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I've ordered the chlorine dioxide test kit - had posted to learn of already ok liquids or foods to mix w/ mms1 for dogs 11 Dec 2020 18:23 #66914

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I'd still like to hear if anyone's had luck with anything particular. One of my dogs has sores at each corner of his mouth. I feel sure it's bacteria, plaque, or something like that causing it and think MMS will help given what I read about likely common causes.

He gets real wild if I try to treat it directly or mess with his teeth and gums and won't let me feed him with a dropper.

So, I'm looking forward to finding something mixable with mms1-something he'll gobble or lap up. Wondering about chicken broth.
He's a 5 kg 4 years old mixed breed dog.

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I've ordered the chlorine dioxide test kit - had posted to learn of already ok liquids or foods to mix w/ mms1 for dogs 12 Dec 2020 05:40 #66926

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Have you tried squirting hourly doses down his throat with a syringe?

Since dogs have a lot of stomach acid, you can add unactivated MMS to his drinking water if the dish is not metal.
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I've ordered the chlorine dioxide test kit - had posted to learn of already ok liquids or foods to mix w/ mms1 for dogs 12 Dec 2020 15:52 #66938

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Thanks very much! It's great to hear from you!!

You ask about hourly doses -- the dog with the problem was abused badly before I got him a couple years ago. With just my own 2 hands, with no help, I'm unable to get anything into his mouth. It's why I was hoping for something he'd take voluntarily. I think in addition to his personality and history, the sores at the sides of the mouth make him extra defensive about objects around his mouth. He gets so scared, wild-eyed and frantic. My two other pets I could manage hourly doses, but not this little guy.

I take him to the groomer and they do a so-so job brushing his teeth every couple of weeks, but it takes 2 to hold him as they coo to him that he's a good boy. They're very kind and only charge $3 for that, which is amazing to me. Wish I had someone like that by my side all day to do an hourly job squirting something down his throat!

Re the pets drinking water, right now I'm using just an activated drop per quart and it's in a ceramic filtered fountain so they drink a lot more than they would, I think, if I just had it sitting around in a bowl.
How many drops per quart/liter would you recommend?
I have very clean filtered well water, but since there's a charcoal filter in the fountain, I think I need to remove it and switch to distilled.
This way the MMS shouldn't be unintentionally removed and the fountain and pump won't clog up with the natural minerals in the well water.

I read in the book that the one drop isn't enough for a maintenance dose, so I've been doing it without much enthusiasm about it working, without being concerned about the fountain filtering MMS out. But depending on what you advise, I'll try that # of activated drops and get rid of the charcoal in the ceramic fountain. There's no metal in that thing, either, thankfully.

Re dosage, once I read someone's comment on another blog, I think, saying something like "It's easy, just use __ # drops in the water bc of the HCL in the stomach."
It was a lot of drops, I thought, for these little guys, so I researched more to get some confirmation, but didn't find anything.
So I've been sticking with the 1 drop per quart activated with HCL.
So, knowing the number of drops you'd recommend would be great!

Thank you again!

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I just noticed you recommended UNactivated drops -- how many per quart is good? 13 Dec 2020 01:13 #66945

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I just noticed you recommended UNactivated drops -- how many per quart is good? 13 Dec 2020 01:30 #66946

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When adding drops to water for your dog, I would not activate it because CLO2 will be gone rather quickly.

Just use MMS unactivated drops. I don't think 1 drop per quart is not enough, however. I would try 2 or 3 drops per quart of water. His stomach acid will activate MMS and release CLO2.
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UNactivated drops -- pet water question 21 Jan 2021 15:46 #67586

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You mentioned that the MMS2 would be gone rather quickly.
The 4 drops per quart is improving the condition a little bit, I think.
So far I'm putting a small amount of the unactivated MMS in the pets' little ceramic drinking fountain and keeping the fountain clean.

Do you happen to have an idea of how long the mixture will stay good for?
If it should break down more quickly than I'm guessing, I may ditch the fountain and serve the treated water in smaller bowls.
I started this today, in fact, in case it helps.

Thank you for any thoughts or observations you have on this.

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I just noticed you recommended UNactivated drops -- how many per quart is good? 11 Jul 2022 13:18 #76158

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What's the reason for not using a metal bowl? Does it make it caustic?

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I just noticed you recommended UNactivated drops -- how many per quart is good? 09 Sep 2022 20:06 #76740

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Is there any downside to putting the 2-3 drops of MMS (unactivated) in my 11 pound terrier's water dish?

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I just noticed you recommended UNactivated drops -- how many per quart is good? 13 Sep 2022 17:29 #76760

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No. I've been putting unactivated MMS drops in my dogs ceramic water dish for months now. It holds quite a bit and I put in about 10 drops each time I change the water. If the dogs don't drink all the water, I exchange it each morning, scrub the dish a bit and give them fresh. As an FYI, I have 5 golden retrievers all of which are about 65 pounds - except for my "baby" who was the runt of the litter. She's probably about 53 pounds. 

This little baby of mine has congestive heart failure and the (Emergency) Vet convinced me to put her down (she wasn't even a year old). They said her heart was 4 sizes larger than it should, beating erratically and had a valve issue. She could barely move and I was able to be with her in ICU - believing she was a goner. There I started her on MMS - I gave her two "servings" about an hour apart while in the ICU - they never knew ;o). When I made my decision that it was best for her to put her down, I told them I wanted my kids to come and say goodbye. They took off her oxygen and disconnected her from her IV and when I called her name, she immediately perked up and showed that she wanted to live! TWO DOSES ;o)  Four months later at her first check up (and yes, she's on several different heart medications), I've been giving her unactivated MMS in every water dish they get. Her checkup they announced that her heart beat was strong and sounding good and that her heart wasn't as enlarged. I was thrilled. I knew when I brought her home, that we were going to give her the best, rest of her life that we could - whether it be short or long. They insisted that they got her meds right on the "first try". I smiled and minded my own business. We are now soon to be going to her next checkup (in October) and I hope that she will have even more improvement. This little baby of mine is full of vim, vigor and vitality. I do try to not get her out of breath, but she loves playing with the pack ;o) I'm unsure whether or not MMS will "cure" her valve issue, but I have high hopes. My goal is to eventually wean her off all heart meds!

Now, unbeknowest to me - the MMS was performing another miracle at the same time with my oldest dog. She had what appeared to be a broken tooth according to my regular Vet. They quoted me about $2400 for an extraction. Since I've had issues w/ one of my other pups (chronic sock eater and multiple intestinal blockage surgeries) I didn't want to add another expense until I could better afford it. This tooth was turning brown with clear signs of a dying tooth. I felt badly but she never complained and it wouldn't stop her from eating her treats, bones etc. For whatever reason I checked out her teeth and could not see a brown tooth. I told myself, well maybe I couldn't remember which side it was one (I definitely remembered it was an upper tooth). Regardless, my older gal's teeth look great! So, another perk of putting the unactivated MMS in their water dish was it allowed her to heal her tooth. So much so, that I am now brushing with activated MMS myself to try and rid myself of a few small cavities - stay tuned on that one.

I put more drops in my golden's water dish becaues they are larger dogs. Your dosing should be by the size of the animal you are trying to treat. Please refer to Jim Humble's section on how to dose animals properly. But, I for one, say absolutely do it. There's so little in it, the dogs will continue to drink the water not even tasting it or knowing that it's going to help them. A definite win-win in my book without the fuss. 

Hope this helps and wishing all those pups here get better!
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