I have done so far 5 CDS batches. No problem with 4 of them but thr 5th one is challenging.
I bought a new brand but I used it once already to make CDS with no problem. It took 24h for the first saturation and 24 for the second one.
Not I'm making a second jar of CDS, as the old one is losing potency and colour, and it's been taking more than 48h. In the morning it'll be 72h.
So this is the second batch with the same product, that worked with the first batch.
I use the same jar, the same water, the same cupboard, the same product (the second time). What changes is temperature: it's warmer, and light - it's brighter outside.
I put the jar into that cupboard as 4 times before and after 24h the shotglass was still very brown. Attached.
I thought it was sth wrong so I poured it out and started again. I changed the cupboard for a wardrobe. Again, after 24h it was the same situation. Dark brown in shotglass, light brown water. I started a second batch in a different jar that I also used before with no problem, same wardrobe as batch 1.
I let both jars stand.
Batch 1: No smell of gass coming out. After 48h the brown started getting lighter and the water was getting more yellow. Ive checked it after another 12h (that's 60h) the colours began looking almost the same.
Batch 2: no smell, The colours dark brown and bright yellow - just like batch one after 24h.
What is taking so long? I keep both parts (sodium chlorite and Citric acid) in the fridge. Can that be the issue? But it didn't matter with the other brand I had and it didn't matter with this brand I have when I used it the very first time. It's taking a week to make one jar!