Jim Humble's detailed response to anonymous attack on MMS 12 Nov 2010 20:28 #37
From Adam Abraham's
Thought for Food blog
Jim Humble Responds to Another MMS 'Dis-Information' Alert November 12, 2010 at 9:05 am | Tags: Alternative Health, cancer treatment, chelation, chlorine dioxide, FDA, Jim Humble, MMS | Categories: Alternative Medicines, Blogroll, Cancer, Education, FDA, Healing, Health & Nutrition, Health related, MMS, Water | URL: wp.me/p1OJN-rh Dr. Segura’s rant (responded to by Adam Abraham here ) that was critical of MMS, Jim Humble's redubbed Master Mineral Supplement, wasn’t the only one. Another article was posted on the Yahoo Group Community Alert. (full post, with reference links, is at bottom of Jim's response) The article was brought to my attention by one of my Facebook friends, who has also experienced health improvements with MMS. The original article content is indented. I forwarded it to Jim, inviting his comments… which follow with no additional comment by me. - Adam Abraham CAPITAL LETTERS IS TEXT WRITTEN BY JIM HUMBLE - Poster's text is in Blue FIRST I'D LIKE TO SAY THAT THE PERSON WRITING THIS PAPER (the small letters) DID NOT INCLUDE HER NAME (I ASSUME FROM THE WRITING IT IS A HER). YOU CAN USUALLY BELIEVE THAT ANY PAPER WHERE THE NAME HAS BEEN WITHHELD THAT THERE IS A HIDDEN AGENDA. IN THIS CASE AN ATTEMPT TO DEBUNK MMS, A SOLUTION THAT HAS BEEN USED BY 5 MILLION PEOPLE AND THAT HAS SAVED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES THEY WOULD LIKE TO STOP. THE GOVERNMENT, THE FDA, AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES WILL LOSE TREMENDOUS MONEY IF PEOPLE ARE HEALED FOR PENNIES INSTEAD OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF INEFFECTIVE TREATMENT. Community Alert and Bulletin November 8, 2010 What is Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), and Why Is It Dangerous? Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is being touted on the Internet as a natural antibiotic and healing agent. But MMS is a synthetic industrial chemical - it is a concentrated (28%) chlorine bleach - sodium chlorite. When MMS is "activated," it creates CLO2, chlorine dioxide, a very strong chemical oxidizer and bleaching agent. CLO2 is the active molecule in many water purification systems. It does kill germs, but it is toxic. If you ingest it in the concentrations recommended, it can cause you direct harm. YOU CAN LIE BY REFUSING TO TELL THE FACTS OR BY LEAVING THE FACTS OUT. FIRST IN ACTUALITY IT IS NOT A CHLORINE BLEACH, IT IS A CHLORINE DIOXIDE BLEACH, SORRY BUT A TOTALLY DIFFERENT CHEMICAL. THE AUTHOR MAKES IT LOOK LIKE IT IS USED IN THE BODY AS A BLEACH, BUT ONLY THREE DROPS ARE TAKEN FROM THE BOTTLE FOR A DOSE AND THOSE THREE DROPS ARE DILUTED BY 675 TIMES, WHEN YOU TAKE IT, IT’S LESS THAN THE AMOUNT OF TABLE SALT THAT YOU WOULD PUT ON A SMALL DINNER SALAD FOR ONE PERSON. AND PERCENTAGE WISE, THAT 28% THAT THIS LADY MENTIONS ABOVE TURNS OUT TO BE .OOO4% WHEN ONE INGESTS IT. DOES ANYONE SEE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 28% AND .0004%? THERE IS ANOTHER LIE BY OMISSION HERE. THE SENTENCE THAT SAYS, "BUT IT IS TOXIC." YOU CAN SAY THAT ABOUT ANY CHEMICAL ON EARTH IN LARGE QUANTITIES. TABLE SALT IS USED TO MELT ICE ON ROADS IN THE WINTER AND IN LARGE QUANTITIES IT WILL HARM THE BODY AND IT IS TOXIC. CLO2 is a toxic chemical oxidizer CLO2 causes direct oxidation harm to mucous membranes and epithelium (lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines), potentially causing vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and reduced blood pressure. THIS SENTENCE IS STRICTLY THE AUTHOR’S OPINION. SHE IS TALKING AS IF SHE KNEW WHAT SHE IS SAYING. AS I SAID ABOVE TOXICITY DEPENDS UPON STRENGTH OF THE CHEMICAL. ALL CHEMICALS ARE TOXIC DEPENDING UPON THE STRENGTH. THIS IS WHERE SHE LIES BY LEAVING THE BASIC DATA OUT. AND LIES BY SAYING SHE KNOWS MORE THAN SHE REALLY KNOWS. NO EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE TO THE FETUS IN A PREGNANT WOMAN AS EVER BEEN SHOWN