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MMS: sodium chlorite (NaClO2) 28%
MMS1 or Activated MMS: chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 05 Oct 2024 22:00 #84162

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I can't seem to find any posts here concerning gastritis - there are one or two testimonials but nothing firm in the forum posts, so I thought I'd ask the question directly as in the subject line.
I've had upper gastric pain for around 3 months-ish now, no GERD, no heartburn just this pain under my left breastbone. "Been there and done that" with the following remedies:

TUDCA - because I suspected a bile reflux or bile flow issue - initial success for a month, but then the pain returned.
Mastic gum and biofilm disrupters (specifically Biocidin Botanicals) - because I suspected an h.pylori infection - no joy

Finally had a stool antigen test and a urease breath test for h.pylori. Both negative. Didn't really want anything put in me, but capitulated and had an endoscopy. Diagnosed with erosive gastritis, so I've been using cabbage juice and zinc l-carnosine for the last 10 days, and there hasn't been any noticeable improvement.

There's nothing in the Jim's Recovery Guide specifically for gastritis. Andreas Kalcker does recommend what he calls Protocol C in his book Forbidden Health

So about to start Protocol 1000 and was wondering if anyone has had any success with treating gastritis, any insights would be very much appreciated.

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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 06 Oct 2024 15:36 #84168

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There are quite a few on the mmstestamonials site. You might want to read thru them. I think it's a good plan to start the protocol 1000 and go from there. My bet is that you will have some success.

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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 06 Oct 2024 17:17 #84171

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Just from personal research, gastritis has many causes aside from bacteria. 

Medicine (Tylenol, pain killers, antacids)
Processed foods (chemicals in food, pesticides, glyphosate)
Wheat (because of pesticide use and GMO)

I would recommend building up your stomach lining through diet and/or supplements before adding MMS1. L-glutamine is sometimes used. I personally eat carnivore diet so lots of eggs, organic beef, and grassfed butter. I can definitely say this has made my skin thicker (I use B12 injections so I know my skin is much thicker). And of course, meat will help repair damage to your stomach lining. Meat contains amino acids including l-glutamine.

I would also see if you can do a food sensitivity test or a hair strand test. It might reveal a food sensitivity that could irritate your stomach lining. 

I would try to eliminate possible irritants to your gut and try to build up your stomach lining prior to using MMS1. 

MMS1 contains acid and supplying more acid to your stomach could be painful. 

Another thing you can do is use a rife machine (also called a frequency generator). The cost is about $25. You would just place the electrodes on your stomach. It is capable of killing off various microbes and parasites. 

I purchased a frequency generator from ali express (little white one--function generator DDS 100) that was $13. 
You'll need:
--BNC cable with alligator clips
--electrode/ tens pads
​(I purchased those off eBay.)

I used directions from Hulda Clark in her book The Cure for all Disease

--generator set to square waveform
--turn up amplifier knob
--set positive offset knob 1/4 of the way
--7 minutes "zapping", 20 minutes rest, repeat 2 more times
-- do daily sessions for 2 weeks or more, until no further improvement

She used 1500 or 25000 frequency. Her zapper on her website used 32000 alternating with 33000.

I personally used frequency 500000. (Be aware some electrodes can give small burns using this high of frequency.)

Hulda Clark's method using the "positive offset" allows you to broadly zap and kill viruses, parasites, microbes without needing the exact frequency for each individual bug. (You can place the electrodes over various body areas. Some areas may be too deep for it to fully penetrate. Hulda Clark does recommend using something internally as well as externally--ex. parasite tincture and zap the parasites with the frequency generator.)

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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 08 Oct 2024 18:27 #84202

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Many thanks for this Cinderella2290.

When you say personal research, did you manage to treat it? Any pointers would be most welcome.

So I've basically tried everything without resorting to PPI's yet:

- I rarely drink, nor do I smoke
- I haven't been on any antibiotics, painkillers or even antacids for over 2 years
- I do my best to avoid processed food, but you never can tell what's in anything claimed to be organic or non GMO etc...
- Parasites? Well, that actually could be the case, suffice to say the endoscopy showed a blank.

The cabbage juice (2 weeks in) should have shown benefit by now. I say should, because many who have used cabbage juice have healed if not partially then completely from gastritis - mostly anecdotal of course, but there are also some successful clinical trials. Cabbage juice is loaded with l-glutamine, choline and sulforaphane, all of which go a long way to heal the gut lining.

Strange you should mention the carnivore thing - what appeared to kick this off was a keto / carnivore diet that I was on. I say appeared, although it could have been a coincidence. So after some research, I initially thought it was a bile issue with all the fats I had introduced, which is why I tried the TUDCA with some initial success.

You mention B12 - I could be deficient, not sure so my doc has thrown in this test along with many other blood tests. This gastritis has come with this weird "whump whump" feeling every now and then in my upper GI / chest area - not palpitations as much, more like a few heartbeats that are "louder". I read up on the whole vagus nerve and gut / brain link and yes, I have been under a great deal of stress recently looking after my folks through the whole COVID and lockdown etc. I'd been told that once the cortisol switches off, I would probably get ill. Been doing Qigong for 2 years now, restarting my parasympathetic nervous system with some success.

I'm waiting for my hair test mineral kit, wholly certain I'm either toxic or deficient in something - not necessarily with regards to the gastritis, just feel completely out of sorts at the moment.

