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DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide: Ingested or used topically
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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 27 Sep 2018 18:51 #59164

  • sofiapr
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Hello, everybody:

It is so good to have so many people interacting, sharing knowledge and giving support to each other.   Good Health is the most important quality to have.

I am considering to do enemas and vaginal douches with MMS due to a very persistant pinworm infestation in the intestines, vagina, and systemically.  I also have HPV high risk for cancer diagnosed by Pap smear which I suspect it has been causing the pinworm infestation to be so persistent especially in the vaginal area.  Thanks God I still do not have cervical dysplasia, but I know I leave the HPV on my cervix, I will develop cervical dysplasia soon.  Can anybody give me some answer or feedback regarding these 2 questions: 

1)  Do you know a vaginal douche bag ( or/and  know some supplier who sells it) safe to be used with MMS and DMSO?  And which business sells it? 
Jim Humble claims in his book that DMSO should not contact any part of the douche bag that is made of rubber, because it can dissolve it and enter it through the human body.

2)  Do you know an enema bag ( or/and know some supplier who sells it) safe to be used with MMS?

I have checked silicone bag enemas (with no metal parts) in Amazon, but I found a website ( mykin.com/rubber-chemical-resistance-chart-2 )  ( Rubber Chemical Resistance, Rubber Chemical Compatibility, Page 2 - Mykin Inc ) which tells in a table that there is insufficient data that silicone is safe to be used with Chlorine Dioxide or Chlorine dioxide, 8 % as NaClO2 in solution.

I would appreciate some feedback or experiences regarding using MMS with DMSO vaginally for HPV and/or parasites, and MMS used in enemas for parasites. 

Thanks very much for your attention.

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 13 Sep 2021 20:14 #71100

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I know this post was a few years ago, but I'm curious what you ended up buying. I am looking to do the douche protocol as well, and did buy a silicone enema kit (that should work fine for douching).  This is the one I purchased:


I haven't used it yet; I plan on starting tonight with just MMS for a few days and then I'll add in DMSO.  I'm a little hesitant on adding the DMSO, however, as I read somewhere that certain kinds of silicone aren't good with DMSO. It wasn't specified.  So now I'm just feeling a bit stuck! lol!

Hope you are well and feeling excellent!!

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 02 Jul 2023 16:07 #79237

  • kittylover
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I'm new to the forum. I was reading your Post and was wondering, did you ever figure out if the silicone douche bag was OK to use with DMSO? I don't know what to buy since Jim Humble said not to use anything with rubber or latex. I have a slight burn when I douche so I am assuming I have a yeast infection. I'm treating it with benonite clay now but that isn't getting rid of it. Every time I go back to the MMS, I still have that slight burn so, I need to start using the DMSO but don't know where to buy the correct bag. Thanks

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 02 Jul 2023 16:16 #79238

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It seems that even though silicone is safe for DMSO (#2= Fair) it's not known to be safe for the MMS (Insufficient data). Geesh, what are we to do? I don't want any chemicals being absorbed into my body carried by the DMSO.