AND MANY FETUSES HAVE BEEN SAVED AROUND THE WORLD AND DEFINITELY IN AFRICA WHERE I WORKED. Once ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause harm to red blood cells and to the developing brain of the fetus in pregnant women. Because CLO2 is a chemical oxidizer (called a "free radical") it depletes vitamin C. Putting it another way, the vitamin C in our body gets depleted in its attempts to detoxify CLO2; vitamin C is our "free radical scavenger." The instructions provided with MMS specifically warn people not to take vitamin C while they are taking MMS because vitamin C "interferes" with it. This is a red flag that MMS is a toxic chemical, since vitamin C is our primary detoxification agent. Vitamin C depletion is extremely dangerous: it is the bulwark of our immune system, and it is needed for dozens of other body functions. ANOTHER LIE BY OMISSION. A PERSON IS INSTRUCTED NOT TO TAKE VITAMIN C WITHIN 2 HOURS. IT’S OK TO TAKE LARGE AMOUNTS 2 HOURS BEFORE OR AFTER TAKING MMS. ALSO THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THE BODY GETS DEPLETED IN ANY WAY OF VITAMIN C WHILE TAKING MMS. THAT’S ANOTHER OPINION TO PLANT FEAR OF MMS. "Activated" MMS contains elemental chlorine Despite the claims of its "inventor" Jim Humble that MMS is elemental chlorine free, the fact of the matter is that when CLO2 is created in water, it immediately reacts with the water to create elemental chlorine and hypochlorous acid. Commercial bleaching operations that use only CLO2 end up with elemental chlorine and organic chlorine compounds in their wastewater. (Thornton, page 321-322) AGAIN THIS WRITER LIES BY LEAVING IMPORTANT DATA OUT. THE FACT IS, WHEN CLO2 IS CREATED FROM SODIUM CHLORITE (MMS) IT CREATES NO CHLORINE. IN THE COMMERCIAL BLEACHING OPERATION THEY DO NOT USE SODIUM CHLORITE TO GENERATE CHLORINE. THEY USE MUCH MORE COMPLEX MACHINERY. SHE LIES BY LEAVING OUT THAT FACT AS WELL AS LEAVING OUT THE FACT THAT CHLORINE CAN ALSO BE GENERATED BY WASTE COMPOUNDS IN THE WASTE WATER. AND YES IF YOU CHECK THAT COMPANY THEY WILL SAY THERE IS CHLORINE IN THEIR WASTER WATER, AND IF YOU CHECK CLOSELY YOU WILL FIND THEY USE NO SODIUM CHLORITE (MMS) TO GENERATE THEIR CHLORINE DIOXIDE. What does this mean to you? When elemental chlorine comes in contact with human tissue, it immediately destroys the molecules it comes in contact with, harming tissue and organs. In doing so it also combines with the natural biological chemicals (aromatic hydrocarbons) in your cells, forming chemicals that could never exist in nature, called polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. THIS LADY IS GOOD AT COPYING CHEMICAL NAMES, BUT SHE KNOWS NOTHING OF CHEMISTRY. SODIUM CHLORITE CANNOT CHEMICALLY GENERATE CHLORINE AND IS USED THROUGHOUT INDUSTRY BECAUSE OF THAT FACT, IT CANNOT GENERATE CHLORINE THEREFORE THERE WILL BE NO CHLORINE IN THE BODY TO CAUSE DAMAGE AND THIS FACT HAS BEEN PROVEN THOUSANDS OF TIME THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. These new chemicals are almost always carcinogenic (cause cancer) because they mimic chemicals that look like them but do not include chlorine. So when you ingest MMS, you create cancer-causing chemicals from your own body fluids and tissue. These bio-accumulate in fat tissue, eventually causing cancer. THE LADY HAS NO BUSINESS CLAIMING THINGS THAT SHE CANNOT PROVE. I HOPE EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS THE COMPLETE IRRESPONSIBILITY OF THIS PAPER. THIS PAPER IS BEING PRESENTED TO PEOPLE SOME OF WHOM WILL BELIEVE IT, AND THUS IF THEY HAVE A DISEASE FROM WHICH THEY SUFFER OR MIGHT EVEN DIE THEY WILL NOT EVEN GIVE MMS A CHANCE. THUS THEY WILL CONTINUE TO SUFFER BECAUSE THIS LADY IS EITHER JEALOUS OR SHE IS BEING PAID BY AN INDUSTRIAL PHARMACEUTICAL TO HELP ELIMINATE MMS. SHE WOULDN’T LIE FOR FREE UNLESS SHE IS JUST JEALOUS. It means that if you consume MMS you will end up with these compounds - which cause cancer - inside you. NOT TRUE AS I HAVE ALREADY SHOWN. NO CHLORINE ENTERS THE BODY FROM MMS AND THUS NO CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS ARE GENERATED. MMS is Toxic - Do Not Use It Even if you didn't understand the explanation above, please take my word for it - Miracle Mineral Supplement is very toxic to your body. It may seem to get rid of bacteria - chlorine bleach does do that - but at great expense to your long-term health: tissue and organ damage, and possibly cancer. 