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Interesting facts about cancer 20 Feb 2013 23:33 #30792

  • AmandaMary
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“It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery,
and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes
the cure, not from physicians.”

“...never take defeat. When all is lost, try something new. Life is too precious to let it slip
away from lack of initiative or plain inertia.”

Important Note:

Do not delay in seeking advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional regarding treatment for your cancer. The information presented here is in no way meant to discourage you from seeking medical care. Rather, the hope is that it will support you and your doctor as you undertake smarter, more effective approaches to beat your cancer.

We Encourage you to be open-minded and seek ALL the information about your choices of treatments.

• Be a starting point for your discussions with your chosen natural therapist.

• Be a launching point for your own research so you can make the best-informed decisions about
your treatment plan. The consensus of the majority of alternative cancer therapists is that the
chance of full recovery using alternative therapies is very high with a newly diagnosed condition of
early cancer, before any traumatic or toxic treatments have been received. Unfortunately, by the
time most patients consider alternative treatments, they have already undergone other treatments.
In fact, most patients are late-stage or deemed terminal before they turn to alternatives.

You need to be the one whom chooses which treatments to choose. I simply provide you with information
that you are unlikely to obtain from your doctor or find by yourself. You can make use of the information
from the experts who developed these treatments.

The “war on cancer” has been a colossal failure despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on
research and treatment. Each year, approximately one and a half million Americans will learn they have
cancer. Two out of three cancer patients will die of the illness (or related therapy) within five years of

Cancer is a biologic puzzle. There is no unanimous agreement on what makes cells grow abnormally in
endless, uncontrolled multiplication. There could be many different valid ways to treat cancer.
To conventional physicians (also called allopathic physicians), cancer is a localized disease, to be
treated in a localized manner. By cutting out the tumor, irradiating it, or flooding the body with toxic (and
often carcinogenic) drugs, the conventional physician hopes to destroy the tumor and thus save the
patient. But all too often, the cancer is still present and has metastasized (spread to other sites in the
body), or is present at an undetectable level re-occurs months or years later. In contrast, the alternative
physician regards cancer as a systemic disease, one that involves the whole body. In this view, the
tumor is merely a symptom and the therapy aims to correct the root causes.

“Those who believe cancer is a local disease [that is, conventional physicians] think that the tumor
comes first and only afterwards is followed by the generalized illness. Those who think it is a
generalized disease of the body [alternative physicians] believe that first comes the illness, and
only afterwards the tumor … from this basically different way of looking at cancer, [the two types of
physicians] take separate paths towards the solution to cancer.

“Cancer is a general disease of the whole body from the outset. The tumor is a symptom of that illness.
“It is my contention, based on twenty-five years of clinical experience with over eight thousand cancer
patients, that only by recognizing the disease is, and always has been, one affecting the whole body
from the outset, can it be more effectively arrested. By adopting that principle, the statistics of survival
can be improved from the present grim position where eight out of every ten patients die having
received all possible surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.”

What Will My Doctor Say About These Treatments?

He or she may not be interested. You may be asked for published articles about the treatments in peer reviewed medical journals. Even if those articles exist (and they often do), you will most likely be told
that if the treatments in question were effective, the FDA would have approved them; if a treatment is
not approved, it cannot be a good and beneficial therapy. The trouble with this answer is that obtaining
FDA approval takes many years and can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The simple fact is that
there is no money to spend to do these trials on treatments that are often un-patentable and therefore
unprofitable. There is little profit in natural remedies because nobody “owns” them.

As far as publishing is concerned, it is against the policy of all mainstream medical journals to publish
any research that comes from anything other than allopathic (mainstream) sources. It is not common
knowledge that many such therapeutic categories exist. For example, none of the medications used by
homeopathic and naturopathic doctors are regulated by the FDA. Chemotherapy drugs are regulated
by the FDA and you may well ask the question, “If chemotherapy is not only harmful, but has been
statistically shown to be almost useless, as indicated in How Successful are Conventional Cancer
Treatments? then why does my doctor insist that I should take it?” You should ask your doctor that question.

