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Using MMS with healing foods 18 Feb 2016 20:21 #51144

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I have recently begun my journey with MMS using the 2000 protocol. I am trying to heal myself from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid disease, Chronic fatigue and other issues related to being heavily toxic. My concern is that during my research I have found that the MMS protocol is basically useless when the diet must consist of many fresh vegetable juices and smoothies containing super foods, greens and fruits due to the antioxidants and vitamins. I have chosen to eliminate meat, dairy, processed foods, refined sugar and gluten and with trying to feed my body the nutrients it needs it seems that it would render the MMS useless as it conflicts with the idea that vitamin c and antioxidants should be avoided while using the MMS. This leaves me wondering how to nourish my body during the weeks of the protocol and furthermore, how does the MMS repair the immune system if I am starving it with lack of nutrients? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Blessings to all. ...

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Using MMS with healing foods 18 Feb 2016 22:40 #51145

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Eat small meals between doses that will not affect CLO2.

After your last dose of the day, you can eat anything you want.
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Using MMS with healing foods 19 Feb 2016 11:29 #51147

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Thank you for that detailed response. I do notice that it mentions "supplements" yet no mention of raw fruits and vegetables. In some member's posts I have read here and elsewhere that it is best not to consume foods high in antioxidants and vitamins, which would suggest eating no fruits and vegetable juices. Though I am fine with not taking any actual supplements, I am still confused about whether or not it hinders my progress to have fresh carrot, celery, and green leaf juices or the smoothies containing blueberries, avocado, bee pollen, kale, banana and hemp seed? I can relate to "feeding disease", however, in my constant research over the past 16 months it is most notably sugar and processed foods along with dairy and meat that feed cancer and other diseased cells. Simply put...if I should stop consuming the nutrient dense foods during the protocol I'm not sure what is safe to eat? By the quote you provided it suggests to me that the MMS is doing it's job without the aid of nutrition but for me it would be reckless to consume foods that lack any nutrition as that is simply poison. I have also stopped taking the daily coffee enemas as outlined by the Gerson institute due to Mr. Humble's warning of the caffeine and replaced with the MMS enema. I don't want one protocol to cancel out the other . I am using the CDS, MMS1 and MMS2 along with the DMSO added to the bath but it's only been a week without any noticeable improvement yet which is why I am trying to ensure that I'm doing it correctly. Sorry for the long response. I truly appreciate your feedback! Thank you

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Using MMS with healing foods 19 Feb 2016 16:45 #51148

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Simply put...if I should stop consuming the nutrient dense foods during the protocol I'm not sure what is safe to eat? By the quote you provided it suggests to me that the MMS is doing it's job without the aid of nutrition but for me it would be reckless to consume foods that lack any nutrition as that is simply poison.

Healthy eating is never a mistake.

"Healthy eating" might be defined as simply eliminating toxic substances from the diet. When attempting to restore health and following MMS protocols, what you SHOULD NOT eat is more important than what you DO eat.

We know that Vitamin C supplements, orange juice, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages neutralize MMS - therefore start out by eliminating these things from consumption. Though as a caveat, if I was treating myself for cancer, I would take 1 gram of Vitamin C in the evening 2 hours after my last dose of MMS. The immune system is greatly impaired without Vitamin C. If one can afford the cost, Vitamin C in the form of Camu Camu or acerola cherry should be considered, since they are food in comparison to ascorbic acid - which is a chemical produced in a lab.

Next, sugar and grain should be eliminated from the diet. Sugar poisons the body in a hundred different ways, is a hormone disruptor, disables the immune system, and feeds troublesome microbes such as Candida yeast. Wheat gluten causes autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, digestive disorders, skin diseases, elevated insulin levels, and nowadays wheat is sprayed with Roundup (glysophate) at harvest time. Soybean products are hormone disruptors, interfere with the uptake of iodine and other important minerals, and therefore should be eliminated from the diet.

Processed seed oils such as soybean oil, Canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cotton seed oil, are highly toxic. Anything containing these oils as an ingredient such as margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressing, baked goods such as crackers should be eliminated from the diet. Likewise, anything cooked in these oils such as fried chicken, fried fish, french fried potatoes, etc. These toxic oils should be replaced in the diet with healthy oils such as hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, unrefined sesame oil for salad dressings and virgin coconut oil and unrefined sesame oil for cooking. Replace margarine with butter. Pasteurized, homogenized milk should be replaced with raw milk.

Thyroid problems most often result from exposure to bromide, fluoride, and soybean products - and lack of the minerals iodine and selenium in the diet. Bromide is used as a dough conditioner in commercial baked goods. Fluoride is in un-filtered, un-distilled water. I suggest buying a reverse-osmosis water filter, a water distiller, or a counter-top water filter that uses tricalcium phosphate (bone char) as a filtering media. Fluoride is a powerful carcinogen, so one should make their own toothpaste and avoid drinking anything that comes in a bottle or a can. When attempting to restore health, I suggest drinking nothing but purified water - at least 2 liters per day. Kelp tablets are a food source which provides iodine, but should not be taken until the end of the day 2 hours after the last dose of MMS. Like Vitamin C, iodine is a powerful anti-pathagen - so one need not worry about troublesome microbes feeding on it. Brazil nuts (which come from Brazil) are the richest food source for selenium.

