I have been working with a man about 65 yrs. of age with melanoma through out his body. Besides my mms protocols and others he is seeing a natural path and taking IV treatment. Here is his last update that I received today.
Well, here is hoping you get well soon as the end of January is around the corner and you'll be leaving the restaurant soon.
Firstly, thanks for the book on German Cancer Breakthrough - Guide to Top Clinics. I found it an easy read with excellent therapies and confirmation of many of the things I was doing.
As for me: I am still following all of your protocols and to the letter. Alkalizing, MMS, magnet, etc. I am taking all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc recommended by the Naturopath; staying alkaline and avoiding the acidic foods. I get my intravenous mixture of Vit C, B, K, alphalipoic acid and DCA twice a week - on these days I do not take MMS. For breakfast I have Budwig and supplements; lunch is Budwig, raw green leaf vegetable juice and supplements; while dinner is Budwig, juice again, supplements, spinach or cabbage salad with apple cider vinegar, and protein (1 of hard boiled egg or boiled fish or coconut oil fired grass-fed steak). I get my fruit via blueberries or apples in the Budwig. This is all I have been eating for 4+ months. From my reading, research and/or Naturopath input/approval, I am self injecting Mistletoe; taking PectaSol and HanoPure, Ave-Ultra, Green tea extract, curcumin. I am eating prunes and taking organic molasses to keep my iron and red blood cell count high. I walk 3-5 miles daily, work out 3 times a week at the the gym lifting weights for an hour. My drinking water is RO treated through my Santiva filter (raises the ph to 8+) while my shower water is filtered through a shower head to remove all the chlorine. My urine ph runs 6.5-8.5 depending on the time of day.
My change in life style resulted in me dropping some weight initially, but it has has been stable for the last several months. I sleep fine, have a good appetite, feel good and folks say I look great and have a super attitude. Many tell me I don't like someone with Stage IV or ask me where I have pain (to which I say "I don't have any").
Last night in Toronto I had a full spinal MRI to check for any new developments in my mid section.
So I am staying the course and feeling good.