Problem using MMS2, so i had to stop protocol 2000, need advise what to do next, my next protocol was to try protocol 3000 ?
Allow me to give you the back ground, i been using MMS1 for 2-3 yrs as a maintenance and as a toothpaste successfully, but when diagnosed with parkinson i thought i will try all protocols per Health recovery manual pre release #2, Began from Starting protocol, then protocol 1000 for 2 weeks, then to 1000 plus for 2 weeks, with protocol 2000, trouble came when i start using MMS2 capsule, bad reaction of vomiting and diarrhea occurred with 1/4 MMS2 capsule, so i stopped and rested for a day and reduced the amount to 1/8 of MMS2, now had diarrhea, so i further reduced it to 1/16 of MMS2, same reaction, so i had to stopped protocol 2000. i know it was MMS2 because i was taking mms1 10 drops with it w/o any reaction.only variable was mms2.
my questions: 1) Should i go to next protocol 3000?
2)Is it true that parkinson is not treatable by MMS