Thanks. I did read Jim Humble's book, but MMS and CDS are different (Protocol C (CDS) is a universal, easy to follow protocol with practically no side effects, which makes it indicated for most treatments). I was able to download a copy of Kalcker's book yesterday (thanks to someone on this forum). This is what is says:
What to not eat or drink (on Protocol C):
1. Leave 30 minute intervals before and after meals and 1 or 2 hours before and after taking any prescription drugs.
2. Wait at least four hours before drinking antioxidant juices or, better yet, avoid them altogether.
3. Preferably, do not mix CDS with coffee, alcohol, bicarbonate, Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, orange juice, preservatives or supplements (antioxidants). While these substances don't usually interact, they can neutralize chlorine dioxide's effectiveness.
The book also states that you can add the prepared CDS to a liter of water and drink it over the course of 8 to 10 hours (sip it). I've been taking it for 7 days now with no side effects, so this is my plan for the next 2 weeks.
Best to everyone!