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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 22 Feb 2012 18:07 #13019

  • Mickey
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Hi Sharon,
People who no longer have a gallbladder need the flush just as much if not more so than others. It is odd I think that people think nothing of changing the oil in their auto but fight the idea of internally cleansing our organs.

I have personally gone from very high liver enzymes and high cholesterol to the low end of the normal range within 6 liver cleanses and lost 30 pounds, an unexpected bonus.  The liver regulates your metabolism, cleans your blood, protects you from poisons, keeps your skin really clear and soft etc....  I found a much shorter way to get the cleanse done.  I juice 4 apples a day in a gallon of distilled water with a couple of ounces of fresh lemon juice and drink one gallon every day for 3 days and then do the flush on the third night drinking 4 ounces of organic extra virgin olive oil and 2 ounces of fresh lemon juice then lie down right away on the right side with two pillows under my hip and be very still for at least 2 hours but really try for 4 hours and watch the stones come out the next day. It's important to not take in anything else except caffine free herbal hot tea along with your daily gallon of apple juice.  This will clean your kidneys, liver and gallbladder.  You will feel years younger within a couple days of finishing your first flush. It's very important that you keep your bowel moving along every single day and the day after the flush to either drink a quart of warm water with 2-3 tsp. of real salt on an empty stomach or do an enema. It's very important to get the stones out of the colon as quickly as possible or they will be reabsorbed and stored once again as stones.

I am pre-diabetic and have had nice morning glucose numbers (85) while doing this cleanse so far and I'm eating lots of fruits and raw veggies. I did the cleanse as above for the first 1.5 years but have learned that I can have raw fruits and veggies, just nothing else for the three days. All eating must stop at noon of the flush day and I stop all fluids by 3PM of flush day or I will feel sick when I flush. The apple juice softens the stones so they can pass easily when the big flush night comes. :-) Whatever you feel while doing it, you should feel marvelous shortly after. My flush night is tonight. :-) 

Here's the best book I've found on this subject;

This site will give you a very short booklet called 'Cleansing or Surgery' that has the shortened version I described above.  It's on their website for free or you can send away for their booklet;
This little booklet lives in my kitchen and is loaded with natural harmless cleanses and natural recipes.  I love their quick homemade sauerkraut!

There are also lots of short videos on this subject on youtube.
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 22 Feb 2012 18:29 #13020

  • ZnzMagic
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Would agree with Michael, finish one protocol before you start another, what kind of liver cleanse do you plan to do anyway.........


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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 22 Feb 2012 18:54 #13022

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Hi there ZnzMagic, I'm doing the cleanse I described above now. This is my 26th. What I got from Michael's post in this thread is that he would go and do them both together if it were him cause he's gusty. Since I like to do a cleanse every 2-3 months to stay clean, it needs to be found out if they can be done together. Tonight I flush. Will post back on this thread if I have success or not. I'm pretty sure I did read in J.H.'s recent book that MMS does clean out the liver/gallbladder and since I did indeed see stones the first week of MMS, that appears to be true. The question remains, does it get them good enough? Tonight's flush and the next one will reveal that answer for me. I'm currently on the protocol 4000 along with the MMS1 maintenance dose (M.D.) of 15 drops once a day. I stopped the 4000 only for this day (flush) and will resume it tomorrow, however, I have not stopped the M.D. at all. No problems so far. :-)

Thanks so much for your comment.
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 23 Feb 2012 19:31 #13049

  • sharon
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I'm definately going to do a cleanse,I think it will be more beneficial than harmful,regardless of my health issues! I do have high ferritin, which indicates inflammation in the blood,which is fed by iron and I have very low iron,so my iron supplements are mainly feeding the inflammation,instead of raising my iron levels and ferritin is stored in the liver!Also,because of my low iron,i cant increase my thyroid meds,as they will pool in my blood if my iron is too low,so catch 22,hence the need for a cleanse,badly I think!

I already have permanent diarrhoea at the moment,even before MMS and think some of it could be caused by consuming coconut oil,which of course is a fat,which I need a healthy liver to "convert" and I am taking ox bile as I have no gallbladder.I take quite a few pills each day and need my liver to process them,even the supps,so I'm straining my liver even more!

Really dont know what to do about the apple juice though,as everything seems to put up my blood sugar levels at the moment,but that could also be a liver issue.And EVERYTHING I eat gives me pain in my back,even though I hardly eat anything and only eat tiny amounts of what I do eat!

