Victoria, may God be with you and your family in these tying times. And thank God for the people of Genesis II and others that are trying to make a difference in people's lives through truth and understanding.
MMS and its associated products should be the primary medication to administer in cases of terminally-ill patients. There are, however additional Supplements that can be given in conjunction with MMS, OR if MMS is not possible. These are;
1) High doses of Glutathione (GSM), 15mg per day until all vital signs have subsided
2) Liposomal Vitamin C (Bearing in mind that Vitamin C and MMS not be given in conjunction with each other)
3) Aloe Vera Fillets (Amino Acids, Minerals, Vitamins, etc/Nutrition) by mouth will assist tremendously in overcoming an otherwise life-threatening situation.
I would strongly suggest *(if at allm possible!) getting a ND, Chiropractor, Homeopath or similar to work with you during these times.
I am NO Doctor, but an avid Researcher and wish to God that I could be there, even just for moral support.
God Bless,
Fernel Shaldon Wesley
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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