5 MILLION USERS AND NO ONE REPORTED ORGAN DAMAGE, AND ORGAN DAMAGE COULD NOT RESULT UNLESS ONE ABUSED THE MMS TERRIBLY AND ORGAN DAMAGE COULD ALSO RESULT FROM TAKING TOO MUCH TABLE SALT. There is nothing natural about MMS, it is not a supplement, and the only mineral in it is sodium. It is a synthetic industrial chemical. And the only thing miraculous about MMS is that it hasn't been taken off the market. AGAIN THE LADY DEMONSTRATES SHE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT. REMEMBER HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY? ANYTHING THAT IS NOT AN ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE IS A MINERAL. HOWEVER, SODIUM CHLORITE (MMS) IS FOUND IN THE GROUND IN MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD. LOOK IT UP ON THE INTERNET. In October 2009, and man named Doug Nash reported on the cure zone website that MMS had killed his wife, Silvie Fink. Jim Humble issued a blithering response, attacking this man who was grieving the death of his wife, with an outright falsehood: DOUG NASH DIDN’T EVEN WAIT ONE DAY. HE BEGAN A PROGRAM TO HURT MMS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THE VERY NEXT MORNING AFTER HIS WIFE’S DEATH. HE EMAIL BLOGS ALL AROUND THE US. SAYING 2 DROPS OF MMS HAD KILLED HIS WIFE. I HAVE GIVEN 2 DROPS TO BABY MICE AND THEY DIDN’T EVEN GET SICK.. NASH CONTINUED TO DO HIS BEST TO TEAR DOWN MMS UNTIL I ATTACKED HIM WITH A QUESTION AND THAT WAS, WHAT WAS HE DOING WITH HIS WIFE FOR 8 HOURS AFTER SHE WAS SICK. IT WAS 8 HOURS BEFORE HE CALLED FOR HELP. WHEN I ASKED THAT, HE QUIT THE EMAIL CAMPAIGN AGAINST MMS. I CREATED MMS, IT’S MY JOB TO PROTECT IT. MANKIND’S FUTURE IS AT STAKE. "MMS is a natural chemical manufactured by the human immune system to help prevent diseases and to keep the body healthy." The truth is this: your body cannot create sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide. MMS can only be created in a chemical factory. THE LADY IS STILL CONFUSING THE ISSUE. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION). THEY HAVE RESEARCH PAPERS SHOWING THAT EVERYONE HAS CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN THEIR BODIES. THE ONLY WAY THAT IT GETS THERE IS BECAUSE THE BODY MAKES IT. IT HAS BEEN REPORTED FOR MANY YEARS THAT CHLORINE DIOXIDE IS GENERATED BY THE HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on July 30, 2010, warning people not to consume MMS. Please, please do not use this substance. If you have any, don't use it, but save it for evidence. If it has harmed you, please obtain the services of a lawyer to sue the distributor who sold it to you and the manufacturer. Jim Humble must be held accountable for creating this fraudulent product and thereby harming people. Send a complaint to the FDA. Call the FDA's MedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088 or file a report online at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm. As much as I detest the FDA, their job is to get dangerous products off the market, and MMS should be banned. THIS LADY IS WRONG ONCE AGAIN. I DO NOT MANUFACTURE, NOR HAVE I EVER MANUFACTURED MMS NOR HAVE I EVER SOLD IT, NOR HAVE I EVER ACCEPTED ANY MONEY FROM THE SALES OF IT. THIS LADY DOESN’T KNOW OF A SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS BEEN HURT BY MMS NOR CAN SHE PRODUCE ANY. FINALLY LET ME ADDRESS YOUR ABILITY TO USE LOGIC. THE PATHOGEN IS MICROSCOPIC ORGANISMS, PROBABLY ABOUT 1000 TIMES SMALLER IN DIAMETER THAN THE DISTANCE YOUR SKIN IS THICK, AND ABOUT THE SAME FOR THE WALLS OF YOUR INTESTINES AND STOMACH THAT THIS LADY IS SURE IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED. NOW, THINK