I noticed that too on that site, and if I remember rightly, the SSKI is a brand name, and the KI is the chemical composition for Potassium Iodide. There's a few different makers of the Iodine, of course you wouldn't want to use the cheap Iodine found in drug stores for wound dressings..that stuff is strictly for external use... The Lugol's Solution is more popular for internal use..and it's the internal use kind that you'd do a home test with.. There are some cautions with using even the 2% Lugol's internally too, such as if on potassium sparing diuretic's or on other medications, etc...
The last time I made my own up in the kitchen, I was in the dog house for a week, it was so strong that I had to run out to the barn and grab a gas mask I had packed away, and I got brown stains all over the white kitchen counter top and some on the floor too... I had to relive it ever day for awhile until she cooled down a bit..