I'm going to get the supplies needed and prep myself and need to convert the measurements,as I am in the UK and we dont use gallons etc;) I just ordered the book you suggested,but cant afford the little book of cleanses at the moment and I am definately going to try the different cleanses in the book!I did suggest that my husband try a cleanse and he said no,straight away! Dissapointed is putting it mildly,as he has many issues that would benefit a cleanse for sure:(Thankyou sooo much for your advice and input Mickey and cant wait to hear how your cleanse goes! Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 23 Feb 2012 20:35 #13052

  • Mickey
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The book by Andreas Moritz really gets into the nitty gritty of why we need to clean those organs and even visually diagnosing your body etc… On page 110, he does get into an area called, "People Who Should Not Use Apple Juice" and you may fit into that category. In such cases, he says to replace the apple juice with malic acid in capsule or powder form. The preparation period is the same, except that you'd take 1500-2000 mg. of malic acid with 2 glasses (1 liter) of warm water drinking this solution in small amounts throughout the day. Maybe once your husband reads it he will change his mind and join you on the cleanse. There are many ways of doing the cleanse. I personally have found the one from cleansing or surgery to be the shortest, easiest and most successful of the ones I've tried, at least for me.

I understand your excitement to get started but I think you would have much better success if you read the book by Moritz first because with understanding comes determination and will power to 'get er done!' :-)

Wishing you much success!

After you've become an experienced 'flusher', you might want to try or recommend the one below.

Cleansing or Surgery (the book I always keep on hand in the kitchen)

Here's their free instructions;
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas
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Last edit: by Mickey. Reason: missspelling

Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 24 Feb 2012 05:11 #13064

  • Sue
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My heart goes out for you. I totally agree with Mickey. Knowledge will be your weapon and tool to stay on the healing journey. I have very similar condition to yours; iron deficiency anemia, adrenal insufficiency and thyroid problem.

I didn’t know much about cleansing when I did my first two liver flush. I felt great the next morning and felt pretty sick for days. So I stopped the flush for a while. ( I did Dr. Clark’s then) Later, not only I found out Epsom salt could be very taxing to the adrenal gland, but also found out I should have done parasite/colon cleansing first. After I got those done, I only feel great after the flush.
I have also been doing coffee enema ( I try to do it daily) as one of preparation methods and as “clean up” after wards. I read one lady cured herself with CE along with life style changes. That’s why I started CE and boy I am glad I did. FYI, I am not taking any medication for my conditions.

I haven’t yet read “amazing liver and gall bladder flush” by Andrea Moritz ( I love to, sooner than later) but I read the other book of his. I really like his idea of healings and method. There are a lot of information out there, different prep work, different flush recipes but I think the book will save you a lot of time and effort, not to mention mistakes and sick feelings from them.
Good luck with your journey!
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 24 Feb 2012 05:17 #13065

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I did my flush the other night. I couldn't wait any longer. My body was giving me all the signals that I was over due.
I am so glad I did. I have been feeling horrible nausea with only 0.5~1.5drops/hr.
Today I started with 1.5 drops through out the day and took several doses of 2 drop/hr in the evening, no nausea. ;)
But I still feel very tired though...

I will try 3 drops tomorrow and hopefully can stay that way so that I can complete protocol 1000.

Thanks! Oh how did yours go??
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 24 Feb 2012 08:43 #13069

  • Sky
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Mickey and Sue,

I don't have any personal experience with this, nor any word from Jim, or any testimonials from anyone else who has done it. But if I was considering a flush and proceeding with a protocol, I would keep doing the protocol.

I'm sort of gutsy by nature when it comes to health stuff, because I have been through so much and lived to tell about it. I don't know of any reason why you would need to interrupt your protocol to do a flush.

Watch and see what happens and if you feel you ought to stop the MMS, then you can.


Good advice and I concur Michael. All my advice to my patients on MMS has been the same and no ill affects.

@Sue - detox makes for feeling tired as the process saps energy. Good hydration with rest essential.
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Last edit: by Sky.

Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 24 Feb 2012 16:04 #13089

  • sharon
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Yes,a definate read is what I need,as I havent heard of malic acid,but dont want to upset my diabetes with apple juice!

I would love to buy the booklet and try more flushes,but I cant afford it yet,as they want $14 to ship it!

I cant wait to flush and feel better,I really need it,will benefit from it,even if it makes me feel ill initially,but I feel ill anyway,so a bit more wont hurt.

My 19yr old daughter says she is willing to do a flush,but is worried about getting the immense pain I had when I done my first flush years ago.I told her I didnt prep for it,with apple juice etc,as I wasnt advised to and I had to drink epsom salts,which may not have agreed with me and certainly wasnt advised to rest on my side with pillows!

My husband? Well,thats a whole nother story!Lol! He is stubborn and would be dead in a few years if I hadnt have found out he has hypothyroidism an haemachromatosis amongst other things! I will keep trying,but dont hold out much hope with him.He would benefit immensely,especially as he's a karate and tai-chi instructor,so feeling fit is important,but you can lead a horse to water....

Best wishes sharon
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