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any updates or new for having a cure for azheimers? 28 Feb 2018 05:35 #57752

  • luizz
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my grandmother got recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and im really crush by the incident and i really don't know how am i gonna cope up with it...will i just send my mom to a caregiving facility? is there any cure for this?will I still have hope?
found this caregiving facilty... is this good?

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any updates or new for having a cure for azheimers? 20 Mar 2018 20:34 #58013

  • soonersfan002
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We've been using MMS for 3 months now for mother who has Alzheimers. She went from the staff telling us to say our goodbyes to her to walking on her own without a walker and is eating well. She is able to put sentences together and follows some of what we say. Big improvement! Cure? I don't really know but for sure improvements
The following user(s) said Thank You: CLO2, fourfingerz

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any updates or new for having a cure for azheimers? 23 Mar 2018 14:47 #58027

  • Horsefeathers
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Many, many people have overcome symptoms of Alzheimer's by a major change in diet! This is a must. Check out the Ketogenic Diet. Very important. Also, here is a link.:


The free viewing is over, however there is an email at the bottom of the page. Perhaps they would be willing to talk to you about what to do. In the meant time, lots and I mean lots of coconut oil, mct oil and the Keto diet is a wonderful start. Start low and work up or the body will react and there will be way to much throne room time spent!! :) Carbs are a major problem at this point in time. Add the MCT oil into everything. It is tasteless. Add on top of salads, deserts, yogurts, vegies, cooked meats etc. Use Coconut oil everywhere you can. Tolerates cooking well. It is very important. Please do an internet search. You may get a better result with Duck Duck Go these days than using Google. I have noticed severe restriction on my google searches verses Duck Duck Go.

All the best to you and your loved ones!
The following user(s) said Thank You: CLO2, fourfingerz

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any updates or new for having a cure for azheimers? 24 Mar 2018 10:51 #58041

  • Sky
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Add to the diet the following -

1. Butane Honey Oil - as much as can be handled.
2. Alkalizing treatment (occasionally) after testing pH - 1 tsp Baking Soda 3-4 times a week
3. Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil - 2 Tsp a day

And the dietary changes required to quit acidifying - as suggested above.
The mind is like a garden, if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it.

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any updates or new for having a cure for azheimers? 24 Mar 2018 18:38 #58043

  • pneumatician
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Not a silver bullet for this. alz. is an accumulative and progressive disease, like many others (Paracels).

if you live with the person affected you can see a PROGRESSIVE deterioration, cognitive, vision, ear, smell, taste... alz is not like a flu you can get in hours or a day. if any person get alz. in weeks or a few months this near sure is a bad diagnose and maybe is another disease like the disease of the crazy cows... get another opinion... prevention is best.

if it were me I avoid treta pack containers and any other shit containing aluminium, be careful with metal smells from new electronic hardware, deodorants with aluminium, air fresheners (all chem shit)...

And a lot of recommendations already said here like fish cod oil, hidrocotile vulgaris herb, GH3, germanium, SOD, chelation therapy Beta Carotrenes...





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