Hi Sunny
And THANK YOU so much for your response...
Your experience was exactly what I neeed to hear about. And now that I've done more research, I'm pretty sure she has a condition called pyometra - where pus fills the uterus. Apparently, it can also mimic pregnancy or she may have miscarried due to it..I won't know about that one.
I was alarmed when I read your comments, but I needed to be and felt it to be serious. In desperation, on Wednesday I did go to the shelter vet who would only provide antibiotics if I signed an agreement to get her spayed immediately after treatment. There's also a male vet there who's more of a Doc Frankenstein and did something unethical to my beloved other cat I had to put out of her misery earlier this year. And there was a 50/50 chance he'd be doing the op.
I needed a day to think about it yesterday, but was so anxious due to understanding your 'critical timing' factor.
Although my inner voice had said clearly the MMS would work, when I saw no sign of improvement on the double dose yesterday, I was planning to go back for the antibiotics this am, although still continued with the MMS and CS. All the same symptoms seemed to be continuing including constant licking of the genitals.
Well, I THINK there's been a turning, more than 24 hrs later on the increased MMS dosage...for the better

And that started last night with her body shaking less, she slept more and just had 1 or 2 long yellow pees minus the discharge. And NO uncontrollable pee on the bed for the first time - my house stinks to high heaven! Also, a friend did Reiki on her from afar with a team last night. Then, this am she ate even better, slightly runny poo, can't asses the discharge/not yet and I saw her for the first time in a week actually running and jumping to catch a butterfly in the garden! I'm so hopeful...but still haven't got the antibiotics.
My inner voice has told me to keep the MMS double dose up for one more, then revert to 1 drop. Judging from her past inconsistent appetite, I'm now thinking she's had this condition for quite a time already, where the inflammation must have reared up cyclically, without me knowing what was going on. At least I think I know what it is now...
Thank you tremendously for your input in this Sunny - it's been really appreciated. I will continue to update you on Sierra's progress.
I hope this may help another experiencing similarly here also.
Many blessings returned