OF HOW THICK THE SKIN OR OUTER WALLS OF A PATHOGEN IS GOING TO BE. THINK A MINUTE, THIS LADY CAN’T. THE PATHOGEN IS LESS THAN ONE THOUSANDTH OF AN INCH IN SIZE, AND HIS SKIN IS A HUNDRED TIMES THINNER THAN THAT.. SO IF YOU TAKE A TINY TINY AMOUNT OF MMS (CHLORINE DIOXIDE) IT CAN BLOW A HOLE IN THAT TERRIBLY THIN SKIN BEFORE IT EVEN TOUCHES THE SKIN IN THE BODY. AND GUESS WHAT? THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THE MMS KILLS THE PATHOGEN, BY BLOWING A HOLE IN ITS SKIN. OH, I GUESS ONE LAST THING. ABOUT THE MMS (CHLORINE DIOXIDE) HURTING THE BODY IN DILUTE AMOUNTS SUCH AS MMS. YOU SEE MMS HAS A POSITIVE 950 MILLI VOLTS OXIDATION POTENTIAL. (REMEMBER SHE TOLD YOU IT WAS AN OXIDIZER). WELL THE BODY HAS A POSITIVE OXIDATION POTENTIAL OF ABOUT 90 MILLIVOLTS. REMEMBER, YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AGAIN. RUDIMENTARY SCIENCE TELLS US LIKE CHARGES REPEL AND UNLIKE CHARGES ATTRACTS. THIS RULE ALSO WORKS IN CHEMISTRY. THAT’S WHY YOU LEARN THE RULES. THE LIKE CHARGE OF THE MMS (POSITIVE) REPELS THE LIKE CHARGE (POSITIVE) OF THE BODY AND THEY NEVER COME TOGETHER. AND THUS MMS CANNOT DO DAMAGE TO THE BODY UNLESS IT IS EXTREMELY CONCENTRATED AND THEN EVEN SALT WILL DO DAMAGE. I AM 79 YEARS OLD, AND THE LADY THAT HAS WRITTEN THIS PAPER THE (small letters) HAS BEEN TREATING PEOPLE FOR SOME TIME USING NATURAL REMEDIES AND THAT I APPROVE OF. SO I MUST ASSUME THAT SHE ISN’T WORKING FOR THE FDA OR GOVERNMENT SO THE ONLY OTHER REASON FOR HER TO DEBUNK SOMETHING THAT SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT IS JEALOUSY. AND FOR THAT I AM TRULY SORRY FOR HER AS SHE HURTS HERSELF AND A LOT OF OTHERS. AS ALWAYS WITH LOVE JIM HUMBLE AND IF YOU HAVE A SERIOUS CRONIC ILLNESS OR INFECTIONS OR CANCER OR HIV PLEASE CONSIDER THAT IF YOU WILL COME TO OUR CHURCH IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. WE WILL TREAT YOU FOR FREE AND ASK FOR NOTHING UNTIL YOU ARE WELL AND EVEN THEN YOU ONLY PAY BY DONATION AND THAT IS STRICTLY UP TO YOU. CONTACT US AT Mark Grenon: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - And talk to us if you can’t afford to stay, and we can make a place for you at no cost, but please this is for those who are truly unable to pay to stay. We are here only to heal. Jim Humble Community Alert and Bulletin November 8, 2010 health.groups.yahoo.com/group/community-alert/messages/145?threaded=1&m=e&var=1&tidx=1 What is Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), and Why Is It Dangerous? Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is being touted on the Internet as a natural antibiotic and healing agent. But MMS is a synthetic industrial chemical - it is a concentrated (28%) chlorine bleach - sodium chlorite. When MMS is "activated," it creates CLO2, chlorine dioxide, a very strong chemical oxidizer and bleaching agent. CLO2 is the active molecule in many water purification systems. It does kill germs, but it is toxic. If you ingest it in the concentrations recommended, it can cause you direct harm. CLO2 is a toxic chemical oxidizer CLO2 causes direct oxidation harm to mucous membranes and epithelium (lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines), potentially causing vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and reduced blood pressure. Once ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause harm to red blood cells and to the developing brain of the fetus in pregnant women. Because CLO2 is a chemical oxidizer (called a "free radical") it depletes vitamin C. Putting it another way, the vitamin C in our body gets depleted in its attempts to detoxify CLO2; vitamin C is our "free radical scavenger." The instructions provided with MMS specifically warn people not to take vitamin C while they are taking MMS because vitamin C "interferes" with it. This is a red flag that MMS is a toxic chemical, since vitamin C is our primary detoxification agent. Vitamin C depletion is extremely dangerous: it is the bulwark of our immune system, and it is