Why Doesn’t My Doctor Know about These Treatments?

The reason alternative cancer treatments are not more widely known has little to do with their alleged
therapeutic ineffectiveness and far more to do with political control and the therapy marketplace.
Many of the best alternative treatments are on the “Unproven Methods of Cancer Management” list
maintained by the American Cancer Society, which is effectively a ‘blacklist’. Also, your doctor will not
know about most of these treatments because:

• Medical schools don’t teach alternative treatments.
• Medical journals rarely contain articles about alternative treatments. Medical journals are
published for the allopathic establishment, and they are mostly financed by advertisements from
pharmaceutical companies.
• Doctors receive a lot of negative information about alternative treatments from the American
Medical Association (AMA) and the pharmaceutical industry.
• Internet ‘Quackwatches’ and so forth decry alternative therapies even when there is significant

evidence of their effectiveness. (See Quackwatch below.)
• The American Cancer Society (ACS), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other Government
cancer bodies will not investigate or promote alternative treatments.

• Your doctor can only prescribe treatments that are Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved.
If your doctor prescribes treatments that are not FDA approved, he or she can be sued or may lose
his or her medical license.

• Doctors’ state medical boards may fine them heavily, suspend their license to practice or even
revoke it if they recommend non-FDA approved treatments.

• The federal government can close them down and confiscate their property.
• They may lose their right to see patients in hospitals.
• Other doctors (their peers) openly ridicule and criticize them.

How Can the American Medical Association Ignore These
Alternative Treatments?

The AMA is not a scientific body. That is a widespread misconception. It is the professional association
of a special interest group of allopathic medical doctors. The AMA is their “trade union”, their political
lobbying group, and their disciplinary board. Its task is to protect the financial and other interests of its
members and at the same time to control them. The AMA has as much to do with medical science as
the Teamsters’ Union has to do with automotive engineering.

Hope for the Future

Yes, there is hope. Ever so slowly, the medical scene is being revolutionized. According to the American
College for Advancement in Medicine, physicians (in many cases) are showing an eagerness to learn
more about natural medicine and how to best implement it into their practice. Scientists, teaching at
nutritional seminars, report that attendees are often medical doctors, a radical change from years past.
The references attached to many of the treatments demonstrate that non-toxic alternative treatments
are now passing from the fringes of medicine into the mainstream. They are increasingly being adopted
and authenticated by conventional scientists around the world. Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., a respected
cancer industry analyst, states:

“In more than thirty years of studying and chronicling developments in the field of cancer therapy I
have seen many useful alternative treatments at first mercilessly vilified and driven underground, only
to resurface years later when science eventually confirms that the active principle of such a treatment
really does have some recognizable, quantifiable effect against cancer cells.”

Quackwatch and Quackbusters

One mechanism by which people are ‘frightened off’ from alternative treatments today is so-called
‘quackbuster’ organizations like Quackwatch.

“There exist a small number of self-styled medical thought-police who call themselves ‘quack-busters.’
This organization has the mission of attacking alternative and emerging medical therapies in favor of
the existing medical monopoly. They even have their own Quackwatch Internet website. It would be
interesting to trace the funding for this group back to its original source. One investigator alleges that
funding comes indirectly, through a number of cutouts, from pharmaceutical manufacturers.

“For years, these so-called quack-busters have attacked nutritional supplementation and high potency
multi-vitamins as ‘quackery.’ … Recent scientific studies now prove that virtually anyone can benefit
from nutritional supplementation. With egg on their faces from this recent vitamin research, those same
critics continue to attack chelation therapy.

Dr. Robert Atkins, inventor of the highly-popular Atkins Diet, stated:

“There’s a war going on ... The ‘War Against Quackery.’ It is a fight against the carefully orchestrated,
heavily endowed campaign sponsored by extremists holding positions of power in the orthodox
hierarchy ...

