I making my first batch of CDS. And what now?
I actually decided to do it as it is better to use it on the face than MMS1, apparently. Now I've been reading around and I see that I can use it instead of making MMS1 each time.
I have found protocols that I am interested in for:
1. Oral treatment:
andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-protocols/protocolo-j/ - OBS to mix with baking soda solution and check PH.
2. Skin -
3. Detox -
andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-protocols/protocolo-c/ - I assume this it's instead of protocol 1000 in Jim Humble's book?
Animals (dogs) - here it's easier for me to use Jim's protocol with ml of MMS (and I use only MMS, not MMS1) as with the CDS protocol I cannot calculate how much water my dog drinks and she drinks only when eating...
What is the maintenance dose of CDS for humans? Anything else I should think about?
I've made mold/fungus protocol from Jim's book and it was the exact thing I needed. Can I use CDS the same way with the clay?