I'm taking CD/MMS according to the instructions to help me heal my gut and my immune system and I'm confused and unsure if I'm doing it correctly and I'm confused about maintenance. I put 1 drop of each into the shot glass and shook it slightly to mix it well, allowed it to sit for 3 minutes, as instructed by the video I watched and then I poured 6 oz. of distilled water mixed with natural stevia and I poured it into a glass baby bottle, mixed it well and I drank a small amount every hour on the hour. I did it consistently for 3 days, but after talking with my husband, who is helping me do this, we are both concerned about my doing maintenance and doing this protocol correctly to protect my health and safety...we have no doubt at all that it works and we totally support my doing this, but we are very concerned about my doing the maintenance correctly. We read the instructions and concerns about stomach upset and we are having difficulty understanding the instructions. I need to resume taking it asap and I don't know what to do at this point. Please help so I can resume and move forward with this healing protocol, thank you.