I hadn't come across Hulda Clarke before. Just got my hands on a copy of The Cure For All Diseases, I will check it out. Rife devices are the same as Zappers, yes? Andreus Kalcker is a massive advocate of such devices if you've read Forbidden Health.

Indeed, the Chlorine Dioxide in the protocol will be slightly acidic in water, which is kinda why I posed the question here on the forum. I don't really want to be adding more acid with gastritis, but back to the whole parasite thing and how MMS or Zappers could be remedial - "Inflammation of the stomach lining. Here's your PPI's and Tums, now go away" - that's the best they can do. And before H.Pylori was discovered (it took 10 years before Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were even taken seriously) you would have been fed the same line. Who's knows what it is?

Anyway, enough of my rant. Once again, many thanks for your help here!


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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 16 Oct 2024 12:32 #84359

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My suggestion is to start slow with the MMS with food in your stomach! 1 drop each, see how you feel. MMS works very fast, but my experience is it can burn on an empty stomach. Food will not stop it from working, but it won't burn.
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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 19 Oct 2024 19:14 #84408

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Update - now 3 weeks in to the cabbage juice protocol, and it's like 2 good days out of every 3 with the gastritis. It's an improvement, but the high sugar content in juiced cabbage isn't exactly a plus - like 80g when you juice a large head of it, which will produce the litre that you should drink each day for it's healing properties - can't really go on like this, so I'll give it another week or so.

My issue with not starting the MMS protocol yet has been whether it would irritate the gut lining due to it's slightly acid pH. However, on close study this is not the case. Correctly prepared MMS will have a completely neutral pH. By "correctly prepared" we mean exactly 1 drop (so 0.05 ml) of 28% Sodium Chlorite activated by exactly 1 drop of 4% Hydrochloric Acid which has been allowed to deepen to an ochre colour and then mixed with 120ml of distilled water. This stringent preparation is, in practice, impossible. 

CDS however has a completely neutral pH (assuming that you have obtained it from a reputable source). I've just ordered some and am awaiting delivery. I will update this post when I begin what Andreas Kalcker calls Protocol C, which is what he recommends for gastritis. Protocol C is 10 ml of CDS at 3000 ppm (or 100 ml of CDS at 300 ppm) added to 1 litre of water, which is then drunk at hourly intervals over the course of the day.


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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 20 Oct 2024 02:50 #84415

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MMS1 and CDS are very acidic. I know that AK says throughout his book that CDS has a neutral pH. It may be pH 7 when made, but as soon as it is exposed to ambient air, the pH drops quickly. That is due to CO2 in air. See attached file where AK's director of research at AK's research center in Mexico says that CDS is not pH neutral. 

In the past I have made lots of CDS, CDH and MMS1 solutions for testing purposes. They are all acidic. CDS averages pH 4.5 which is very acidic. MMS1 and CDH are lower. I would not use any of them for teeth brushing. We have a special teeth brushing protocol available. Brushing teeth with an acidic solution can soften tooth enamel. Continued brushing can remove tooth enamel.


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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 20 Oct 2024 06:10 #84418

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Thank you CLO2, this is invaluable to me at the moment and very much appreciated.

You say "MMS1 and CDH are lower" in your second paragraph - do you mean that MMS1 and CDH have a lower pH than CDS, or lower in acidity i.e. a higher pH?

Just being thorough here, as I still intend to try CDS or MMS as a remedy for whatever my condition is. I mean, this appears to be the most atypical of examples of gastritis - whatever I eat seems to make no actual difference as such - I can eat plain and be in pain, or eat rich and spicy and be fine. Still not entirely convinced that it's all down to gastritis - I was diagnosed via an endoscopy as "Gastritis: mild flat erosive with no bleeding. A small, superficial antral erosion", biopsy showed negative for h.pylori etc etc. They want to put me on PPI's as an antacid (proton pump inhibitors, just check out those big pharma side effects, yeah...) and as ever I just don't trust the medical industrial complex.

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Gastritis - has anyone any experience of treating it with MMS? 20 Oct 2024 22:41 #84434

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I also avoided doctors. 

My story is that I began getting very nauseous and had little appetite. I had tried gallbladder/ liver flushes previously, because I had pain in my right side under my rib cage. I took Tudca, kefir, choline, taurine, and digestive enzymes. 

I also was experiencing becoming overly hot, legs got tired going upstairs, heart palpitations/ chest tightness/ hurt to take deep breath, restless legs, extreme fatigue. My legs and arms had very bad nerve pain. I did not realize that this affected my stomach too. (Gastroparesis is a good description of what this is--the nerves that control your stomach muscles are affected.) B12 did help my digestion and food was not sitting in my stomach for hours. (I previously would lift weights daily and do 4 mile trail runs.) 

I figured out I had liver flukes in my liver which is why I had nausea and pain in my side. (I had parasites other places too. I just didn't visibly see those although my stomach would make small rumble noises or have brief nausea at their die-off.)

I also have a virus in my central nervous system which has caused a whole host of other issues. 

I did try MMS1 and that did have a good effect on my stomach. I can't explain it but I could tell digestion was better. If I had gas which was little or not any anyways, it now had zero smell. I mean you'll know if you take MMS1 and need to stop due to your stomach hurting. It sounds like you're in tune with your body. And beef broth is great too for healing the gut. 

You asked if the "zapper" was the same as rife. A frequency generator is the generic term. And you can program or put in whatever number frequency you want to. Hulda Clark's zapper is pre-programmed so it just runs a couple of frequencies. I think her method is very user friendly and works well. 
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