“The multi-million-dollar campaign against quackery was never meant to root out incompetent doctors;
it was, and is, designed specifically to destroy alternative medicine ... Millions were raised and spent
because orthodox medicine sees alternative, drugless medicine as a real threat to its economic power.
And right they are ... the majority of the drug houses will not survive.”

The research team \ found the warnings of the Quackbusters website very helpful in their research, but in a way opposite to what you’d expect. The more agitated and vociferous Quackbusters was about particular treatments or individuals, the more our team knew it was something that should be looked into and may very well have been proven effective!

“It is estimated that if people had a choice, lack of demand would shrink Doctors and Drugs to less than
10% of its current size, with the remainder almost entirely related to trauma medicine. That would be a
$900,000,000,000.00 (nine hundred BILLION dollar) loss to them. They are not going to take this loss
without a good fight.” - Dr Richard Shulze, N.D.

Many perceive an organized, worldwide movement to eliminate alternative remedies in favor of
pharmaceutical drugs. Will consumers accept the fear and anxiety promoted by news items that natural
nutrients such as Vitamin E and A in larger-than-RDA dosages can damage one’s health? Or will they
realize that the methodology of such research is flawed and limited in scope and so is the way it’s

Rather than rushing (or being rushed) into selecting a treatment plan, please take a while to make up
your own mind about what will help you overcome your cancer. Your life may depend on it. In particular,
read what other people have said has helped them get rid of their cancer.

Take Control of Your Own Health!

Many say that the Cancer Establishment’s system is largely designed to protect the financial interests
tied to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Keep an open mind about all the other available options.
The advice we wish to give you is this: do not surrender your independent thinking. Reason things out and make your own decisions. Network with other patients. Consult with researchers and innovative doctors. Search out different opinions. Do not let arrogance, based on fancy titles and institutional authority, dictate your most important decisions. Do you know how many thousands of cancer patients have been sent home to die, who later completely recovered thanks to alternative treatments? We are not talking about “spontaneous” remissions, but natural healing, achieved with non-toxic holistic treatments.
Become your own Health Detective!

Please be aware that there is no guarantee that they are safe or will work for you. No treatment works for every patient and a treatment that has been highly successful for hundreds of patients may still fail in a significant number of cases.

Keep in mind that for conventional chemotherapy, the failure rate is estimated at roughly 97-98 percent
for advanced cancer patients – and this is the “safe, recommended, approved approach!”

It is beyond the scope to provide fool-proof safety advice and warnings. Please determine
these for yourself. Work with your doctor to identify treatments that, at the least in his/her eyes, will “do
no harm”. Also, talk with people who have used the treatments successfully. Be aware that a treatment
that may work for one person may not work for another because of differences in our genetic make-up
and unique circumstances.

Take control of your own health! There is no one on the face of the earth who has more interest in your
welfare and well-being than you yourself do. You must take control of your own destiny and not leave it
to others who have their own vested interests.

We need to start looking at the whole action of the human Body and everything that impacts it, including environment, mind-body interactions, nutrition, chronic stress and things like natural sunlight. When you look at the impact of all of these factors on human health, you begin to get a much clearer picture of the true cause of chronic disease. And once you do that, you understand that these diseases are simply a cascading domino effect. They are a result of nutritional deficiencies, chronic stress, environmental toxins found in the air, the water and even personal care products like shampoo, deodorants and anti-static dryer sheets.
When a person has a malignant tumor known as cancer, this is something that the body actually built. Conventional medicine tends to think of a tumor as some sort of alien invader, as if it swooped down from the sky and latched on to your body. But in fact, your body built the tumor. Cancer comes from within our body. There's no microbial invader responsible. Cancer is fundamentally a failure of the body to regulate its own metabolism and clean up unhealthy, mutated cells.

In fact, the very process of cancer -- the seemingly uncontrolled duplication of cells -- is quite natural. It is much the same process that a fetus undergoes when it is forming in the womb. Similarly, whenever you injure yourself, and your body has to heal that injury by rebuilding skin cells or other tissues, it is involved in a cancer-like action. In fact, cancer is just a name given to a normal metabolic function that has become abnormal in the fact that it is no longer restrained. Cancer, then, is really a normal biological process taking place in the wrong context. When cells are duplicating like crazy in a fetus, it's called a miracle of life. When cells are duplicating like crazy in the pancreas of a senior citizen, it's called a disease. This is the very same process, different context.

