I believe that after many years of trying different approaches to remedy symptoms of cardiovascular dis-ease, MMS1 Protocol 1000 w/ additional use of CDS was the obvious therapy that has eliminated my signs/symptoms. I believe all my health troubles began following a root canal procedure on one upper molar in 1992. I recall noticing signs of fatigue and exhaustion after activity in 1996 (age 30). MD diagnosis at time was ventricular tachycardia. I declined their heart ablation 'solution'. Fast forward to 2010, after years of remaining active but limited by severe exhaustion after exercise and overheating, abnormal heart rhythm, cold extremities, poor circulation, and sluggish bowel, I learned about how dangerous and toxic dead teeth/ root canal teeth in the jaw are to our health. 2010 the tooth was properly extracted, but I still had the same issues. In December 2015, I discovered MMS info through another health forum. After reading all the earlier information regarding the bad taste with citric acid, I looked into CDS and used this first at an unknown ppm ( I feel > 3000ppm). Within 24-48 hours of use, I could feel the pathogens in area of upper molar and facial nerves being pissed off/killed. That sensation lasted < one day. I used that for several days, increasing to 5 ml, but at that time not following any protocol. I then followed P115 for 10 days. All the while I got more educated on MMS. I ordered the latest Health recovery manual by JIm Humble. I decided to start all over, after 1week of no use, with P1000 w MMS1 and the starting procedure. I followed that for 3+ weeks. Now I use 3drop maintenance dose 3x per week. As a result my cardiovascular output is much stronger with activity and I feel like my head is now getting proper circulation and oxygen sufficiency. I feel as though I am now recovering from what appears to have been a severe cardiovascular insufficiency and downward spiral towards illness and early death. This has been the most profound change in my health. Only now do I realize how bad my health was, having experienced this greater vitality. Many people would comment on what a model of health I 'seemed' to be. I am very grateful to all of you and individuals like Jim Humble, who think and are not afraid to act outside of the box. I too will share my experience with others who show interest.