Greetings to the Forum. I just wanted to testify that I had a very busy week and my eating program got shifted a bit. I have been off of sugars, breads, and cakes and all that stuff for about 2 full months now and I had a conference to go to and it was not easy to have my own food so I ate what they had there. Somehow my resistance got down or I came in contact with something but I can tell you this. By the way I felt yesterday I know that I go right into a severe sinus infection and cough for weeks until it is all gone. i remembered what I had read on the forum and just started to try the MMS. I activated 3 drops in a glass and breathed it in a bit. Then I drank it with the DMSO and stuck with it through the day. I took a bath which, for some reason, makes my congestion go deep into my lungs but this time was different. I have had a low fever, for which I did not take anything for it, for this is the body's natural mechanism to fight off infection. This morning I can say that I did not have that feeling like you could peel a thick film off of your lungs. I did not feel the heaviness in my lungs like I usually do. I am really feeling like I am already on the road to recovery. I bet anything by tomorrow, I will be 100%. MMS has saved me from three weeks of coughing and possibly three to four days in bed. I am so thankful. I hope this helps someone like it did me. Blessings to you, Deb