As you can see, cancer is not caused by some external invader. It is a normal human physiological function that's simply out of control and unable to be regulated by the body. Well, if the body has regulated and managed this process in the past (you're still alive, aren't you?), it only makes sense that the body is capable of figuring out how to regulate it again. And hence the claim that there are cures for cancer.
You can cure cancer in your sleep
In fact, such a claim is not at all outrageous. It's not even extraordinary. I have cured cancer thousands of times in my own lifetime, and so have you, if you're still alive. Every living human being cures themselves of cancer over and over again as their immune system locates and deals with cancerous cells in the body. Your immune system already knows how to cure cancer, and it has done so since the beginning of time.
The “medical” establishment claims there's no such thing as a "cure" for cancer, and yet every person alive today is a walking cancer curing machine. I suppose next, the FDA will arrest people for exercising healthy immune system function because, to them, curing cancer is considered some sort of crime. (Read "When Healing Becomes A Crime" by Kenny Ausubel to learn more about the FDA's longstanding crusade to oppress and outlaw legitimate cancer treatments.)
The only time cancer gets diagnosed in your body is when your immune system is unable to do the job it already knows how to do. The way your immune system fails is if you don't give it the tools it needs: if you're suffering from nutritional deficiencies or chronic dehydration, for example. It could also mean that you are poisoning your body with cancer-causing substances such as sodium nitrite or chemical sweeteners, artificial colors, refined carbohydrates and environmental toxins such as the toxic chemicals found around your home. Common antibacterial soaps, for example, contain a chemical ingredient known as Triclosan that, when combined with chlorine in tap water, generates highly carcinogenic fumes. Merely eating processed meats, recent studies show, boosts your risk of pancreatic cancer by 7600%!
Conventional medicine remains clueless on cancer
So to say that there is a cure for cancer isn't even a stretch. In fact, the bewildering belief is the one held by conventional medicine, which insists that there is no cure for cancer. That is absolutely stunning in its ignorance, because every person alive has already cured cancer. And the body is preprogrammed with the ability to cure cancer on its own. (Drug companies, of course, don't want you to realize this. If people figure out they can already cure cancer, then anti-cancer drug sales might plummet!)
It is astonishing that conventional medicine fails to recognize the true nature of cancer. To say that there's no cure for cancer is to deny the healing potential of the human body. It is, in a sense, to deny one's very own human nature.
It's not surprising to hear this, though, since conventional medicine is often about separation from nature, or even separation from self. If you think about the way conventional medicine looks at the body, it's all about separation and isolation. We see doctors dealing with body parts: we have foot doctors and eye doctors and ear doctors, but we have very few holistic doctors who look at the whole person -- the body, the mind and the spirit -- and then prescribe a healing strategy that takes into account that holistic existence.
At one level, though, I agree with the defenders of conventional medicine, because when they say that there is no cure for cancer, what they mean is that there is no "cure" if you continue to look at human beings as an accumulation of isolated parts. You can't cure cancer if you keep peering through your microscopes trying to understand the subtle biochemistry of angiogenesis and Tumorigenesis. That's why the whole "cure for cancer" fundraising system in this country is a sham. What they're seeking is more research dollars to become even better-funded technicians who attempt to tear apart the secrets of biochemistry... but yet who have no knack for seeing the big picture.
The scope of so-called "cancer research" as practiced today is far too narrow to have the necessary understanding to even believe in a cure for cancer. Thus, from their point of view, they are indeed correct: there is no cure for cancer if you view the body as a collection of parts. Similarly, some doctors think human behavior is fully accounted for by nothing more than varying levels of neurotransmitters. And get this -- some artificial intelligence geeks think human beings are nothing more than complex computers (Turing machines).
In contrast to all this, if you believe that the universe is holistic in nature; if you believe that a human being is more than the sum of body parts -- that we're more than Frankenstein monsters who happen to stumble into doctors' offices with various complaints, then it is not difficult at all to understand that the cure for cancer is within each and every one of us. In fact, it's built right into our DNA. The very blueprint of life on which our biological systems are based is, in fact, imprinted with the cure for cancer. In a very real way, we are preprogrammed to be cancer-free.
Beyond the biochemistry
We are healing machines. The human body is a miracle of nanotechnology that far exceeds the advances of modern science. And even if you were to understand all the physical structures and chemical interactions of the immune system, I still don't think you would grasp its complexities, because there are many interactions in the immune system that are energetic in nature. That's why cancer researchers can run lab tests for a hundred years and burn through a billion dollars in funding and still not uncover the mythical "cure for cancer."
Trying to find a chemical cure for cancer is sort of like asking some poor sop to find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. If he thinks the rainbow is physical (and not made of light energy), then he's going to chase that rainbow endlessly. Sure, the rainbow looks real, but it's actually a projection of vibrational energy.
A holistic view of health is much like recognizing the true nature of a rainbow -- the interaction between sunlight and small particles of water, and the varying angles of refraction that split full-spectrum light into strands of visible colors.
But organized medicine (pharmaceutical companies, medical doctors, the FDA, and other similar players) still think there's a pot of gold at the end of that research rainbow. They think they can understand the rainbow by building bigger and better tools of observation to measure rainbow properties at a microscopic level. In time, they will create all sorts of new technical terms to describe all the rainbow observations they have made, and they will justify huge budgets to continue the rainbow research, and yet all along, they'll still miss the fact that the entire rainbow isn't physical at all.

