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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 27 Oct 2013 21:39 #37062

  • clau
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Please help... I have been trying to heal a molar (had crown replaced in June and it has not stopped hurting since then). Dentist of course said I need a root canal, but I can tell the infection is under the tooth with the gum as it hurts with pressure only.

I have been using the brush/mouthwash protocol for over a month, and yesterday I started taking MMS internally (1000 protocol) ...
and although my tooth feels a bit better... all of my teeth are turning black (especially molars)....
What can I do?

I have tried the baking soda and also the Bentonite clay... neither help :(

please help! I am TOTALLY freaked out ..especially because also, it looks like my gums are receding!

Thank you!
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 27 Oct 2013 22:03 #37063

  • pam
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clau - I've had no issues like you have had - however, I've heard of a couple who have. I have gum recission, but it was from dry mouth while sleeping, according to my dentist. I seriously doubt yours was caused by the MMS or CDS - There are a lot of reasons for receding gumlines (see below) - Occasionally you will find some discoloration of the teeth. A professional (go to the dentist) cleaning took care of their discoloration. Also you may want to consider taking some mineral supplementation, such as found in ocean water.


Please note that receding gums are common and come from a lot of causes.
Gum recession is a common dental problem. Most people don't know they have gum recession because it occurs gradually. The first sign of gum recession is usually tooth sensitivity, or you may notice a tooth looks longer than normal. Often a notch can be felt near the gum line.

Recommended Related to Oral Health
Oral Health: Insights Into Your Overall Health

If your eyes are the window to your soul, then your mouth is a mirror of your health. Although that idea may seem farfetched, health experts believe that good oral health care does more than prevent tooth decay and gum disease. "Any disease related to the mouth has an impact elsewhere in the body," says Denis F. Kinane, BDS, PhD, at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Researchers are studying the association between oral health, inflammation, and disease. Inflammation, which is the...

Read the Oral Health: Insights Into Your Overall Health article > >

Gum recession is not something you want to ignore. If you think your gums are receding, make an appointment with your dentist. There are treatments that can repair the gum and prevent further damage.

Why Do Gums Recede?

There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede, including:

Periodontal diseases. These are bacterial gum infections that destroy gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in place. Gum disease is the main cause of gum recession.

Your genes. Some people may be more susceptible to gum disease. In fact, studies show that 30% of the population may be predisposed to gum disease, regardless of how well they care for their teeth.

Aggressive tooth brushing. If you brush your teeth too hard or the wrong way, it can cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away and your gums to recede.

Insufficient dental care. Inadequate brushing and flossing makes it easy for plaque to turn into calculus (tartar) -- a hard substance that can only be removed by a professional dental cleaning -- and build up on and in between your teeth, causing gum recession.

Hormonal changes. Fluctuations in female hormone levels during a woman's lifetime, such as in puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can make gums more sensitive and more vulnerable to gum recession.

Tobacco products. Tobacco users are more likely to have sticky plaque on their teeth that is difficult to remove, which can cause gum recession.

Grinding and clenching your teeth. Clenching or grinding your teeth can put too much force on the teeth, causing gums to recede.

Crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. When teeth do not come together evenly, too much force can be placed on the gums and bone, allowing gums to recede.

Body piercing of the lip or tongue. Jewelry can rub the gums and irritate them to the point that gum tissue is worn away.
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 28 Oct 2013 08:30 #37080

  • Simone.spek
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Hello Clau,

In every drug store you can buy hydroxygenperoxide (H2o2). For about 2€. Mix half H2o2 with the same amount of water. Then keep it for atleast 3 minutes in your mouth. It is actually soft. And when spitting out a lot of mucus comes out too.

Also you can use 6 activated drops mms in water in your mouth and keep it in for the same period. It can do no harm! Your are both oxidizing the bad bacteria in your mouth.
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 28 Oct 2013 09:27 #37081

  • Phanthom Tenjou
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advice is the banana peel (Musa paradisiaca) the white rubbed against the teeth 2 times a day, gives very good results as tooth whitening and prevents little sensitivity, but is very slow almost three months must pass I recommend, as top mensionan you brush your teeth with baking soda and rinse with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

consejo es la cascara del plátano (Musa × paradisiaca) la parte blanca frotada contra los dientes 2 veces al día, da muy buenos resultados como blanqueador dental y evita muy poco la sensibilidad, pero es muy lento casi 3 meses deben pasar yo recomiendo, como te mensionan arriba lavar los dientes con bicarbonato de sodio y enjuagar con agua oxigenada (H2O2)
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 30 Oct 2013 01:27 #37110

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Thank you everyone for your input/Muchas gracias por sus sugerencias.

I did try the peroxide swishing, but it turned my tongue black and HUGE... I googled it and found out what I had was "black hairy tongue" due to the peroxide. A few days with MMS cleared that up...

My tooth is still aching and I am trying now to take MMS internally as well as use it with an irrigation syringe (sans needle).
I am also using MMS on my face to help a burn caused by an idiot doctor here in the USA. Any advice/anecdotal *pep talks* are welcome!

On top of it all... I have high levels of lead and I am chelating with EDTA... does anyone know if this is contraindicated with the MMS? I do the MMS during the day and the EDTA at night.

And yes, the pain in my tooth has caused me to clench my teeth at night.... oh vey! I have so many ailments right now I am feeling quite depressed as it seems one thing causes another.... please help! I know they pale in comparison to ppl suffering from Cancer.... but I am in so much physical and emotional distress... :(

thank you,

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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 30 Oct 2013 15:36 #37120

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A couple of things - MMS will oxidize heavy metals, so you may not need to do the EDTA - I don't know that it's contra indicated, but it could eliminate one thing from your procedure.

You may be better with the abscess protocol - it's the use of MMS AND DMSO in the mouth.


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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 28 Jan 2018 20:57 #57423

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I'm also having same problem...How did you fix it...My gums actually are like sloughing off as well as my cheek and my tong feels chalky. what is worse is a metal crown ( think it is supposed to be white gold or platinum) turned dark! I am pretty scared right now , I really wanted the mms/dmso treatment to work on my abscess tooth nstead of taking the clintamyacin the dentist prescribed for me . I actually took more dmso and mms than
the abscess protocol says, and I also drank the solution I overdosed myself . please help, tippi
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 28 Jan 2018 23:10 #57426

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We need more info on exactly how you're using MMS1, CDS or CDH. You don't say which one(s) you are using. How do you mix whatever SCS you are using and what is the dosing? Are you following protocols from Jim's latest book?

If you are using MMS1 activated with citric acid, the citric acid could be discoloring your metal crown.
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PLEASE help!!! MMS is turning my teeth black & gums are receding! 15 Sep 2019 15:50 #61351

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Use of natriumbicarbonaat (arm &hammer) works for me
It remineralises teeth
Use pure

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