I had it written here some time ago when i registered on this forum. Just a little of my story

I did not want to connect cause people mosty see a lot to read and they do not get interested
I totally got rid of horrible big hurting pimples on my back i think it was from that bacteria. I must have ifected myself when i was a kid on some big open swimming pool now i remember ... I have absolutely no headaches nowadays, i feel much more vigorous and positive, my mood is excellent and stable. I had no sinus infection or any other since from third month of starting taking mms. I finally have a good sense of smell. I got rid of a lot of body fat my muscles are visible especially on stomach

But that was not the goal i wanted to actually " feel " better and i did it. I do not do any tests and go to doctors anymore because i do not like them. I was following some Jim H. word that they ask their patient how do they FEEL, not just look at some papers and diagrams that really do not tell much. I think my health was destroyed from synthetic antibiotics and heavy metal intoxication from welding especially. But welding just finished the job cause i did not care about my health when i was younger i was smoking cigarettes drinking a lot etc. I had problem with herpes on my lips and now it does not show up anymore. I had candida overgrowth my body was eaching in every place especially after bath, when i wanted to get some sleep it was horribly frustrating to fall asleep. I had amalgam fillings in teeth and i got rid of them and i want to fully detoxify my body from mercury. The removal was not a very safe method ... ahhh dentists ;d I do not eat ANY sweets and try to eat healthy ( no processed and chemically preserved foods ). I still have some little problem with my nose i have some little catarrh and water-like substance in it, i do not know is it normal cause i had much bigger problem with sinuses all those years so i do not really know how is it to feel " normal " anymore. But it is spontanous and episodic. Now i realize how my body must have been trashed with all those substances.
I did not stop mms i just lowered the doses but it is still protocol 2000 i feel that mms2 is working very good for my digestive tract and those nose " infections "
So summary :
-no bacterial sinus infection anymore (yellow fluid when you blow out your nose )
-no headaches
-no hurting pimples
-no more coughing out some weird fluids from my lungs

-much more energy, i actually want to wake up and start the day
-no colds
-no flues
-no GOD DAMN FEVERS apearing God knows why spontanousely
-i do not take ANY MORE meds except that damn antidepresant but it is only 20 mg i was taking 40 mg, but i will get rid of that too, but not so hasty ...
Those are main.
But i presume there is still much intoxication of metals, and there must be hiding some virus causing the start of nose infection but i do not develop further stage ( yellow bacterial fluid ) like before. because my immune system is much more powerfull now. So i slowly will kick that bastard in some time whatever it is and it is all posible thanks to mighty mms1 and mms2