance at healing because they read that article. It is to the world which stands poised to attack your church. I did not have to come here. I could have blindly changed position and started to attack you. But I did not. I came here, on your own forum (and I hope it will still be mine as well after this post) so you could answer, on your own terms, this article. So I appeal to you in the name of darkness and light, and by the left and the right hand path, to use your chemical knowledge to answer that article and show all people how it is wrong.

Heero Yuy

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Last edit: by Heero_Yuy. Reason: Spelling and further explination

A Complication 26 Aug 2016 23:20 #53277

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I could insult you as well:

Blind pupils. -- As long as a man knows very well the strength and weaknesses of his teaching, his art, his religion, its power is still slight. The pupil and apostle who, blinded by the authority of the master and by the piety he feels toward him, pays no attention to the weaknesses of a teaching, a religion, and soon usually has for that reason more power than the master. The influence of a man has never yet grown great without his blind pupils. To help a perception to achieve victory often means merely to unite it with stupidity so intimately that the weight of the latter also enforces the victory of the former.

from Nietzsche's Human, all too Human, s.122, R.J. Hollingdale transl.

And where would that get us? Banned. But you can call me a cow (which you consider an insult), with not only impunity but with the support of others. But where does this get either of us? Does this advance the purpose of your church (and I hope one day soon I can say, of OUR church.)

Forget me and what you think of me, and answer the chemistry of the article, and do not make true another statement of that philosopher, which was that anyone who looked too deeply into a popular movement would find himself on the outside of it.

Heero Yuy

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A Complication 27 Aug 2016 04:24 #53279

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Instead of insulting me (since I too use CD), why don't you simply use your chemical knowledge to correct me, ...

Who is insulting you? We are trying to answer your questions the best way we know how. You are accusing us of holding back information from you. Why would we do that? Maybe we don't have the answers to your questions, ya think?

I don't think you understand that this forum is a MMS users support forum, not a hangout for chemists and scientists. There is one forum member who is a chemist, but we don't hear from him very often. Most people who come on this forum do not have chemistry knowledge nor it is necessary, to be able to use MMS effectively.
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A Complication 27 Aug 2016 06:19 #53280

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"people who have a cattle mentality,"

I don't feel what I was asking was unfair. I just don't want to hurt myself. I have had kidney and liver abnormal readings in the past. This article specifically fear mongered about that. I don't know who else to ask. Kerri seemed annoyed that I questioned her. I don't think she will answer if I ask again. I just don't know who else to ask. The skeptics on YouTube and elsewhere certainly aren't going to help. They already told me, one of them they hope I die and burn in hell.


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A Complication 27 Aug 2016 06:23 #53281

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I just figure the next shoe to drop is that someone will accuse me of being a shill and ask for me to be banned. I already questioned CD in my only other thread here. Its not like COINTEL PRO doesn't exist. I talked at a Scientology org and one thing they said was they are strict in hiring cause they got infiltrated in the past, so I'm sure the same thing happens to you. Same with Sept. Clues and other truthers, etc. get infiltrated by shills. These people pretend to be all about the topic, therapy, or whatever, and then turn against it in order to spread confusion and hurt others.


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A Complication 27 Aug 2016 06:35 #53282

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In fact, one researcher, author of the book "Porphyria, the Cause of Common and Chronic Environmental Illness," has stated this happened in the Orthomolecular system and specifically accused Dr. Carl Pheiffer of being responsible.

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