I also tried to inhale ClO2, but I could only tolerste
it up to 5ppm. So you use 3ppm, same order of magnitude and surely some value differing from person to person.
As for prevention and trestment and especially valuable prevention against „opportunistic“ infections after some cough like CoV, inhalation of one inorganic antiseptics .
I found inhalable, according to symptoms we inhaled 5-7x per day or “one intake” when strolling by.
- NO available in every hospital (generators) but what I heard not used preventive for early intervention.
Let us see if SaNOtize will be inhalable.
- PVP-I 10% for mucosa, buffered to ca. pH 6.5, 0.5ml (ca. for 70kg adult) or diluted a bit, where you inhale longer till empty, so same applied dose.
Here you can read up the detailed information on dosing scheme, and other valuable information (my opinion:) for other inhaling agents like below, and if some lung physician is helping through the medicine language …
best: most effective and tolerable:
- HClO Hypochlorite 800ppm 0.5-0.7ml
very pure electrolyitically produced, like Regen*’s Plasma Liqui* (“<800ppm”).
(Insert o and d for the *
To measure it without proper testing stripes for disinfection water testing or a water lab: visit a pool owner, DPD1 does the trick in a cuvette or digital pool meter. 800ppm according to stoechiometry equals 320ppm free Cl, dilute by 1:100 for a (digital) ppm meter mostly giving 0.1-6ppm free Chlorine as a range of measurement, to ca. hit the middle of its range for reasonable (best) precision.
You can let your lung fluid dilute the quite strong 800ppm, this is why a low volume 0.5-0.7 ml is given, probably as some estimated example for average adults 70kg, ask your lung doctor how much the lung SURFACE of a person wanting to inhale may differ from that average. Use publication given for PVP-I if you want to dive deeper. As a hint, we did not and just used it according to mindful observation of our feelings, and did let the children inhale according to their patience, which is lowest for the 10yr (he used perhaps 0.2-0.3 ml per session) and a bit more robust for the elder kids. For little ones we always did a “track and trace” to follow the nose, some TV time is helpful, so here you only have say 1/10 reaching the lungs so inhale a few minutes as patience holds. If sleeping at noon, you can make a fog pool with membrane or ultrasonic (fan enabled for ultrasonic type, won’t spit out any fog without) inhaler and build a “rim” for the fog by rolled cloth eg. and just inhale a round indirectly, we build a stand so the inhaler would not tip over
For longer inhalation sessions like 5-10mins dilute at least to 200-100ppm.
Since family members are impatient, we measured the weight of the battery driven membrane inhaler with a fine scale 1/100 g per digit before and while inhaling, to determine the intake per breath. For adults capable of long and deep inhaling, 1 breath intake is 0,08 ml to give an example, the kids tend to have much lower inhaling times, which is what counts. .
To enhance efficacy, we try to inhale deeply and keep breath, switching the inhaler off, saving fluid and making it more reproducible and precise.
see 2 papers
- H2O2 but not the best for “the” CoV flu.
After 1/2 hr delay, we inhaled, on symptoms, organic antiviral antiallergic healing agents:
- chromolynium or
- cpm
- azelastine each from nasal spray
- hyalurone and panthenole de-scarring and refunctionalizing Post-* but start early
- 10% xylitol (sterilized)
- 0.15% ilta-carrageenan (sterilized)
- in dead sea salt or stone salt water making sum of 0.4-0.9% salt content of the diy part of inhaling fluid.
keep in fridge, heat up to boiling in microwave without any metal lids, screw on and mindfully stir and shake, let air out in between, a bit to heat up lid as well, back in fridge.
Together with c19protocols your are in possession of strong weapons, estimate very high efficacy as all offer some different priciple of action.