Hello Guys my Name is Sergej, i am battleing Syphilis Stage 2 and am on a 15 Day Antibiotic regimen, with every 12 Hours a Penicillin Pill. I got better so fast on Penicillin.
Here is my question regarding CDS, before I took Penicillin, i was on the Program 1000+, 1-3 ml of CDS + DMSO depending on the ml I took, I was on the Program for 19 Days, the first 10 Days I felt so much better with more energy and was losing a lot of muckus, my Skin got a little better, especially the Areas that I was using CDS on locally. But after 10-12 Days, it seamed that nothing was changing anymore, I didn‘t feel like was getting better, and I could’ve find anywhere how long it would take to heal from Syphilis + the Herxheimer was so annoying, everything was itching like like crazy, my Skin didn‘t get better anymore, yet I want to go to work, but I could’nt. That’s where I went to the Doc, we did the blood Test and started taking Penicillin, 8 Days and I feel so much better and can go to work in 2 Days. I lost my believe in CDS a little, because the Antibiotic really helped, in a short time with no herxheimer reaction at all, but about CDS i don’t know what to think, because It was just stagnated after 10-12 Dasy and I felt horrible.
Any Ideas