I have the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim Humble, it’s over 300 pages filled with a lot of information. I’ve quickly skimmed through it and I only saw some hair treatments for animals and not so much humans. I was reading in other forums and saw on 4chan posts that people have been using a mixture of DMSO with MMS with good results. They never clarified whether it was applied topically or ingestion. It's my first time taking MMS so I read I'd start with protocol 1000. I never knew it was good for arthritis and I wasn't aware you can't take a lot of substances with it. MMS information tends to get deleted or blocked fairly quickly.
I was wondering what were the instructions or protocol for re-growing your hair on your head and would I start this after protocol 1000? Also, are your capable of using blood electrification or frequency devices when on MMS?
Any information regarding these matters would greatly be appreciated.