needed for dozens of other body functions. "Activated" MMS contains elemental chlorine Despite the claims of its "inventor" Jim Humble that MMS is elemental chlorine free, the fact of the matter is that when CLO2 is created in water, it immediately reacts with the water to create elemental chlorine and hypochlorous acid. Commercial bleaching operations that use only CLO2 end up with elemental chlorine and organic chlorine compounds in their wastewater. (Thornton, page 321-322) What does this mean to you? When elemental chlorine comes in contact with human tissue, it immediately destroys the molecules it comes in contact with, harming tissue and organs. In doing so it also combines with the natural biological chemicals (aromatic hydrocarbons) in your cells, forming chemicals that could never exist in nature, called polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. These new chemicals are almost always carcinogenic (cause cancer) because they mimic chemicals that look like them but do not include chlorine. So when you ingest MMS, you create cancer-causing chemicals from your own body fluids and tissue. These bio-accumulate in fat tissue, eventually causing cancer. It means that if you consume MMS you will end up with these compounds - which cause cancer - inside you. MMS is Toxic - Do Not Use It Even if you didn't understand the explanation above, please take my word for it - Miracle Mineral Supplement is very toxic to your body. It may seem to get rid of bacteria - chlorine bleach does do that - but at great expense to your long-term health: tissue and organ damage, and possibly cancer. There is nothing natural about MMS, it is not a supplement, and the only mineral in it is sodium. It is a synthetic industrial chemical. And the only thing miraculous about MMS is that it hasn't been taken off the market. In October 2009, and man named Doug Nash reported on the curezone website that MMS had killed his wife, Silvie Fink. Jim Humble issued a blithering response, attacking this man who was grieving the death of his wife, with an outright falsehood: "MMS is a natural chemical manufactured by the human immune system to help prevent diseases and to keep the body healthy." The truth is this: your body cannot create sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide. MMS can only be created in a chemical factory. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on July 30, 2010, warning people not to consume MMS. Please, please do not use this substance. If you have any, don't use it, but save it for evidence. If it has harmed you, please obtain the services of a lawyer to sue the distributor who sold it to you and the manufacturer. Jim Humble must be held accountable for creating this fraudulent product and thereby harming people. Send a complaint to the FDA. Call the FDA's MedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088 or file a report online at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm. As much as I detest the FDA, their job is to get dangerous products off the market, and MMS should be banned. If you have a serious, chronic infection or illness, please consider these options: 1. If it is an influenza-type illness, look at the natural influenza regimen I have posted on this website at www.cqs.com/influenza.htm. 2. If you have a serious infection, get professional medical help immediately, and consider getting intravenous infusions of vitamin C. There are usually clinics in every major city that provide these infusions. If you need help finding one, click on the Contact Jonathan Campbell link on the left sidebar of this page. 3. If you have Lyme Disease, please refer to the book Healing Lyme by Stephen Harrod Buhner. His protocol is completely safe, and it works. 