Dear ones,
My wife got serveral times (more than 10) to the GP, with complains about soar ears and sinusses. These GP's give her always nose sprays and sometimes antibios. Now, the complains never stopt and we went several times to a specialist. Last time he advised us to see a neurologist. This one concluded the there's a abses in the small brain. Then he decided to send her to an other hospital to let a neurosurgin do a puction in the back of her head to see what kind of bacteries are inside of the abcess. The neurosurgin refused to do so beause she had not much CD4 cells and he concluded that she was too week (that is wat I could here from an other docter later on).
He told me that the punction was not needed, that he gives her medicine for the meuniere illnes.
I am not a docter, but that is compleet nonsence. So she was send to the Univ. hospital in Brussels. Once there the wanted to tread her for tuberculoses. I asked to speak to the docter. He refused to do so. I decided to take her back home.
A friend of mine took us to a docter who is treating the patients with dioxychlor. He could assure us that he would heal her. After several mounts (each time 2 to 3 weeks one infuse with dioxyclor) it was then well then not well.
So, now this game is already going on for 4 mounts. I decided to look for myself for a solution and I discovered MMS. I gave here 4 to 5 dops during 6 to 8 hours and she became better. The cauph and ear infection were completely gone.
Now last week she became very ill in order to not to be able to talk, eat nor drinking. I had to let her bring to the ICU. She was dying. The neurologist told me that the abcess became bigger and that she had some in the big brain too, but that from a neurological point of vieuw that it was not impossible to heal her.
My conclusion:
- All these GP's do not know that an ear infection not well healed can be very dangerous.
- The surgins who didn't wanted to undertake someting are criminals.
- The docter who administrated her some dioxyclor, had to know that one litle infuse every 2 to 3 weeks are absolutely nothing. The dioxyclor doesn't work longer than one hour.
- My late treatment with MMS could not reach the absess on time and was (my opinion)needed to combine with DMSO, because an abcess is an incapsulated infection, and is very difficult to penetrate inside with antibiotics. So DMSO could work with MMS1.
I just received the DMSO, but now I can do nothing while she is in the hospital.
Can somebody tell something about this topic?
Thank you all and God bless you.