I can relate to this post very well. Lots of people complaining about medical issues and I although I'm learning to WAIT and not share my alternative methods until I feel they are okay to share it with I still got serious eye rolls and people looking at me like I'm just nuts with the bleach. Lol To be honest it's not just the MMS either, even CPTG essential oils someone didn't want to hear that either. They would rather keep their pharma drugs and see specialist after specialist...I have so much to continue learning about MMS but I will tell you one thing and this is the truth, I have been sick with either strep, flu,cold sores, allergies, even month long head colds and knock on wood since using MMS I have not had one of these! I know I haven't been using it very long but I'm telling you I was catching everything and this is HUGE for me. My boyfriend even comments how well I'm doing. I think the combo of the MMS baths and teeth/gum rinse have also help kill plenty of bacteria helping my immune system perhaps...?? I'm so thankful to MMS and everyone here that those nay sayers can stand in line getting all their flu shots and I guess like Pam says IF someone asks for help or what am I doing to be healthier then I shall share but I'm learning to just heal my own household and that I can't help those who just arn't ready.