Human beings are living, breathing vibrational energy
In humans, the big picture is that we, too, are vibrating energy. In fact, you could argue that every chemical interaction is energetic at the molecular level. From a physics point of view, there are no atoms, there are no electrons, we are all just vibrating energy and no physicist worth his salt would deny that.

In the holistic medicine world, curing cancer is an everyday event. Not because we're better technicians than those in organized medicine (we aren't), but because we operate at a deeper level of understanding about the nature of disease, the nature of human beings, and the "big picture" of healing.

If you have cancer and you want a highly technical explanation of the biochemistry of your disease, visit an M.D. or an oncologist. If you want to actually be healed, on the other hand, look at alternate therapy ei MMS/CDS.

Don't let organized medicine send you on a fool's errand chasing rainbows. Cancer is not a pharmacological problem.
MMS/CDS will eradicate the toxin build up your body, thus allowing your body’s natural immune system to do what is was supposed to do and exactly what it is designed to do before the toxins built up in our system. Immunizations have mercury in them; by the time a child reaches 5 years old the “medical profession” has administered 27 immunizations to each child. The mercury in one immunization is small but when you do the math by multiplying it by 27 this is where it gets dangerous to our health. Most foods are sprayed with harmful chemicals but we continue to eat them, we drink the water which contains a chemical called fluoride, we brush our teeth with fluoride, we breath in harmful gases daily. We consciously consume artificial colors and preservatives, we wash in chemicals, clean in chemicals, spray our bodies with chemicals, just what part of natural is this?. We are losing all sense of what is natural. We are injecting toxins, drinking toxins, breathing toxins, bathing in toxins, cleaning with toxins. We need to really start taking our health and environment more seriously. Our body consists of Percentage of water making up tissues, organs, fluids and bone in the human body: Brain 75%, Heart 75%, Lungs 86%, Muscle 75%, Liver 85%, Kidney 83%, Bone 22%, Blood 83%, Saliva 95%, Perspiration 95%, to be precise An average adult body is 50 to 65 percent water -- that's roughly 45 quarts. Men are more watery than women. A man's body is 60 to 65 percent water, compared to 50 to 60 percent for a woman. In infants, the figure is a whopping 70 percent. Now MMS is a water purification product, if it purifies water that we drink, it makes perfect common sense that it will purify the water in our body! Once the toxins have gone the body will heal and the cells will die off. Simple no toxins no cancer!

