hi all , im new to this forum and would like to ask a question if i may : i have been using mms1 for around 6 months now to great satisfaction for quite bad candida growth i have had for many years , i tested positive on a vega machiene for alot of different food sources the major ones were yeast , wheat , gluten , diary and sugar and began an appropriate diet which i have suck to religously , i have many chronic issues the worst being my stomach , prostate , epdidymis and my thyroid but i also have parasite issues where i have managed to expel some over the months since using mms and am a big supporter of this product . all of my symptoms were reduced to a more easyier to deal with thankx to the mms .
my question being is for the last few weeks i been having symptoms that i havent had before such as arthritis like pains in my hands and knees which seems to be progressing and asthma like breathing issues , i regularly take around 16 drops per day with the dmso in water and as of last friday i started to experience flu like muscle aches headaches and my stomach / guts been bad plus i came up with a sore on the skin of my testicle so i began the protocol 1000+ thinking i may be coming up with staph or something and the last few days my entire body has become in a state where everything is hurting and my prostate feels as if its under a severe infection along with the epididymitis , plus i keep waking at night not just to urinate i awake anyway now , im hungry all the time especially after a meal like an hour later im eating again and my emotional state is terrible im in fear , anxiety depressed feel as if i wana die and my dreams have been so strange aswell , fevers shaking livers hurting abit - does anyone think that i maybe going through an intense die off from parasites or somthing ive herxed on candida many times but not like this - i went to my gp and had bloods done and everthing was normal and he couldnt figure me out - thing is im so confused about what is happening and if i should slow down or conitnue and tough it out , really what im after is a little advise and if anyone has experinced such a reaction before , sorry for the long rar rar but i thought if i explain it all in detail then it would be easier for whoever responds to understand what i mean . thanx i look forward to a response .