4. If you have cancer, heart disease, AIDS, or hepatitis, please obtain one of my natural therapy guides. These are very inexpensive guides that provide the information you need to overcome these illnesses, through use of large-dose natural dietary supplement protocols. Click on the Order Health Guide link on the left sidebar of this page. Note: I am not attempting to "compete" with Jim Humble. I am astonished that it has come this far, that he has fooled so many people into thinking his remedy is safe. It is not. My only concern is for you and for your health. This is my life work. I don't make a lot of money doing it. I do not have multi-level marketing people selling for me. I do not even sell the supplements that I recommend. I just tell you where to buy them, inexpensively and reliably. My goal is to help you become healthy and stay healthy throughout your life. References: Curezone: Nash, Doug, mms killed my wife, 10/8/2009, curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1504247#i Curezone: Humble, Jim, On ‘Death’ and MMS: Jim Humble Responds to Nash Attack - curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1524817 Curezone: Campbell, Jonathan, response to: mms killed my wife, 10/23/2010 - curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1711660#i Durfee, Arrow, MMS De-Mystified - sodium chlorite, stabilized oxygen, chlorine dioxide, detox, September 2007 - www.healthsalon.org/264/mms-de-mystified-sodium-chlorite-stabilized-oxygen-chlorine-dioxide-detox/ Thornton, Joe, Pandora's Poison - Chlorine, Health, and a New Environmental Strategy, MIT Press, 2000 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), FDA Warns Consumers of Serious Harm from Drinking Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - Product contains industrial strength bleach, 7/30/2010 - www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm220747.htm U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Admistration (OSHA),OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH GUIDELINE FOR CHLORINE DIOXIDE - Wikipedia, Chlorine Dioxide - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide |
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Re: Jim Humble's detailed response to anonymous attack on MMS 13 Nov 2010 19:53 #39
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Re: Jim Humble's detailed response to anonymous attack on MMS 14 Nov 2010 10:17 #46
We see post like that coming up all over on the internet. Most of them have the same sources and are just copy&pasted into other websites. I'm absolutely stunned about some of the contradictory statements made by some of those AAMF
![]() To name but a few: I wrote on facebook the following... I like to share now some experience with you that is more recently Last week our hotel closed down for the winter. The last 2 days was a bit busy, but the night-porter could not work. His brother died. So I did night-porter for those 2 nights. The rooms were heated, but the reception had only a fireplace going till about... midnight. So I was in the cold most of the night. I realized a cold coming about 2 am, but my MMS, which had prevented me from getting a full-blown cold during the year, was @ home. By the morning I had a full-blown cold, sinuses and all. I went to see the doctor. She gave me some antibiotics ect. But one week down the road and my antibiotics finished, I feel better, but my asthma, which gave me no problems over the last year, is back! Now don’t get me wrong, but I don’t blame the doctor. She can impossibly ... know what is all in each medication she hands out to her patients, let alone all the side-effect. I had a low sugar attack 3 days ago. The leaflet of the antibiotics says, it is a side-effect, together with at least 30 other side-effects, including headaches, inflammatory of the mouth, tongue, pancreas, bowel, kidneys, including kidney failure, low blood-pressure, nightmares, delusions, confusion, hallucination, anxiety, deafness (reversible-thanks God for that), severe liver failure ect, to name but a few. Plus irregular of rapid heartbeat (including life threatening)…need I say more? I posted the following questions to our ANTI MMS EXPERTS: ![]() So guess who is back on MMS now?” My question here is now is, is it OK and ethical to prescribe FDA approved