Thanks so much for your help and clarification!
The tablets I have are 4g and treat up to 100-400 liters per tablet. (Much more than I thought as prior to checking I assumed they'd be around 40mg). I plan to quarter (1g),
without skin contact apparently, and dilute with water. (I am being conservative with my limited tablets, as dissolving a whole tablet with more water and using that would be more accurate). It seems like chlorine dioxide aqueous solution can be made by just dropping a tablet in water.
How to make Chlorine Dioxide aqueous solution
It's very true I have absolutely no certainty how much chlorine dioxide would be dissolved in the water or how long the gas will stay dissolved. However the solution in the above video seems to be like the CD solution they made up
which only stays active for about 15 minutes once mixed with water (the water becomes "safe to drink" after 15 minutes
-- my pack says wait 12 hours though). I suppose if it were easy or reliable to make CDS using tablets there'd be more information about it than I have been able to find (which is virtually nil in relation to health uses)! I will seal it and put it in the fridge to see if it keeps, thanks for that advice.
Have no worry, I don't plan on relying on chlorine dioxide tablets because I want something tried and true. It is only a stop gap solution (pardon the unintentional pun) before I can get my hands on some real MMS or sodium chlorite and citric acid.
"Today he says it is likely that 1ml of 3000 ppm CDS may be equal to a 1 drop dose of MMS1."
If 1 drop dose is 1ml of 3000ppm CDS, then 10 drops contains 30mg of CD.
I was wrong in my original calculations - 10 drops MMS + 10 drops citric acid + 20 drops water = 40 drops = 2ml total
So I need about 30mg in 2ml of water (or more depending if it's irritating).
For the sake of easy calculation I will make 30mg/3ml water.
If I quarter my tablet (1g) dissolve it in 100ml water that gives 1000mg/100ml or 10mg/ml. 3mls of that will be what I need to add to 5ml of DMSO.
Please note: Do not rely on my calculations if anyone else wants to try this. Also I don't know if homemade chlorine dioxide the way I am making it works or is completely ineffective. Thirdly, the measurements could be way off doing it this way.
I will test my batches carefully for skin use.
Thanks again for your help!