Thanks very much! It's great to hear from you!!
You ask about hourly doses -- the dog with the problem was abused badly before I got him a couple years ago. With just my own 2 hands, with no help, I'm unable to get anything into his mouth. It's why I was hoping for something he'd take voluntarily. I think in addition to his personality and history, the sores at the sides of the mouth make him extra defensive about objects around his mouth. He gets so scared, wild-eyed and frantic. My two other pets I could manage hourly doses, but not this little guy.
I take him to the groomer and they do a so-so job brushing his teeth every couple of weeks, but it takes 2 to hold him as they coo to him that he's a good boy. They're very kind and only charge $3 for that, which is amazing to me. Wish I had someone like that by my side all day to do an hourly job squirting something down his throat!
Re the pets drinking water, right now I'm using just an activated drop per quart and it's in a ceramic filtered fountain so they drink a lot more than they would, I think, if I just had it sitting around in a bowl.
How many drops per quart/liter would you recommend?
I have very clean filtered well water, but since there's a charcoal filter in the fountain, I think I need to remove it and switch to distilled.
This way the MMS shouldn't be unintentionally removed and the fountain and pump won't clog up with the natural minerals in the well water.
I read in the book that the one drop isn't enough for a maintenance dose, so I've been doing it without much enthusiasm about it working, without being concerned about the fountain filtering MMS out. But depending on what you advise, I'll try that # of activated drops and get rid of the charcoal in the ceramic fountain. There's no metal in that thing, either, thankfully.
Re dosage, once I read someone's comment on another blog, I think, saying something like "It's easy, just use __ # drops in the water bc of the HCL in the stomach."
It was a lot of drops, I thought, for these little guys, so I researched more to get some confirmation, but didn't find anything.
So I've been sticking with the 1 drop per quart activated with HCL.
So, knowing the number of drops you'd recommend would be great!
Thank you again!