medicine, with so many side-effect, and much worse than the ones of MMS? This was the responce I got from a DOCTOR! ![]() COPY: Paul Morgan Perfectly ethical to prescribe medications which have undergone proper testing through a process of clinical trials. All medicines have adverse effect profiles and that is why patient information leaflets have to be provided. As I have explained before, the question of safety and efficacy for a medication has to balance the risks against the benefits. Some drugs have proved too toxic for use and never get licensed or get withdrawn as a result of post-marketing surveillance. As part of the clinical trials procedure, data is gathered about all possible adverse effects which might be related to the medication in question. Many reported adverse effects are no more than coincidence and many are no more than an irritation. Some are more common than others. Some can be pretty serious and nasty. What you won't gather from patient information leaflets are the frequency of the adverse effects, particularly when that adverse effect is rare and idiosyncratic. It's all about the balance of risks - if an antibiotic has an 80% chance of curing an infection compared to a 1 in a million chance of a serious adverse effect, my money is on the antibiotic. As for MMS, I think ingestion of a bleach that results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, thyroid disorders, methaemoglobinaemia and neurotoxic effects with no evidence of efficacy, I'll pass on the MMS and advise others to do likewise.See More Friday at 12:39am · LikeUnlike · What a hypocrate! I also keep an eye on his son Rhys, the famous AAMF and his fans on twitter, and I'm amused about that ship of the old block... ![]() It may be interesting to know that they did found somebody they consider a bigger snake-oel-seller than Jim…hi…hi… From Rhys Morgan: @Trinoc_ @bengoldacre We thought MMS was snake-oil for the 21st Century? No, this is the real, snake-oil deal. @bengoldacre Do you know exactly where Rodial are based? Would help for a complaint! Thanks ![]() But some seem to be ignoring their complaints… @DT_1975 @drevanharris @bengoldacre Oh believe me, they won’t want to know. I reported MMS to them, but they claimed it wasn’t for them… about 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPad in reply to DT_1975 But they also doing a lot of advertising for you, because I’m sure some people like me check their web-sides out to have a good laugh. www.ipadio.com/phlogs/SuperWooDuo/2010/11/05/Episode-2?utm_content=api&utm_medium=ipad.io-other&utm_source=twitter.com At a previous occasion I found one of them calling upon the others to review the new book of Jim on Amazon. A few days later he complained being abused by somebody on Amazon for his review. He posted the link to Rhys and I checked it out. It was in German and being German I knew he was lying to his chummys. This woman did not abuse him. I wrote my own review and reported my experiences with MMS, plus I added that the 'above' review was a fake one written by one of a bunch of youngster from the UK terrorizing anybody who is pro alternative medicine, and especially MMS. After this, he really got a mouth full from another member. Hmmmm, makes me wonder! ![]() |
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Re: Jim Humble's detailed response to anonymous attack on MMS 14 Nov 2010 11:01 #47
Now coming back to my cold I have made the following observation. I’m back on MMS but this time it does not seem to work as fast with my asthma. It is improving, but slowly. The only difference I know from now and a year ago is that back than I used MMS in water, now I use it in capsules.
Am I right in assuming that this could be the delay in improvement, because the MMS does not come in contact with the infected areas in the mouth and throat while going down to the tummy? I started using MMS in apple-juice last night to see if it makes a difference! I will keep you updated. ![]() |
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