do a search for dr linus pauling and minerals
usually you'll see 2 documents, senate doc 264 and linus pauling comments that all chronic illnesses can be traced back to mineral deficiency.
senate document 264 was a heads up to the country we were dangerously low in minerals in the land, therefore the foods no longer have is the common denominator in illnesses.
i'm only 45 days into a 90 day upping my minerals trying to avg 1 dose 3x a day. I feel a bit stronger and so does 86yo mom.
so it is not a gimmick
send for a cpl books by wallach and glidden and read and learn. I probably have 5 books by wallach and 1 by glidden
and all were worthwhile and informative.
I recently came upon MMS and FGHP therapy at the same time. And NOW more recently, I stumbled into old therapies, like turpentine!
And I always support peoples right to choose whichever therapy they see fit to take!
youtube- daniels, why turpentine is good for your health most excellent info with instructions and warnings for proper preparation prior to using turp should you choose to do so.
diamond g in georgia was the best turp I found.
also check out the borax conspiracy about arthritis, worth your time to read.