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 04 Jul 2023 18:02 #79254

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Hello kittylover et al,  I thought I'd share what I have done recently.  Maybe it helps to get you started. . and maybe it is a perfectly effective alternative way .. it is at least, something you can do.. and maybe there is someone who will add their thoughts ..
So in an aside: I don't find it that easy to share these sorts of details .. in terms of articulating the details, I can so easily make mistakes in data type details, i'm better with creative details.. - but, I'll do my best. On a personal note: I have some situation of a small benign fibroid and some thickening of the endometrial wall. So I decided to start douching .. but no douche bag in sight .. so .. I had a think:
I made a 30 ml amber bottle of the skin solution .. 10 drops mms to 30 mls (1 oz) water .. (which is stronger than in the book for douche - which advises 5 drops to 2 cups water - and increasing up to 30 drops is in the book. (But, I will share coz this is a way to get started.)
I also made a bottle of diluted dmso  at 60% pure water to 40% dmso. I'm not sure if saying it like that is technically right.. but in the bottle size only 40 % dmso. The rest water. (That is unscientific I know.. but it seems to work better for me ..)
Then I have the glass dropper in another empty amber bottle which I use to put the solution inside me: To douche with a dropper. Lying down on a towel.
To do it: I pour some of the skin solution into a little cup .. and add a few drops of the dilute dmso to it. I then add a little extra water and sorta taste it to see its not too strong on my mouth lips. Then I put the solution inside me with the glass pipette (dropper) from the empty amber bottle. (Best to use a pipette that has the rounded end as it slides in easier without catching anywhere inside.) Necessity is the mother of invention and I find this does not sting me when I do it carefully and mindfully like this. But it does sometimes..
I like to add some oil later - (to my body, not to the mixture ) such as pomegranate seed oil - as it can feel drying to douche with this, and pomegranate seed oil is great oil for vagina, (and for face) as it tones and plumps and strengthens the skin too.
I hope this might help even though it is not following the book. I feel it has been good. But no proof as yet. As knowing when a small fibroid is healed is something I do not know, until 
I go for another ultrasound sometime. ) I also do the concentrated skin application to my abdomen, from protocol 3000 which is in the book - That knocks me out with exhaustion, so it must be working.  I will post maybe sometime about my situation, to see if someone can help me heal or even to suss out what's going on.  I can pass on though - that a herbalist told me
that toxins deposit in our reproductive parts .. and so he implies that toxins, waste, is the cause of fibroids. Wishing you all a full and easy recovery.


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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 05 Jul 2023 15:03 #79263

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Wow, thank you so much for the information. I have had BV (bacterial vaginosis) issues for a long time. I tried boric acid and it worked for awhile but the BV always came back. I did the clay and the MMS but that hasn't even taken it away. My last hope is the MMS with the DMSO. Something needs to penetrate the biofilm. That's where everything hides during treatments, that's why when the treatments are over, after a few months, it returns. That's why I decided to try the DMSO but finding the correct douche bag is my biggest problem now. The pipette doesn't seem like it would get very far up into the uterus???
Thanks again for your input. Wishing you a full recovery as well!!

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 10 Jul 2023 05:13 #79326

  • BillPopMMS
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You didn't say, but I suppose you already tried the oral-internal Protocol 1000+
and that didn't fix the problems?

So that would be 3+ weeks of Protocol 1000 and then add in DMSO to that
for some amount of time, maybe a week or two, and then increase the
MMS and DMSO over time, for maybe another month if needed.
(up to 5+/15+ drops if you can do it; up to the max if you can)

And a full oral-internal Bentonite Clay Protocol FIRST, probably for at least
a week, if not two.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 10 Jul 2023 15:40 #79337

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No, I only did the Protocol 1000. I assumed that would take care of it but since it did not, I started douching with the bentonite clay because of the burning with the MMS. I assumed I had a yeast infection too. Once the burning stopped, I went back to the 30 drops of MMS. After that didn't seem to eradicate it, I thought about douching with the DMSO but I didn't know what kind of a bag to use. Couldn't find anything but rubber so I haven't done anything further.
I can't start another oral MSM protocol right now. It got so bad I had to use capsules. That worked for the 21 days but by the last two days, I was even throwing those up. I take the maintenance dose now which is 6 drops nightly. That, I can handle. I use the capsules. I couldn't do it without those.

I am going to try hydrogen peroxide and see if that helps.


If that doesn't work, I'll wait a few months and then try and do what you suggested.
Thanks for your help!!!!

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DMSO, Vaginal douche bags and Enemas 10 Jul 2023 15:50 #79338

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You could try CDS.

Some people claim it is easier on the stomach.

I assume you were using HCl as the acid activator and not citric or some other acid.

I would do the Bentonite Clay Protocol just to make sure it's not a Mold/Fungus issue,
and it's good for other things, too.

And if you are Herxing, you should do the Herx Protocol with halving.
And then just do the lower amounts for a longer period.

You could be sensitive, or just very toxic, and that's why you are Herxing.
Some people do lower drops for months.

Trying something else MIGHT be a good idea, but, since NOTHING works
with the efficacy of ClO2, you might or might not get some good results.

MOST of the other protocols and methodologies and such work for some
people and not others, or they work better for some people than others.
That's what finally led me to "MMS".

You could try a diet change, too. See my website, link below.
The McVegan Dietary Lifestyle is curative in its own right and promotes Health.
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mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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