The Genesis 11 church in Bulgaria is the only church that helps mankind, we restore health in a good environment, healthy food, no toxins in the water, but whilst we free your body of the toxin build up we allow the body time to rest and recover, being away from the day to day stresses of life and concentrating on your own restoration ensures results. If you body cannot rest, it cannot heal. I have seen people dying of cancer, they have no energy resources left to fight, the body has to shut down, therefore do not wait until it is too late, when the body has no energy resources, your body needs complete rest from the day to days tasks of life. Take 3 weeks out to restore your body and allow it the time to concentrate on its healing away from toxins.

for more info email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Interesting facts about cancer 21 Feb 2013 05:47 #30794

  • fourfingerz
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Ya! What AmandaMary said!

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Interesting facts about cancer 14 Jun 2013 21:37 #33783

  • pejeal44
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Dear Bishop AmandaMary!

This is Al from Miami, I am a member of the Church.

Please allow me to thank you for your great contributions and for the help you give others, also your deep knowledge on the subject, and particularly this compendium you wrote about cancer.

Although I am mostly in agreement with you in this wonderful information you gave us here, I just want to make a point, and call attention to the readers on it.

Am I qualify to do so? I believe so, my qualifications come from being afflicted by melanoma, and having been able to arrest the disease, - as Mark did in Thailand - using MMS1, MMS2, and Protocol 2000 and SURGERY. I have never used, nor ever will use, chemo, radiation, or Interferon or similar, they just don't work at this stage of melanoma, for a starter; besides poisoning mind and body and destroying the immune system.

My point. The quote you started you post with: “It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians.” This is a quote attributed to German doctor Paracelsus, (1493-1541).

Although in principle it sounds true, this statement by Paracelsus, if he ever said it, is fallacious and misleading. It does not seem probable to me that he ever had cancer. Besides, when Paracelsus wrote that, surgery was not what it is today.

The reason I am writing this is to warn those readers with cancer that may be inclined to disregard surgery outright when facing statements like Paracelsus'. I have also seen this paraphrased by cancer coaches in the Internet. It could be a deadly mistake. It was, definitely, for Apple's Steve Jobs. Had he acquiesced to early surgery in his pancreatic cancer tumor instead of wasting 9 months to do it trying instead a macrobiotic diet, Steve, more than likely, would be alive today. When he had that surgery 9 months later, it was too late.

My point is, surgery should never be in the same line as chemotherapy and radiation, it does not belong on the same line. This point is stressed once and again by one of the greatest cancer alternative medicine doctors in the US, Dr. Majid Ali, who has written extensively on the subject, and mentioned the many cancer patients he had known that were doomed by not getting surgery done early on on their cancers.

Mind you, know that am not saying that surgery for cancer is always a solution, nor that in the name of surgery, and in many cases, torture, dispair, and mistakes, are not daily committed by the medical profession, no, sure not, I am just only cautioning against the generalized idea that tend to unite surgery with chemo and radiation and something to be avoided at all times.

I will give you a personal example. Without surgery on the melanoma I had on the sole of my foot, which was so thick by the time it was discovered that it was diagnosed as Clark V (in contact with lymphatic system and flesh and blood), I would probably be dead today. The cancer never recurred there, but it grew in a single inguinal lymph node that I had also removed by surgery recently. According to the PET Scan, there is nothing else in the body.

Why? Round 1: MMS one, melanoma zero.

I am totally convinced that cancer CANNOT BE CURED BY DIET. Not by diet alone, there must be some kind of a protocol. Even the Gherson treatment is not a diet, for if you have to drink more than a dozen organic veggie juices together with 9 coffee enemas daily, this I call a protocol. The same with the Budwig protocol. Similarly, Dr. Majid Ali uses Hydrogen Peroxide IVs. Jim Humble brought us MMS and its protocols.

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Last edit: by pejeal44. Reason: spelling mistake
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