Since you mentioned you're following Protocol 2000 and the Gerson Institute, I'm assuming you are recovering from some form of malignancy. We know that while normal cells can burn either glucose or fatty acids for energy, cancer cells can burn only glucose. The liver produces glucose from carbohydrates, including sugars, grains, starches. By eliminating carbohydrates from the diet, the cancer cells literally starve to death. This is called a "Ketogenic Diet," which involves minimizing carbohydrates and using fats as the sole source of energy. Not necessarily animal fats. Avocados, olives, and seeds such as raw sesame seeds, chia seeds, raw sunflower seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, along with nuts such as walnuts and pecans are very high in healthy fats and calories.

Cod liver oil is a food which provides Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin A and Vitamin D - all of which are important in preventing and recovering from cancer. The best source of Vitamin D is direct exposure to the mid-day sun with as much bare skin as possible. Apparently wearing sunglasses interferes with the production of Vitamin D in the skin.

In summary, I suggest eliminating the known toxins from the diet - and then eating all the raw fruits and vegetables that you want. Cut back or eliminate carbohydrates as best you can, and derive most or all of your calories and energy from healthy fats. As CLO2 and Rev Paul advised, eat small meals before and after your MMS doses, since MMS seems to work best on an empty stomach.

Archbishop Jim Humble has written that "nutrition from supplements" feed pathogenic microbes, and I won't contradict that. However through my research I've formed the opinion that pathogens primarily feed on sugars, excess carbohydrates, toxins and poisons (which is why God created them). I'll restate my belief that healthy eating is never a mistake, and that healthy eating will compliment rather than interfere with the functioning of MMS. What would be the alternative - eating junk food to improve the efficacy of MMS? In the U.S., to eat "normally" is to eat junk food.
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Last edit: by Gene51.

Using MMS with healing foods 19 Feb 2016 17:49 #51149

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Page 76 of MMS Health recovery manual says ' natural sources of Vit C in moderate amounts are ok'
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Using MMS with healing foods 19 Feb 2016 18:46 #51150

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This was exactly my point:) Thank you for sharing this with me. I needed the confirmation that my diet was not interfering with the MMS protocol. For now I am simply doing fresh organic vegetable juices and fruit/fat/greens in the smoothies. I am trying to balance with a hot soup or some type of hot meal per day to balance my Vata Dosha. I do use only filtered water and distilled water.
You have been a wonderful blessing, friend. My gratitude is overflowing. ...
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Using MMS with healing foods 20 Feb 2016 08:08 #51156

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Regarding Vitamin-C, L.E.T. Vitamin-C (liposomal encapsulated technology) using ascorbic acid is very effective. And your body will be able to assimilate most of the Vitamin-C from that delivery system.

Taking high doses of non-L.E.T. Vitamin-C ascorbic acid results in only a few percent utilized by the body, and you usually get diarrhea. No diarrhea with L.E.T. Vitamin-C and some claim that L.E.T. Vitamin-C is as or more effective than IV Vitamin-C.

You can make L.E.T. Vitamin-C at home or buy it. This is the current recipe I follow.

Whenever I feel "something" attacking me, I take 1 or 2 grams of L.E.T. Vitamin-C and that takes care of the problem. I have tried MMS for colds and flu without much success.
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Using MMS with healing foods 24 Feb 2016 05:02 #51212

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Hi tnevels,

I am with you... I eat very much like you do and have been doing my head in trying to work out what to eat during my protocol hours! My understanding of avoiding the foods high in antioxidants is so they don't counter-act the oxidation process that ClO2 is undertaking. It would seem fairly redundant to eat anti-oxidants whilst completing an oxidation detox. I am also a dietetics student so I have compiled a list of the all the foods highest in anti-oxidants & Vit C. You will still be able to have all your smoothies, juices and soups (like I am), but perhaps try to avoid the attached list during your protocol hours for best results? I am new to this all too, so not an expert at all!
I hope the attached helps!

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Last edit: by Tara.

Using MMS with healing foods 24 Feb 2016 12:29 #51220

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Thank you, Tara, for sharing that information with me. Looking at your list I see there are a total of 8 items that I consume regularly in juices and smoothies and the rest not at all. I just recently purchased a product called Marine Phytoplankton which at therapeutic doses is taken 3x daily under the tongue for 3 to 6 months (distributed by Oceans Alive) I was hoping that I could take it an hour or two before my first MMS dose and after my last without hindering the effectiveness. Any thoughts?
I am on day 10 of the MMS protocol using CDS and MMS and MMS2 and adding the baths and enema treatments as well. I still feel so exhausted. It is quite tricky navigating one's own recovery to health. I will certainly keep updating on this journey. Thank you for the blessing of your love.

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