I started protocol 1000 on June 29th of this year. I started with MMS1 for about 2 ½ months and then switched over to the use of CDS. It took me more then 2 months to get to the point that I could take a 3-drop dose 8 times a day (in a row). I have had my share of Herxheimer reactions, mainly diarrhoea but also a few times brain fog. For the moment I use a 3-drop maintenance dose 2 to 3 times a day starting after I wake up and normally I do this protocol every day of the week.
I am 48 years and am certainly not a regular visitor of doctors or the pharmacy. I don’t use drugs and most of the drugs that I did had in my medicine cabinet, I just threw them away after having very good results with the use of MMS1 and CDS and hardly any or none results with the drugs from the pharmacy . Before I started with MMS1 I didn’t experience life threatening ailments, but I had my share of discomfort. So below is a list of small ailments and what happened with them after the use of MMS1 and CDS.
1. Toe fungus: Troubled me for years. Daktarin in all its forms helped nothing. With the use of MMS1/CDS it was gone within a week and it hasn’t returned.
2. Sweating foots: Before I really had problems with sweating foots and bad smelling foots: After using MMS1 for a while the sweating and the bad smell went away. I assume that the sweating promoted the toe fungus.
3. Cramps in my calf muscles when I stretched (just like a cat does) after waking: Using MMS1/CDS it is now completely gone.
4. Stabbing pain in the intestines (I have never known what it meant): Using MMS1/CDS it disappeared.
5. Problems after urinating: After urinating it was as if a valve didn’t close well and the urine kept leaking out for a while. I don’t know what it meant (and actually I also don’t want to know!). After using MMS1/CDS it is now gone.
6. Severe stiff neck and shoulder muscles for God knows how long: A lot of visits to different chiropractors in the past resulted in nothing. After using MMS1/CDS my muscles are now just soft. A wonderful feeling I must say. When it is cold now these muscles still feel good. Before the cold used to make my muscles feel even worse then they already were.
7. Problems with my back when trying to sit in a yoga posture for a long time: I just couldn’t keep my back straight. My back always tended to bow so I had to correct my posture many times which brought me out of concentration. I can keep my back straight now after the use of MMS1/CDS.
8. Dry hands: Before I had to take a hydrating balm to get rid of the dry feeling of my hands. This is gone. I must say that I also use diatomaceous earth. So was it MMS1/CDS or the diatomaceous earth who got rid of the problem?
9. Severe bad moods just popping up out of the blue: These sometimes rapid changes in moods has gone after the use of MMS1/CDS.
10. Sore tooth because of a cavity and the resulting inflammation: After the use of MMS1/CDS it disappeared after just a few days. The inflammation is gone, so no pain anymore. The cavity is still there so this tooth is still sensible to cold drinks. PS: This cavity is present now for about ½ year, but the inflammation stays away.
So reading all the above, if you would ask me if I believe in the benefits of MMS1/CDS? I say no, I don’t believe because NOW I KNOW THAT MMS1/CDS INDEED WORKS. And that is a lot more important!!
I must say I still have some discomfort that is present. The cause of this discomfort has nothing to do with pathogens so I can not expect MMS1/CDS to fix it. The discomfort I now experience is:
1. My eyesight is not so good anymore. I use glasses now to read. Hope I can reverse it with nutrition and eye exercices.
2. Lower back pain because of a trauma.
3. Neck pain because of the damage that arthrosis has done over a long period of time.
So that’s all! I hope the above has inspired people. I would say: Get yourself informed, use the information and see the benefits. From doubting, to trying and at last to knowing. So Be That!
By the way, just in case, you never know, I also have bought MMS2, DMSO en blood root salve. You know what they say: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!