I use Activated MMS with 70% DMSO according to the protocol for cancer, but for Systemic Candidiasis. I found a research paper on pubmed that states that when the yeast transforms into the Hyphae form (where it goes from buds of yeast to long needles of fungus with roots) it uses up all it's Glutathione (yes yeast use Glutathione as an anti-oxidant as well!) and so becomes susceptible to oxidation. So, when I started feeling these changes locally in different places of my body (ranging from itching to little pin pricks to localized muscle or joint pain) I applied DMSO with chlorine dioxide (MMS + activator) to the site and the sensation would quickly stop, so I knew it was working.
So my question is this:
As 3 drops of activated MMS = 1CC/ml of CDS, wouldn't this significantly dilute the whole mixture, and if so, is there a way to up the concentration, because I know herbal remedies that are too diluted don't work on Candida?
Please note that this is not your average inconvenient GI tract Candida infection that everyone thinks they know some herbal remedy for, and not even your average systemic yeast infection with a large list of symptoms that is more difficult to manage, but still at worst only just debilitating. This is the full on systemic FUNGAL infection, where the yeast has already traveled to many parts of my body, and at those sights are starting to change in to the Hyyphae form. I am literally now fighting a potentially life threatening condition, where herbal remedies (even the strongest combined ones) just don't cut it anymore, and even Big Pharma at best can only offer a combined antifungal chemical concoction that would give me a max 40% chance of survival, assuming I could get to the States (I'm based in the UK), and afford the very expensive treatment. Fortunately, I have lived with Candida for 15 years now, done a ton of research and managed to find a mixture of protocols that allow me to somehow prevent the Candida progressing any further (it's already infected my lungs, and critical parts of my head, e.g. the mucous membranes around my eyes).
I tell you all this so that you can appreciate that it is CRITICAL that I don't deviate from the protocols I'm using, and any advice that anyone can provide is backed up by experience, rather than second hand knowledge or guesswork. Having said that all good advice given would be greatly appreciated.