I have emailed the web hosting company as to why MMSinfo.org is not working.
Attached here is the file on dosing with CDS & CDH when following MMS protocols designed only for MMS1.
I now see the bottle you have and it does not say CDS, so I assume it is MMS? Did they only send you one bottle? If so, and you can smell CLO2 gas when the cap is removed, then it could be CDS or CDH. The statement on their website about dosing is not correct for ingestion. I have not found one seller of CDS on the web that has it right! What most people don't realize is that MMS1 in only slightly activated (~10%) externally and the other 90% should happen in a stomach with normal amounts of gastric acids.
They say
3 drops of the CDS preparation for every 1 drop of activated MMS
Actually, you would need 20 drops (0.825 ml) of 8000 ppm CDS if ingested. (one drop = 0.042ml when the standard is 24 drops to each milliliter)
The PDF file you attached was taken from my website, MMSinfo.org. They did not ask my permission. The nerve.
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