My 10 lb cat was nearly put down yesterday. Stopped eating & drinking days ago. Brought her to the vet. Normal labs & was given antibiotic. 24 hrs no change, returned to vet for x-rays. Pictures weren't clear. Vet told me she had fluid in her chest for heart disease. Pointed to a blackened area assumed to be a tumor & also a foggy area she said could be cancer. Treated her with a 12 hr injection for heart disease & we brought her home and was told to prepare to possibly have to say goodbye if unsuccessful. Vet was gonna call in a couple hrs to see if the med worked so we could continue with more at home. No change. Cat was mostly unresponsive, no energy, seemed weak & nearly lifeless. 8 pm that night, with consideration that she hasn't eaten or drank in 4 days at the time, in conjunction with her current state, the vet told us nothing else could be done, and an appointment was made for yesterday to bring her In & put her down. We spent the rest of the evening with her, trying to comprehend what was happening so fast.. saying our goodbyes to our baby girl. I stayed with her all night, trying to coax her to drink by wetting her mouth. She was resisted to let me. After numerous tries, around 3am she refused my attempt again, but suddenly got up & went to her water bowl. For days she would do this but simply look down into it & not drink. This time she took a few small sips. The rest of the night she was getting up & hitting up several water bowls throughout the house, drinking & splashing the water around. Her energy has improved some but still is weak from not eating. Called the vet in the morning & canceled, but they wanted her to come in anyway. She was seen and advised she did look better, more alert & active while still weak and they wanted to give her the 12 hr heart treatment again. More x-rays were taken to contrast the fluid in her chest to see if it was the 12 hr meds that helped but I advised those 12 hrs came & went with no result and I suspected perhaps the antibiotic from the day before may have started working. I denied a 2nd dose of the heart meds. Told her we will wait out the weekend to see how she does so well know if the antibiotics is working. She's still drinking and getting around the house, but still will not eat. We have decided to try MMS. Very new to this world & we desperately need someone to dummy down this process & baby step us through it. My girl I'd running out of time. I have mms here. I have J Humbles book. I tried but cannot follow it. A friend familiar with mms had me mix 1 drops from both bottles, wait 60 seconds, & add 10mls of water to create a dose. This I was told would be done roughly 4 times a day. Looking at the book, it seems it's trying to say something else. I'm so confused. Her issues are not definitively diagnosed. She is critical. I feel I may have seen improvement in her demeanor after 2 doses so far. But I am not certain this is correct dosing. I beg anyone that is able to contact me and dummy-walk me through this. I'm no chemist. The book is not clear to me. Sometimes it refers to water, others distilled. I don't understand ppm talk. I just need to know how many of each drops into how much water to dilute it, how many MLS of that per dose and how frequently. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. She is 10lbs. Please if anyone can email me here & dummy this down for me. I'm desperate. I also suffer TBI from the military. I get confused & forgetful easy. Please bare with me. I am more a visual learner. Not good with books & need someone capable of answering questions. Thank you do much! 🙏Kooch, NH - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.